使 footmisc 与 manyfoot 或 bigfoot 协同工作

使 footmisc 与 manyfoot 或 bigfoot 协同工作







\setlength{\marginparwidth}{2cm}% adjust to your document's needs


Hello\footnote{This is some text in the margin that should break and everything.}
World\footnoteB{And some more text that should go to the margin as well and behave like
the other footnote.}.


Hello\footnote{This is some text in the margin that should break and everything.}
World\footnoteB{And some more text that should go to the margin as well and behave like
the other footnote.}.




以下是我改编 Ulrike 的回答:






Hello\sidefootnoteA{This is some text in the margin that should break and everything.}
World\sidefootnoteB{And some more text that should go to the margin as well and behave like
the other footnote.}.


Hello\sidefootnoteA{This is some text in the margin that should break and everything.}
World\sidefootnoteB{And some more text that should go to the margin as well and behave like
the other footnote.}.



它确实将注释放在了边缘,并且它很好地处理了计数器 A(它是数字),但是计数器 B 并没有减少,所以我最终得到了d最后一个注释。








Hello\sidefootnote{This is some text in the margin that should break and everything.}
World\sidefootnote{And some more text that should go to the margin as well and behave like
the other footnote.}.

