


我想A。与昨天一样{w | w begins ...,我找到了一个使用一些命令来设置的解决方案subsection title,但今天我找不到它,因为我不记得命令名称了。如果能提供参考链接,我将不胜感激。谢谢。






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    colorlinks, linkcolor={medium-blue},
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\title{\textbf{Solution for Chapter 1}}


\setlength{\cftsecnumwidth}{3em} % Set numwidth of section
\setlength{\cftsubsecnumwidth}{6em} % Make subsection numwidth the same as section
\setlength{\cftsubsecindent}{\cftsecindent} % Make subsection indent the same as section


    \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{1.1}The following are the state diagrams for two DFAs, $M_1$, and $M_2$. Answer the following question 
    about each of these machines.}

    The following are the state diagrams for two DFAs, $M_1$, and $M_2$. Answer the following question 
    about each of these machines.\\

    \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt, node distance=2cm,auto,on grid,initial text=, every state/.style={minimum size=3mm,draw=blue!50,very thick,fill=blue!20}]
            \node[state,initial]    (q_1)                           {$q_1$}; 
            \node[state,accepting]  (q_2)   [right=of q_1]          {$q_2$}; 
            \node[state]            (q_3)   [below right=of q_1]    {$q_3$}; 

            (q_1) edge  [bend left]     node {a}        (q_2)
            (q_1) edge  [loop above]    node {b}        (q_1)

            (q_2) edge  [bend left]     node {a,b}      (q_3)

            (q_3) edge  [bend left]     node {a}        (q_2)
            (q_3) edge  [bend left]     node {b}        (q_1);  
            \node [below=1cm, align=flush center,text width=8cm] at (q_3)

            \node[state,initial,accepting]  (q_1)                   {$q_1$}; 
            \node[state]             (q_2)  [right=of q_1]          {$q_2$}; 
            \node[state]             (q_3)  [below=of q_1]          {$q_3$}; 
            \node[state,,accepting]  (q_4)  [below=of q_2]          {$q_4$};

            (q_1) edge  [bend left]     node {a}        (q_2)
            (q_1) edge  [loop above]    node {b}        (q_1)

            (q_2) edge  [bend left]     node {a}        (q_3)
            (q_2) edge  [bend left]     node {b}        (q_4)

            (q_3) edge  [bend left]     node {b}        (q_1)
            (q_3) edge  [bend left]     node {a}        (q_2)

            (q_4) edge  [loop below]    node {b}        (q_4)
            (q_4) edge  [bend left]     node {a}        (q_3)           
        \node [below=1cm, align=flush center,text width=8cm] at (q_3)


    \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\numberline{}a. What is the start state?}
    What is the start state?\\
        $M_1$ start states: $q_1$\\
        $M_2$ start states: $q_1$\\

    \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\numberline{}b. What is the set of accept states?}
    What is the set of accept states?\\
        $M_1$ accepting states: $q_2$\\
        $M_2$ accepting states: $q_1, q_4$\\

    \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\numberline{}c. What sequence of states does the machine go through on input $aabc$}
    What sequence of states does the machine go through on input $aabc$?\\
        $M_1$: $q_1 \rightarrow q_2 \rightarrow q_3 \rightarrow q_1 \rightarrow q_1$\\
        $M_2$: $q_1 \rightarrow q_1 \rightarrow q_1 \rightarrow q_2 \rightarrow q_4$\\

    \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\numberline{}d. Does the machine accept the string $aabb$?}
    Does the machine accept the string $aabb$?\\
        $M_1$: No because the last state $q_1$ is not an accepting state.\\
        $M_2$: Yes because the last state $q_4$ is an accepting state.\\

    \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\numberline{}e. Does the machine accept the string $\varepsilon$?}
    Does the machine accept the string $\varepsilon$?\\
    No, both of them do not accept string $\varepsilon$.



