在我的论文中,我讨论了图像处理掩码,这是一个与某些图像大小相同的矩阵,但其中图像满足某些条件的部分为 1,而其他部分为 0。我想知道用数学方法描述这种矩阵的好方法是什么?
例如,假设我有两幅灰度图像 Z1 和 Z2,以及一个矩阵 M_BothSat,当两幅图像都高于某个饱和度阈值 t_OS 时,该矩阵的值为 1。我该如何描述 M_BothSat,以便
- M_BothSat 是什么很清楚。
- 对于工程硕士论文来说,该符号在数学上足够严谨。
- 我可以在将来定义更多的掩码,而不会引入歧义或与之前的掩码相冲突的定义。
我意识到这更像是一个数学问题而不是 Latex 问题,但我相信这是获得答案的最佳场所。
\documentclass[12pt, oneside]{report}
\textbf{Option 0}
This option uses a combination of plain english and math equation. It works nicely for here, but I'm going to define a series of logical masks $\mat{M}$, and seems it will be confusing to redefine $m_{i,j}$ repeatedly.
The areas \textit{saturated in both} images are given by the set $\mat{M}_{BothSat}$ of logical values $m_{i,j}$ such that
m_{i,j} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if} \quad z_{i,j,1} > t_{OS} , z_{i,j,2} > t_{OS} \\
0 & \text{if} \quad \text{else}
\textbf{Option 1}
This expresses what I'm trying to say: $\mat{M}_{BothSat}$ is a matrix the same size as $\mat{Z}$, with ones where $\mat{Z_1}$ and $\mat{Z_2}$ are both less than some threshold $t_{OS}$. However, to my eye this looks horrible. with the two opening squiggly braces. If the one beginning the cases could be made thinner, so that the one closing the overall set is less ambiguous, that might work. }
\mat{M}_{BothSat} = \left\{ m_{i,j} | m_{i,j} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if} \quad z_{i,j,1} > t_{OS} , z_{i,j,2} > t_{OS} \\
0 & \text{if} \quad \text{else}
\textbf{Option 2}
This tries to say the same thing, but breaking it apart into two equations. Will this option be confusing if I define a series of different masks $\mat{M}$ with equations like this where each one contains a line defining $m_{i,j}$? }
\mat{M}_{BothSat} = \left\{ m_{i,j} \right\} \nonumber
\\m_{i,j} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if} \quad z_{i,j,1} > t_{OS} , z_{i,j,2} > t_{OS} \\
0 & \text{if} \quad \text{else}
\endarray\right\}% \right\lrack
\mat{M}_{BothSat} = \left\{ m_{i,j} | m_{i,j} = \begin{closedcases} 1 & \text{if} \quad z_{i,j,1} > t_{OS} , z_{i,j,2} > t_{OS} \\
0 & \text{else}
二值图像可以表示为一组坐标 (x, y)。对于您的情况:
\[ M_\text{BothSat} = \left{ (i,j) \mid z_{i,j,1} > t_{OS}, z_{i,j,1} > t_{OS} \} \]
\newcommand*{\Cases}{\begin{cases} 1 & \text{if} \quad z_{i,j,1} > t_{OS} , z_{i,j,2} > t_{OS} \\ 0 & \text{if} \quad \text{else}
= \BoldLeftBrace m_{i,j} | m_{i,j}
= \Cases \RightBrace,