仅更改图形的数学字体(包括图形内的 TikZ 环境)

仅更改图形的数学字体(包括图形内的 TikZ 环境)

在我的文档中,我希望主文本times和数学公式都使用txfonts字体。我可以借助该txfonts包来实现这一点。但是,我希望一切在我的图中显示为无衬线字体,包括数学。到目前为止,我已经能够将文本字体更改为无衬线字体,但我还想将数学字体更改为无衬线字体,无论是在标题中还是在图形本身中(我使用 TikZ)。


%This package is used to get sans serif for regular text in captions.
%This package is used to get times for the main text and txfonts for math.
Main text is supposed to be times. Math in main text is supposed to be     txfonts: $1+1=3$.
%Here I invoke the font option to make text within TikZ sans serif.
\node at (0,0) {Sans Serif}; 
\node at (0,1) {Sans Serif Math: $5=3$}; 
\caption{Figure caption text is supposed to be sans serif. Math in figure   capture text is supposed to be sans serif: $3+1=4.5$.}


您可以使用sansmath包装结合floateveryhook包仅更改图形中的数学。此解决方案继承了sansmath包实现的与 sans math 相关的所有问题。(有关详细信息,请参阅其文档。)

%This package is used to get sans serif for regular text in captions.
%This package is used to get times for the main text and txfonts for math.
\usepackage{float} % to easily modify floats
\usepackage{etoolbox} % nice command patching
\usepackage{sansmath} % sans serif math
\usepackage{everyhook} % nice \every... patching
% restyle figures to make \everymath=\sansmath (float package)
% undo the change to \everymath at the end of the figure (etoolbox)

Main text is supposed to be times. Math in main text is supposed to be     txfonts: $1+1=3$.
%Here I invoke the font option to make text within TikZ sans serif.

\node[draw] at (0,0) {Sans Serif}; 
\node[draw] at (0,1) {Sans Serif Math: $5=3$}; 
\caption{Figure caption text is supposed to be sans serif. 
 Math in figure   caption text is supposed to be sans serif: $3+1=4.5$.}

This is some math after the figure $3 + 2 = 5$. It is back to serifs.




With amsmath:
\[ \mathbf{bf\ Bold\ 3+5=8} \]
\[ \mathrm{rm\ Roman\ 3+5=8} \]
\[ \mathcal{cal\ Caligraphy\ 3+5=8} \]
\[ \mathsf{sf\ Sans\ Serif\ 3+5=8} \]
\[ \mathtt{tt\ Truetype\ 3+5=8} \]
\[ \mathit{it\ Italic\ 3+5=8} \]

还有 Blackboard Bold 字体(数学,用于表示数字系统)、Fraktur(数学) 和欧拉脚本 (手稿

