我正在将内部报告从手动创建的 PDF 文件转换为乳胶文件。而且,在大多数情况下,我可以在页面上获取信息,但格式化比我预期的要困难。我已经能够使用 longtable 包进行基本设置,并使用 colortbl 进行条纹处理。但我还没有弄清楚如何将描边放在页面标题的上方和下方,或者格式化页面顶部的区域。
和包用于生成表格。除了使用 包,您booktabs
\usepackage{lipsum} % just to generate some text
% some space
% definition of the page style with required header and footer
{\footnotesize\bfseries\TSpace Balance Payments Report -- National}
{\footnotesize\bfseries Generated by UserName \today\hspace{2cm}\thepage\TSpace}
\setfoot{\footnotesize\bfseries\TSpace Reference Code: SH1SP1SD1DS20110426DE20110426GB3OB1DN1234}{}{}
% using sans serif font in the document
\multirow{2}{*}{\huge\bfseries Balance Payments} & #1--#2
& Grouped by Region, and ordered by Date / Time \\
& Restricted to Historical, Pending &
% command for writting the first two lines of the payments (Midwest, and Date, Customer Name, etc.). The mandatory argument declares the region: "Midwest", or "East"
\large\bfseries #1 \\ \arrayrulecolor{gray!70}
\small\bfseries Date & \small\bfseries Customer Name
& \small\bfseries Number & \small\bfseries Sales Rep Name
& \small\bfseries Balance & \small\bfseries Payment Method
& \small\bfseries Total \\
% command for writting the four last rows (Totals for Midwest, Checking Account, Credit Card and Net Total). Arguments: region, check. acc. total, credit card total, net total.
Totals for #1 \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\hspace{10pt}\footnotesize Checking Account} &&&&& #2 \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\hspace{10pt}\footnotesize Credit Card} &&&&& #3 \\
Net Total &&&&&& #4 \\
04/26/2011 & Jones, Mark & 100 & Smith, John & 48.50 & Credit Card & 0.50\\
04/26/2011 & Jones, Mark & 100 & Smith, John & 48.50 & Checking Account & 0.50\\
04/26/2011 & Jones, Mark & 100 & Smith, John & 48.50 & Credit Card & 0.50\\
04/26/2011 & Jones, Mark & 100 & Smith, John & 48.50 & Checking Account & 0.50\\
04/26/2011 & Jones, Mark & 100 & Smith, John & 48.50 & Credit Card & 0.50\\
04/26/2011 & Jones, Mark & 100 & Smith, John & 48.50 & Checking Account & 0.50\\
04/26/2011 & Jones, Mark & 100 & Smith, John & 48.50 & Credit Card & 0.50\\
04/26/2011 & Jones, Mark & 100 & Smith, John & 48.50 & Checking Account & 0.50\\
\large\bfseries Grand Totals \\\arrayrulecolor{gray!70}
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\hspace{10pt}\footnotesize Checking Account} &&&&& 1.00 \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\hspace{10pt}\footnotesize Credit Card} &&&&& 1.00 \\
Net Total &&&&&& 2.00 \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\scriptsize 8 transactions accounted for.}