我正在用 LaTeX 撰写我最新的作业。
不幸的是,我的讲师给我的副本在 LaTeX 中无法“开箱即用”。
原来的:http://pastebin.tlhiv.org/7m9aiLWK 我的版本:http://pastebin.tlhiv.org/qgLkJU7T
! Paragraph ended before \document was complete.<to be read again>\parl.69
非常感谢 marcellus 帮助我实现这个功能(FreeNode 上的#latex):
\item Negate the sentence $$\exists x\, \left(\forall y\, \left(Qx \wedge \left(\left(-Px \vee Qx\right)
\rightarrow Qy\right)\right)\right)\,.$$
Your final answer may involve $-Px$, $-Qx$, $-Py$ and $-Qy$, but should not use $-$ in any other context.
\item Write down the negation of the statement
\exists x \in \mathbb{Z},\left(\exists y \in \mathbb{Z}, \left(\left(\left(x+1\right)^2 > y^2\right)
\rightarrow \left(x \ne y\right)\right)\right)
Which, if any, of the two statements is true?
\item Suppose the universal set $\mathcal{E} = \{x \in \mathbb{N} \mid\ x \le 12\}$. Let $A = \{x\ \mid\ x \text{\ is\ odd}\}$,
$B = \{x\ \mid\ x > 7\}$ and $C = \{x\ \mid\ x$ is\ divisible by $3\}$.\newline
Write the each of following sets in enumerated form, then depict each using a Venn diagram.
\item $A \cap B$
\item $B \cup C$
\item $\overline{A}$
\item $(A \cup \overline{B}) \cap C$
\item $\overline{A \cup C} \cup \overline{C}$
\item Show that $\overline{\overline{A} \cap B} = A \cup \overline{B}$, using the laws of sets.
\item In a class of 35 students, there are 12 students who can speak German and 5 students who can speak Japanese. If 2 students can speak both
of these languages, how many students in the class can speak neither language? Justify your answer by constructing some appropriate sets and
considering their cardinality.
\item With the aid of a Venn diagram, find an expression for the cardinality of $A \cup B \cup C$, for any sets $A,B,C$.
\item Show that $G=(V,E)$ has no Hamiltonian cycle,
where $V=\{\,a,b,c,d,e,f,g\,\}$ and
\item Prove that $G=(V,E)$ has no Eulerian walk,
V&=\{\,a,b,c,d,e,f\,\} \text{ and}\\
Show that it is possible to add one edge to $G$ to form a graph that does have an Eulerian walk, and find such a walk.
\item %\bookmark%
Here is a weighted graph. The numbers in the table give
the weight of the edge joining each pair of vertices. Use Prim's
algorithm to find a minimal spanning tree in this weighted graph.
Then use Kruskal's algorithm to do the same thing.
% $$
% \paste{pics/assign2tbls}1
% $$
The %\paste%
command above includes the output of the following code to typeset the table, produced with yet another tex variant.
% \boxedtables
% \sides
% \table
% \tss \g(10pt)\cmath\Black\g(10pt)\rt7{&\g(10pt)\cmath\g(10pt)}\\ \hl
% |b|c|d|e|f|g|h\\ \hl
% a|18|4|37|93|28|46|55\\ \hl
% b|\g(-10pt)\Gray\vrule width28pt\g(-10pt)\Black|47|12|9|51|72|63\\ \hl
% c|\xx2\g(-10pt)\Gray\vrule width57pt\g(-10pt)\Black|65|82|11|44|33\\ \hl
% d|\xx3\g(-10pt)\Gray\vrule width85pt\g(-10pt)\Black|94|17|61|56\\ \hl
% e|\xx4\g(-10pt)\Gray\vrule width114pt\g(-10pt)\Black|29|73|38\\ \hl
% f|\xx5\g(-10pt)\Gray\vrule width142pt\g(-10pt)\Black|31|5\\ \hl
% g|\xx6\g(-10pt)\Gray\vrule width171pt\g(-10pt)\Black|59\\ \hl
% \endtable