这基本上是之前问题的延续。我设法(强力)解决了大多数问题。这个问题影响了目录、目录和第一页之后的章节页的后续页。我认为从始至终都是同样的问题。如您所见,后续页的页眉与其余文本的间距为单倍,而且间距不正确。与以前一样,所有文本必须从页面顶部 1.0 英寸处开始。提前感谢您的帮助。
.tex 代码:
\DoubleSpacing % memoir's double spacing
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\parindent 0pt % sets leading space for paragraphs
\maxtocdepth{subparagraph} % put everything into the ToC
\section{Background and Motivation}
\section{Why ?}
\section{Why not ?}
\subsection{Qualitat ave Qequirements}
\section{Qualitat ave Qequirements}
\section{Qualitat ave Qequirements}
\section{Qualitat ave Qequirements}
\section{Qualitat ave Qequirements}
\section{Qualitat ave Qequirements}
\section{Qualitat ave Qequirements}
\section{Qualitat ave Qequirements}
\section{Qualitat ave Qequirements}
\section{Qualitat ave Qequirements}
\PackageError{pwasu}{The pwasu package only works with the memoir class}{\@ehd}}
% Some useful lengths for layout purposes
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%% top of header at 1in, first text line double spaced below base of header
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%% for continuation pages of the ToC, LoF, LoT, LoS
%% chapter style
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%%% (subsub)section styles
%%%% Do the ToC
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