

我说的“推荐人”指的是推荐信的作者,例如,这份简历的最下面, http://pages.uoregon.edu/bwebster/NSA-CV.pdf 有4个人。

有人能指出一个有这个“参考”部分的简历模板吗?或者我应该使用什么功能来实现这种效果?(2 个人同时在同一个区块)我在网上找到了很多简历模板,但没有一个有这个部分。


使用 中的一些片段moderncv.cls,我整理出了一个新条目类型\cvdoublecolumn和一个宏\cvreference。它们将允许您像示例中那样使用 CV 文档类排版参考资料moderncv。如果你不熟悉moderncv,有一个大示例文件展现出很多可能性。

Astrinus 的编辑:我已经用 替换\cvline\cvitem如下所示,以方便复制和粘贴。



% Define \cvdoublecolumn, which sets its arguments in two columns without any labels


% usage: \cvreference{name}{address line 1}{address line 2}{address line 3}{address line 4}{e-mail address}{phone number}
% Everything but the name is optional
% If \addresssymbol, \emailsymbol or \phonesymbol are specified, they will be used.
% (Per default, \addresssymbol isn't specified, the other two are specified.)
% If you don't like the symbols, remove them from the following code, including the tilde ~ (space).

    \textbf{#1}\newline% Name



\subsection{set in separate rows}

\cvdoublecolumn{\cvreference{Nicolai Reshetikhin}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {University of California}
    {Berkeley, CA 94720-3840}
    {[email protected]}
    {\cvreference{Mikhail Khovanov}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {Columbia University}
    {990 Broadway}
    {New York, NY 10027}
    {[email protected]}

\cvdoublecolumn{\cvreference{Roman Bezrukavnikov}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}
    {77 Massachusetts Avenue}
    {Cambridge, MA 02139}
    {[email protected]}
    {\cvreference{Tom Braden}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {University of Massachusetts}
    {Amherst, MA 94720-3840}
    {[email protected]}

\subsection{set in one row only (like your example)}

\cvdoublecolumn{\cvreference{Nicolai Reshetikhin}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {University of California}
    {Berkeley, CA 94720-3840}
    {[email protected]}
    \cvreference{Roman Bezrukavnikov}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}
    {77 Massachusetts Avenue}
    {Cambridge, MA 02139}
    {[email protected]}
    {\cvreference{Mikhail Khovanov}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {Columbia University}
    {990 Broadway}
    {New York, NY 10027}
    {[email protected]}
    \cvreference{Tom Braden}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {University of Massachusetts}
    {Amherst, MA 94720-3840}
    {[email protected]}




minipage我建议将s 和混合使用tabular。例如:

\usepackage{marvosym} % For cool symbols.


% Referee 1
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
% Referee 2
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
\\ % Additional newline for spacing.
% Referee 3
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}


