biblatex 速记和 Biblatex authortitle

biblatex 速记和 Biblatex authortitle

我在使用 Biblatex Authortitle 时遇到问题。我试图定义与样式相关的速记字段。我使用的程序 (Citavi) 创建了 Gozzoli The Writing of History 等速记。但是,每当我使用该样式时,标题都会不显示斜体,作者姓名和标题之间也没有逗号。我对引用的想法是将作者姓氏用小写字母表示,然后是逗号,然后是书名用斜体表示,文章标题用双引号表示。对于参考书目,实际样式至少目前还行。我浏览了 Biblatex 手册,但我没有找到这样做的方法,谷歌搜索也没有帮助。我是一名埃及古物学家,试图在该领域使用 XeLateX,所以请原谅我这个问题是否有点平庸。


\documentclass[11pt]{memoir} % for a long document
author = {Gozzoli, Roberto B.},
year = {2000},
title = {The Statue BM EA 37891 and the Erasures of Necho II's Names},
pages = {67–80},
paginationtype = {page},
volume = {86},
journaltitle = {JEA},
shorthand = {Gozzoli The Statue BM EA 37891},
usera = {Yes},
userb = {Statue BM EA 37891}

author = {Gozzoli, Roberto B.},
year = {2006},
title = {The Writing of History in Ancient Egypt during the First Millennium BC(ca.   1070-180 BC). Trends and Perspectives},
volume = {6},
publisher = {Golden House Publications},
shorthand = {Gozzoli The Writing of History in},
location = {London},
series = {Golden House Studies},
usera = {Yes},
userb = {Writing of History in Ancient Egypt}

author = {Gozzoli, Roberto B.},
year = {1995},
title = {The Nubian War Texts of Psametichus II: An Essay of Explication},
pages = {46–49},
paginationtype = {page},
volume = {25},
journaltitle = {JSSEA},
shorthand = {Gozzoli The Nubian War Texts of},
usera = {Yes},
userb = {Nubian War Texts}

author = {Gozzoli, Roberto B.},
year = {1997},
title = {La campagna nubiana di Psammetico II e i testi di frontiera saitici},
pages = {5–16},
paginationtype = {page},
volume = {38},
journaltitle = {DE},
shorthand = {Gozzoli La campagna nubiana di Psammetico},
usera = {Yes},
userb = {La campagna nubiana}



reign.\footnote{\textcite{Gozzoli.1995,Gozzoli.1997,Gozzoli.2000}The two articles     about    the Nubian texts, originally treated in the     dissertation,\Parencite{Gozzoli.2006b,Gozzoli.1995}
The second part is a list of royal documents or documents dated to Psammetichus II's     reign.\footnote{\autocite{Gozzoli.1995,Gozzoli.2006b}.}


嗯,问题是 Citavi 生成的shorthand字段会覆盖样式的“正常”引用行为biblatex。因此,最好的解决方案是告诉 Citavi 不要使用自动速记。如果您需要更短的标题,则应使用该shorttitle字段。我不太熟悉 Citavi,但据我所知,biblatex最近添加了支持。因此,导出应该是可自定义的,因此应该可以省略shorthand导出中的字段。如果不是,我会认为这是一个 Citavi 错误。无论如何,在这种情况下,我会向Citavi 支持论坛(包含德语和英语部分)。

编辑: 现在我更好地理解了您的问题,我可以给出一个您想要的输出的最小示例。如前所述,使用shorttitle代替shorthand并省略名称(只给出标题的简短形式)。小写名称可以通过 实现\renewcommand*{\mkbibnamelast}[1]{\textsc{#1}}

author = {Gozzoli, Roberto B.},
year = {2000},
title = {The Statue BM EA 37891 and the Erasures of Necho II's Names},
pages = {67--80},
paginationtype = {page},
volume = {86},
journaltitle = {JEA},
shorttitle = {The Statue BM EA 37891}
author = {Gozzoli, Roberto B.},
year = {2006},
title = {The Writing of History in Ancient Egypt during the First Millennium BC (ca.   1070-180 BC). Trends and Perspectives},
volume = {6},
publisher = {Golden House Publications},
shorttitle = {The Writing of History in},
location = {London},
series = {Golden House Studies}
author = {Gozzoli, Roberto B.},
year = {1995},
title = {The Nubian War Texts of Psametichus II: An Essay of Explication},
pages = {46--49},
paginationtype = {page},
volume = {25},
journaltitle = {JSSEA},
shorttitle = {The Nubian War Texts of}
author = {Gozzoli, Roberto B.},
year = {1997},
title = {La campagna nubiana di Psammetico II e i testi di frontiera saitici},
pages = {5--16},
paginationtype = {page},
volume = {38},
journaltitle = {DE},
shorttitle = {La campagna nubiana di Psammetico}








顺便说一句,如果您使用footnote-dw(或authortitle-dw),则可以通过包选项 实现小写名称namefont=smallcapsbiblatex-dw有关详细信息,请参阅包文档。
