变音符号的转义码“{u}”给出“Runaway 参数?”错误

变音符号的转义码“{u}”给出“Runaway 参数?”错误

我在 .bib 文件中使用转义码\"{u}来表示变音符号“ü”。但是,当我编译文档时,出现以下错误:

Runaway argument?
{Phonetische studien. Zeitschrift f\}. \par \end {thebibliography} 
! File ended while scanning use of \emph .

其中变音符号“ü”应该位于“Zeitschrift für ...”中。


\documentclass[letterpaper, 12pt, onecolumn, notitlepage]{article}
\usepackage[margin = 1in]{geometry} % set margins
\pagestyle{myheadings} % page numbers in top right corner
\linespread{1.6} % double spacing throughout the document
\usepackage[hang, flushmargin]{footmisc} % no indent in footnotes
\usepackage{lmodern} % font
\usepackage{linguex} % for \ex. (numbered examples)
\usepackage{tipa} % for \textipa (IPA symbols)
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % for \uline
\renewcommand{\textipa}[1]{{\fontencoding{T3}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont#1}} % this prevents the \textipa command from trying to employ lmodern (which it cannot do). The effect is only that a warning message about it won't appear.
\usepackage{natbib} % package for bibliography
\bibpunct{}{}{,}{a}{}{,} % punctuation for citations
\date{} % date is not printed with title




