






下面是使用es 和包中的环境重新定义\chapter命令(如中实现)的解决方案:book.cls\parboxleftbarframed



  \def\FrameCommand{{\color{myyellow}\vrule width 2pt depth 6pt} \hspace{10pt}}%
  \MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}%

\def\@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne



\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX}
\chapter{Beginning to learn design with HTML}
\setcounter{page}{13}% just for the example
\chapter{Beginning to learn design with HTML and some other text to span more than one line in the ToC}




我对我的第一个解决方案做了一些改进和补充。现在加载时不会出现任何问题hyperref(我以前的解决方案与hyperref);现在在 ToC 元素的修改是在标题目录包;我还为节和小节条目添加了重新定义。




    {\color{myyellow}\vrule width 2pt depth 6pt}\hspace{1em}}%
    \MakeFramed{\parshape 1 0cm \dimexpr\textwidth-6em\relax\FrameRestore}\vskip2pt%




\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX}
\section{This is a test section}
\subsection{Long subsection title and some other text to span more than one line}

\newpage\setcounter{page}{123}% just for the example

\chapter{Beginning to learn design with HTML and some other text to span more than one line in the ToC}
\section{This is a test section}
\subsection{Long subsection title and some other text to span more than one line}





% definition of some personal colors

% command for the circle for the number of part entries
\newcommand\Circle[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] 
  \node[draw,circle, text width=18pt,line width=1pt] {#1};}

% patching of \tableofcontents to use sans serif font for the tile
% patching of \@part to typeset the part number inside a framed box in its own line
% and to add color

%  {\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\thepart\hspace{1em}#1}}
%  {\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\addvspace{20pt}}
%    \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\huge{\protect\color{myyellow}%
%      \setlength\fboxrule{2pt}\protect\fbox{\protect\parbox[c][1em][c]{1.5em}{%
%        \hfil\thepart\hfil%
%      }}%
%    }\\[2ex]\color{myred}\sffamily#1}}{}{}

% this is the environment used to typeset the chapter entries in the ToC
% it is a modification of the leftbar environment of the framed package
    {\color{myyellow}\vrule width 2pt depth 6pt}\hspace{1em}}%
    \MakeFramed{\parshape 1 0cm \dimexpr\textwidth-6em\relax\FrameRestore}\vskip2pt%

% using titletoc we redefine the ToC entries for parts, chapters, sections, and subsections



\part{Designing with \LaTeX}

\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX}
\section{This is a test section}
\subsection{Long subsection title and some other text to span more than one line}

\newpage\setcounter{page}{123}% just for the example

\part{Designing with HTML}

\chapter{Beginning to learn design with HTML and some other text to span more than one line in the ToC}
\section{This is a test section}
\subsection{Long subsection title and some other text to span more than one line}









% colors to be used

% a modification of the leftbar environment defined by the framed package
% will be used to place a vertical colored bar separating the page number and the
% title in chapter entries
  \def\FrameCommand{\textcolor{myyellow}{\vrule width 2pt depth 6pt}\hspace*{15pt}}%

% a command to circle the part numbers
\newcommand\Circle[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] 
  \node[draw=myyellow,circle, text width=18pt,line width=1pt,align=center] {#1};}

% redefinition of the name of the ToC

% redefinitions for part entries
    \hbox to \textwidth{\hss\Circle{\textcolor{myyellow}{#1}}\hss}%

% redefinitions for chapter entries




% redefinitions for section entries
  \hskip1em\hbox to \@pnumwidth{{\cftsectionpagefont #1\hfill}}}

% redefinitions for subsection entries
  \hskip1em\hbox to \@pnumwidth{{\cftsubsectionpagefont #1\hfill}}}



\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\textcolor{myred}{Test Unnumbered Part}}
\part*{Test Unnumbered Part}


\part{Designing with \LaTeX}
\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX}
\section{A test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Test unnumbered section}
\section*{Test unnumbered section}

\newpage\setcounter{page}{123}% just for the example

\part{Designing with HTML}
\chapter{Beginning to learn design with HTML and some other text to span more than one line} 
\section{Another test section}

\chapter*{Test Unnumbered Chapter}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Test Unnumbered Chapter}






  1. \StartMark命令必须放在每个 \chapter 命令之前,并且\EndMark必须放在将包含在目录中的章节的最后一个部分单元之后:

  2. 与章节相关的部分单元可能会出现分页符,并且会自动处理。

  3. 该代码至少需要运行三次。



% colors to be used

% a command to circle the part numbers
\newcommand\Circle[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] 
  \node[draw=myyellow,circle, text width=18pt,line width=1pt,align=center] {#1};}

% redefinition of the name of the ToC

% redefinitions for part entries
    \hbox to \textwidth{\hss\Circle{\textcolor{myyellow}{#1}}\hss}%

  \ifnum \c@tocdepth >-2\relax
       \let\@cftbsnum \cftpartpresnum
       \let\@cftasnum \cftpartaftersnum
       \let\@cftasnumb \cftpartaftersnumb
       \advance\memRTLleftskip\@tempdima \null\nobreak\hskip -\memRTLleftskip

% redefinitions for chapter entries




% redefinitions for section entries
  \hskip1em\hbox to 4em{{\cftsectionpagefont #1\hfill}}}

% redefinitions for subsection entries
  \hskip1em\hbox to 4em{{\cftsubsectionpagefont #1\hfill}}}


% length to be used when drawing a line from the top of the text area

% length to be used when drawing a line to the bottom of the text area

% auxiliary counter to place labels

% Adds a mark and a label at the beginning of each chapter entry in the ToC and draws a line 
% from the start of the chapter to the bottom of the text area if the mark 
% for the chapter ending lies in a different page than the one from the end of the chapter.
% (the value of tjose pages is calculated using the label)
% Must be used right before each \chapter command
    \protect\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,baseline]   
    \protect\node [anchor=base] (s\thechapmark) {};%
    \ifnum\getpagerefnumber{st\thechapmark}=\getpagerefnumber{en\thechapmark} \else
    \protect\draw[myyellow,line width=3pt] let \protect\p3= (s\thechapmark),%
      \protect\p4 = (current page.south) in %
      ($ (4em,\protect\y3) + (0,-1ex) $) -- ($ (4em,\protect\y4) + (0,\protect\the\Myfoot)$);\fi

% Adds a mark and a label at the end of each chapter entry in the ToC and draws a line from 
% the top of the text area to the ending of the chapter if the mark 
% for the chapter ending lies in a different page than the one from the start of the chapter
% if both marks are in the same page, simple draws a line connecting the marks
% (the value of tjose pages is calculated using the label)
% Must be used right after the last sectional unit (that will go to the ToC) belonging to 
% a chapter
  \protect\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,baseline]   
  \protect\node [anchor=base] (e\thechapmark) {};
  \protect\draw[myyellow,line width=3pt] let \protect\p1= (s\thechapmark), \protect\p2=(e\thechapmark) in ($ (4em,\protect\y1) + (0,-1ex) $) -- ($ (4em,\protect\y2) + (0,2ex) $);
  \protect\draw[myyellow,line width=3pt] let \protect\p1= (e\thechapmark), \protect\p2=(current page.north) in ($(4em,\protect\y2) + (0,-\protect\the\Myhead)$) -- ($ (4em,\protect\y1) + (0,1.5ex) $);



\part{Designing with \TeX\ and \LaTeX}

\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \TeX}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section }
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\subsection{A test subsection with a long title spanning more than one line in the table of contents}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}

\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX}
\section{A test section with a long title spanning more than one line in the table of contents}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\subsection{Another test subsection}
\section{A test section}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Test unnumbered section}
\section*{Test unnumbered section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}

\newpage\setcounter{page}{123}% just for the example

\part{Designing with HTML}
\chapter{Beginning to learn design with HTML and some other text to span more than one line} 
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section with a long title spanning more than one line in the table of contents}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}

\chapter{Beginning to learn design with HTML and some other text to span more than one line} 
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection with a long title spanning more than one line in the table of contents}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}

\chapter{Test Appendix}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section with a long title spanning more than one line in the table of contents}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}


获得的 ToC:

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述









\par\protect\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,baseline]   
  \protect\node [anchor=base] (s\thechapmark) {};%
    \protect\draw[mycolor,line width=3pt] 
      let \protect\p3= (s\thechapmark),%
            \protect\p4 = (current page text area.south) in %
      ( $ (0em,\protect\y3) + (-20pt,-5ex) $ ) -- 
      ( $ (0em,\protect\y4) + (-20pt,-5pt) $ );

\par\protect\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,baseline]   
  \protect\node [anchor=base] (e\thechapmark) {};
    \protect\draw[mycolor,line width=3pt] 
    let \protect\p1= (s\thechapmark), 
          \protect\p2=(e\thechapmark) in %
    ( $ (0em,\protect\y1) + (-20pt,-5ex) $ ) -- 
    ( $ (0em,\protect\y2) + (-20pt,2ex) $ );
  \protect\draw[mycolor,line width=3pt] 
  let \protect\p1= (e\thechapmark), 
        \protect\p2=(current page text area.north) in 
  ( $ (0em,\protect\y2) + (-20pt,5pt) $ ) -- 
  ( $ (0em,\protect\y1) + (-20pt,2ex) $ );

\setcounter{page}{123}% just for the example



\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}

\chapter{Beginning to learn design with HTML}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}

\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX\ again}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}

\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX\ again}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}
\section{This is a test section}


生成的 ToC 的图像:



以下是使用 ConTeXt 的解决方案:

\define[3]\myTOC{% #1=chapter number, #2=chapter text, #3=page
    {\ssd #3\hskip.4em}
    {{\rm\sc Chapter #1}\\#2}

\setuplist [chapter]


\placelist [chapter]

\startchapter [title=Beginning to learn design with ConTeXt]

\startchapter [title=Beginning to learn design with HTML]





该命令\setuplist在第一个参数中定义列表的布局,这里chapter.alternative=none告诉系统您不需要预定义样式,而是使用command定义外观的自定义 。我将页码设置为两位数,否则会造成混淆,哪个数字属于页面,哪个数字属于章节计数。


我已经对 Marco 提出的解决方案进行了打包 (1),以允许使用带星号的命令版本\chapter,以及 (2) 防止有时(在 Marco 的解决方案中)在页码和章节标题之间出现错误的分页符。为了实现后一个目的,我将包含 \parbox\thecontentspage环境的 包装leftbarminipage环境中。



    {\color{myyellow}\vrule width 2pt depth 6pt}\hspace{1em}}%
    \MakeFramed{\parshape 1 0cm \dimexpr\textwidth-6em\relax\FrameRestore}\vskip2pt%



这是一个埃托克实施。这基本上是抄袭Gonzalo Medina 的回答我对其进行了一些改编,并将其翻译成了etoc语言版本。

它与 hyperref 完全兼容,并且需要通常的三次运行才能获得正确的目录(包括页码)。

警告:奇特的格式是仅有的用于目录。正文\part的 、\chapter\section是标准格式。要自定义它们以使其看起来类似于 TOC 对应部分,可以使用titlesec


此外,代码可以与memoir类一起编译。(*)但是请参见代码注释:特别是如果想要允许没有章节的单独章节(就像在目录中添加一个类似章节的条目用于目录本身的情况memoir一样\tableofcontents ),必须使用(注释掉的)更复杂的 etoc 章节样式,其技术原因将在其中进行解释。

(*) 这是必需的,可以说,只要检测到,\etocsetlevel {appendix}{0}就应该默认执行此操作。etocmemoir

该设计有一个用户可调整的参数\tocmargin,即长度,这里设置为5.4em 在命令调用中具有值(以默认大小的默认 sans 字体计算)\etocsettocstyle

代码通过惩罚措施来避免出现位置错误的分页符。最后一次编辑是我尽最大努力来控制这些分页符的。这framed.sty使得在由其定义的任何环境的开头都有分页符成为可能,因此,很难避免章节与紧接在前的部分标题分离。我在部分和小节之间添加了一些小的垂直粘连,以鼓励在那里进行分页。\tocmargin 在某些情况下,调整值可以解决恼人的分页符问题(我在页面较短的压力情况下对其进行了测试)。



漂亮的 toc 1 漂亮的 toc 2 漂亮的 toc 3


% debugging page breaks, but too short pageheight gives bad page breaks
% anyhow, despite my best efforts


% definition of some personal colors

% command for the circle for the number of part entries
\newcommand\Circle[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] 
  \node[draw,circle, text width=18pt,line width=1pt] {#1};}

%% (jfbu) This defines an adjustable length, which gives the position of the
%% section and subsection from the left document margin.
% Its value is set in the \etocsettocstyle command below, after \sffamily

% USE OF framed package

% modified (jfbu): it took me a while to settle on that way of using the
% framed package. Initially I had as in Gonzalo Medina's code
% a \parshape, but it applies only to one paragraph (this was from his
% code where the left bar applied only to the chapter entries of the
% toc, not the sections and subsections). Besides, I had some problems
% with disturbing page breaks in certain circumstances, and these
% problems seem to be gone now, I needed to do adjustment to \hsize from
% inside the chapter style. This is all gone now.
  {\def\FrameCommand {\hspace{\dimexpr\tocmargin-4pt\relax}%
           {\color{myyellow}\vrule width 2pt depth 6pt}\hspace{2pt}%
    \MakeFramed {\leftskip\tocmargin\rightskip\tocmargin\FrameRestore}}


   {\nobreak\etocskipfirstprefix }
   {\pagebreak[3]}% makes a page break before a Part favorable
   {% debugging:
    % \noindent\rule{\tocmargin}{1pt}\par
    %          \rule{\dimexpr2\tocmargin\relax}{1pt}\par

% totalement instable: passer de 2ex à 2.5ex suffit à tout bouleverser!
% toutes choses égales par ailleurs.


% don't break immediately after Part
   {\nobreak\etocskipfirstprefix }
% but allow break after section or subsection
    % it seems that framed's code too easily allows a page break 
    % if some vertical glue is here, so let's use a \kern
% use of \parbox, else framed.sty has a tendency to allow page breaks if
% multi-line name
      {\Large\textsc{\small \etoclink{Chapter~\etocthenumber}}%
%\\* does not do what I want. \par\nobreak does.
% But as we are now in \parbox, does not matter

% it is **complicated** because \etocname etc.. loose their meaning if one
% closes a group in the third ("prefix")  or fourth ("contents")
% arguments to \etocsetstyle. Thus, we have to save them before
% issueing \end{tocleftbar} to close the previous left bar environment.
% Although the code mentions \etocthelink, etc, it works also if
% hyperref is not loaded.
% \etocsetstyle{chapter}
%    {\nobreak\etocskipfirstprefix}% don't break immediately after Part
%    {\pagebreak[2]}% but allow break after section or subsection
%    {\global\let\ETOCthepage\etocthepage
%                    \global\let\ETOCthename\etocthename
%                    \global\let\ETOCthenumber\etocthenumber
%                    \global\let\ETOCthelink\etocthelink
%     \ifintocleftbar\end{tocleftbar}\fi%
%     \kern\baselineskip
%     \begin{tocleftbar}
%       \intocleftbartrue
%       \makebox[0pt][r]{\smash{\parbox{6em}%
%                        {\null\hfill\Huge\bfseries\color{myred}%
%                         \ETOCthelink{\ETOCthepage}%
%                         \hspace*{8pt}}}}%
%       \parbox[t]{\dimexpr\hsize-2\tocmargin\relax}
%       {\Large\textsc{\small \ETOCthelink{Chapter~\ETOCthenumber}}%
% %\\* does not do what I want. \par\nobreak does.
% % But as we are now in \parbox, does not matter
%       \par\ETOCthelink{\ETOCthename}\rule[-\baselineskip]{0pt}{0pt}}%
%       \par
%       \normalsize\leftskip\dimexpr\leftskip+3em\relax
%     }
%    {\ifintocleftbar\end{tocleftbar}\fi}

\etocsetstyle {section}
% avoid break after Chapter
% allow break after previous subsection or section
  {\vspace {1pt plus .2pt minus .2pt}}
   \hspace{0.5em}\nobreak{\itshape\color{myred}\etocpage}\par }

% IMPORTANT: this is ALSO executed if the last thing
                   % before the next chapter is a subsection

\etocsetstyle {subsection}
% avoid break immediately after section
  {\vspace {1pt plus .2pt minus .2pt}}%
  % {\etocskipfirstprefix}
  % {\pagebreak[2]\etocskipfirstprefix}% allow break after previous subsection
   \hspace{0.5em}\nobreak{\itshape\color{myred}\etocpage}\par }

          \leftskip 0pt\parindent 0pt }{}

  % for memoir class: (does no harm otherwise) [Nota Bene: this should
  % perhaps be done automatically by etoc when it detects the memoir
  % class, for better compatibility]
\etocsetlevel {appendix}{0}


% Use \tableofcontents* for memoir class, as the TOC itself should not
% appear as a Chapter in the TOC. The * works also with book/report+etoc
% but does nothing. 

% With memoir and without *, the TOC defines a  not-very aesthetic
% chapter entry in itself and one must un-comment the more complicated
% etoc style for chapter above.

% debugging
% \hrule


\part{Designing with \TeX\ and \LaTeX}


\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \TeX}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\subsection{A test subsection with a long title spanning more than one line in the table of contents}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection with a long title spanning more than one line in the table of contents}

% If this is un-commented the more sophisticated chapter style must be used.
%\chapter{A lone chapter without any sections}

\chapter{Beginning to learn design with \LaTeX}
\section{A test section with a long title spanning more than one line in the table of contents}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\subsection{Another test subsection}
\section{A test section}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Test unnumbered section}
\section*{Test unnumbered section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}

\newpage\setcounter{page}{123}% just for the example

\part{Designing with HTML}


\chapter{Beginning to learn design with HTML and some other text to span more than one line} 
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section with a long title spanning more than one line in the table of contents}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}

\chapter{Beginning to learn design with HTML and some other text to span more than one line} 
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection with a long title spanning more than one line in the table of contents}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}


\chapter{Test Appendix}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section with a long title spanning more than one line in the table of contents}
\section{Another test section}
\subsection{A test subsection}
\section{Another test section}
\section{Another test section}

