
使用 LyX,如何制作一个 6 列表格,其中第二行有多行文本?我正在尝试在 LyX 中创建以下布局:
我正在使用适用于 Mac 的 LyX 2.0。
补充一些关于 LyX 方面的事情:
您可以通过选择“插入 --> 表格...”或单击工具栏上的按钮来创建表格。在这两种情况下,您都可以选择表格的列数和行数。假设您创建一个有 6 列和 2 行的表格,那么您将得到如下内容:
您需要删除表格中的大部分行,因此首先选择所有单元格,然后单击 LyX 窗口底部工具栏上的相应按钮(至少在我的安装中工具栏出现在那里):
按照 cmhughes 的步骤,您可以设置列宽。您可以右键单击单元格,选择更多 --> 设置,然后在相应的文本框中输入宽度。
我认为您必须对每一列都执行此操作,但我可能错了,因为我并不经常使用 LyX。
您要在设置中执行的另一件事是转到边界选项卡,然后选择“正式”样式。这将使 LyX 使用booktabs
,cmhughes 在他的回答中描述了这一点。
您可以通过点击表格工具栏左下方的添加行按钮或使用键盘快捷键向表格添加更多行。在 Windows 上,快捷键为Alt+ M, W I,IE,按住Alt并按下M,然后松开并输入WI。 (在您的 Mac 上可能有所不同,但它可能会显示为工具提示,然后将鼠标悬停在按钮上。)
我不太清楚 Lyx 方面的情况,但这里有一些代码可以帮助你入门。
\textbf{Topic 1} & \textbf{Topic 2} & \textbf{Topic 3} & \textbf{Topic 4} & \textbf{Topic 5} & \textbf{Topic 6}\\ \hline
here is some text & text & 0923 0923 0923 & some more text goes here & and some more text goes here & and yet more here \\ \hline
\textbf{Topic 1} & \textbf{Topic 2} & \textbf{Topic 3} & \textbf{Topic 4} & \textbf{Topic 5} & \textbf{Topic 6}\\
here is some text & text & 0923 0923 0923 & some more text goes here & and some more text goes here & and yet more here \\
我希望留下一个示例,即以文本文件的形式实现推荐解决方案的 LyX 文件。
#LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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\begin_layout Title
An Example of a Table with Six Columns
\begin_inset Newline newline
With Paragraphs in Cells
\begin_layout Author
Denis J.
\begin_layout Date
\begin_layout Standard
On the question
\begin_inset Quotes eld
Using LyX, how can I make a six column table with the second row having
multiple lines of text?
\begin_inset Quotes erd
made on Stack Exchange, the best answer showed how to build a table with
LyX, without saying clearly that when you specify columns widhts, you get
multiline cells.
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Standard
This is an excercise building a table, following those instructions.
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="5" columns="6">
<features rotate="0" booktabs="true" tabularvalignment="middle" tabularwidth="15cm">
<column alignment="left" valignment="top" width="3cm">
<column alignment="left" valignment="top" width="0pt">
<column alignment="left" valignment="top">
<column alignment="left" valignment="top">
<column alignment="left" valignment="top">
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\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
Col 1
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
Col 2
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\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
Col 3
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
Col 4
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
Col 5
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
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\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell multirow="3" alignment="left" valignment="middle" bottomline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
Permite incluir varias filas
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
Para crear un título
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
para dos filas,
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
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\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" bottomline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\size small
luego insertar filas.
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" bottomline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" bottomline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" bottomline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" bottomline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Standard
The actions I did, were:
\begin_layout Enumerate
Insert -- Table
\begin_layout Enumerate
Fix the column widh AND the total size.
\begin_inset Newline newline
Select all the cells.
Access the table configuration menu, with 'Edit, Table Configuration, Table
Configuration, Complete table configuration -- Width (set a number)'.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Adjust the borders.
\begin_layout Enumerate
First, supress all the borders.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Later, select first row and apply top and bottom border, using the table
\begin_layout Enumerate
Select the last row and apply a bottom border.
\begin_layout Enumerate
If you see too much space between rows, supress any aditional space given
in 'Table configuration -- Borders -- Additional space'.
\begin_layout Enumerate
As an aditional configuration, later, I selected cells C1R4 and C1R5, and
with the context menu, select 'more -- multiline', and you get a cell that
combine both cells.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Select all the cells and
\series bold
\size small
change the font size
\series default
\size default
, with 'Edit -- Personalized -- Size -- select small'.