



我仍在处理这些文档,文件.bib正在发生变化。它由Icculus 参考资料

有没有办法按照我喜欢的方式进行编号?我还没有尝试过,但我认为一种方法是创建一个.bib包含我想要使用的所有参考文献的文件,然后对它们进行编号,而不管它们在当前文档中的用途。问题是,当我更改一个参考文献的首次出现时,我必须更改文件中 bibtex 条目的顺序.bib,这不是很方便。




通过使用 中的某些钩子etoolbox,我所需要做的就是找出在哪里拆分参考书目,然后在文件中包含两个单独的参考书目。(我将所有这些内容和文件中序言的副本.bbl放在本地样式文件中,这样在撰写论文时就不必担心它了。)

\documentclass[aps, prl, twocolumn]{revtex4-1}

\usepackage{etoolbox} % Provides ability to hook into thebibliography
\makeatletter         % Some cmds have @ in them.  Not needed if in a .sty file
\newcounter{firstbib} % New counter: keeps track of the next first number 

  % Insert the first portion of the .bbl file here defining any formatting
  % macros

% Can't use \AtBeginEnvironment for the next bit since that is too early.
% We need to set the counter *after* the \thebibliography command is used.
  \setcounter{NAT@ctr}{\value{firstbib}} % Use this for natbib and revtex
  %\setcounter{enumiv}{\value{firstbib}} % ... or you might need to use this
}{}{}  % These args are for errors handling: see etoolbox docs


\title{A Great Paper (with Supplementary Material)}

  This demonstrates using two bibliographies with continuous numbering, but
  separation into a main bibliography and a supplementary bibliography.

First write the paper with a single bibliography and cite everything as
normal. Then, when finished, manually split the \texttt{.bbl} file in two at
the appropriate place and include each portion in its own environment.
Adjust the counters as needed.  Here is a reference in the main text:

% Use these as needed when working, and use bibtex.

% Insert the first portion of the .bbl file here:
  W.~Zwerger, ed., \emph{The BCS--BEC Crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas},
  Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol.~836 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg,
  2012) \makeatletter

\section{Supplementary Material}\noindent
Here is some supplementary material.  You can refer to the original
references~\cite{Zwerger:2011} or include new references~\cite{Forbes:2012}.

  M.~M.~Forbes, S.~Gandolfi, and A.~Gezerlis, Phys.~Rev.~A \textbf{86},
  053603 (2012)




您可以尝试使用\nocite命令(参见维基百科条目简要解释一下)...还有一个\nocite{*}命令可以列出整个bib文件(参见TeX 常见问题解答)。

编辑:参考我下面的评论...我想出了一个丑陋的Python 脚本可以完成这个任务:

import re

# input and output files
input = 'in.tex'
output = 'out.tex'

# remove duplicates whilst preserving order
def uniq (seq):
    seen = set ()
    seen_add = seen.add
    return [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen_add (x)]

# pattern to look for
pat = '((\\cite)|(\\citet)|(\\citep)|(\\citet\*)|(\\citep\*)|(\\citeauthor)|(\\citeauthor\*)|(\\citeyear)|(\\citeyearpar)|(\\citealt)|(\\citealp))(\[.*?\])?\{(.*?)\}'

# get the file
f = open (input)
#read it into i
i = f.read ()
# close it
f.close ()

# get the list of references, with no duplicates, and preserving order
ms = uniq ((','.join ([(list (x))[-1:][0] for x in re.findall (pat, i)])).split (','))

# initialize output to empty string
o = ''

# for every reference...
for m in ms:
  # generate \nocite command
  o += '\\nocite{' + m + '}\n'

# open output file
f = open (output, 'w')
# write output away
f.write (o)
# close it
f.close ()

根据需要更改inputin.tex)和output( ),通过 Python 运行它,您将按照它们在输入文件中首次出现的顺序获得 s。out.tex\nocite

希望能帮助到你! ;)

编辑 2:更改正则表达式以支持给定的所有引用类型在此 Wikibook 条目中
