最终目标是将表格放在 8.5 x 11 的纵向页面上,并使重要性星号直接接触相关性的右侧。 我还尝试使用以下命令将第一列换行到下一行:
我确信修复很容易,但是我对 LaTeX 还不太熟悉。
我已经在 Google 上搜索了一段时间,但感到很沮丧。提前感谢您的帮助。
\abstract{This is an example of of an abstract in APA. }
\title{A Template for APA Papers}
\shorttitle{APA: A Template}
\date{\today} % or \date{24Jan11} for example
\caption{Correlations, means and standard deviations Of model variables}
\multicolumn{7}{l}{Charter Schools} \\
measure & mean & \makebox [.8cm][c]{sd} & \makebox [.8cm][c]{1} && \makebox [.8cm][c]{2} && \makebox [.8cm][c]{3} && \makebox [.8cm][c]{4} \\
1. Percent Passing Reading & 0.469 & 0.199 & & & & &&& \\
2. Percent Minority & 0.888 & 0.214 & -0.385 & & & &&& \\
3. Percent Free \& Reduced Lunch & 0.722 & 0.203 & -0.181 & & 0.326 & & && \\
4. Enrollment & 679.880 & 192.984 & -0.063 && -0.168 & & 0.183 && \\
5. Percent Teachers $<$ 3yrs Experience & 0.274 & 0.150 & -0.223 & & 0.252 & & -0.316 & & -0.283 \\
\multicolumn{7}{l}{Districts} \\
1. Percent Passing Reading & 0.634 & 0.1393 & & & & &&& \\
2. Percent Minority & 0.163 & 0.2374 & -0.470&*** & & &&& \\
3. Percent Free \& Reduced Lunch & 0.337 & 0.2106 & -0.732&*** & 0.512&*** && & \\
4. Enrollment & 11866.793 & 18847.8328 & -0.388&*** & 0.715&*** & 0.498&*** & \\
5. Percent Teachers $<$ 3yrs Experience & 0.056 & 0.0347 & -0.374&*** & 0.064 & & 0.310&*** & 0.114 \\
\multicolumn{7}{l}{*Note *p$<$.05, **p$<$.01, ***p$<$.001} \\
\caption{Correlations, means and standard deviations Of model variables}
\multicolumn{7}{l}{Charter Schools} \\
measure & mean & \makebox [.2cm][c]{sd} & \makebox [.2cm][c]{1} & \makebox [.2cm][c]{2} & \makebox [.2cm][c]{3} & \makebox [.2cm][c]{4} \\
\noindent 1. Percent Passing Reading & .47 & .20 & & & & \\
\noindent 2. Percent Minority & .89 & .21 & -.38 & & & \\
\noindent 3. Percent Free \& Reduced Lunch & .72 & .20 & -.18 & .33 & & \\
\noindent 4. Enrollment & 679.88 & 192.98 & -.06 & -.17 & .18 & \\
\noindent 5. Percent Teachers $<$ 3yrs Experience & .27 & .15 & -.22 & .25 & -.32 & -.28 \\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{Districts} \\
\noindent 1. Percent Passing Reading & .63 & .14 & & & & \\
\noindent 2. Percent Minority & .16 & .24 & -.47*** & & & \\
\noindent 3. Percent Free \& Reduced Lunch & .34 & .21 & -.73*** & .51*** & & \\
\noindent 4. Enrollment & 11866.79 & 18847.83 & -.39*** & .71*** & .50*** & \\
\noindent 5. Percent Teachers $<$ 3yrs Experience & .056 & .035 & -.37*** & .06 & .31*** & .11 \\
\multicolumn{7}{l}{*Note *p$<$.05, **p$<$.01, ***p$<$.001} \\
\usepackage{array} % loaded by booktabs, but included here for explicitness
\newcolumntype{L}{@{}l@{}} % a left column with no intercolumn space on either side
\newcommand{\mc}[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} % shorthand macro for column headings
\abstract{This is an example of of an abstract in APA.}
\title{A Template for APA Papers}
\shorttitle{APA: A Template}
\date{\today} % or \date{24Jan11} for example
\caption{Correlations, means and standard deviations of model variables}
\multicolumn{7}{l}{Charter Schools} \\
\multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace{1em}}l}{Measure} & \mc{mean} & \mc{sd} & \mc{1} && \mc{2} && \mc{3} && \mc{4} \\
1. Percent Passing Reading & 0.469 & 0.199 & & & & &&& \\
2. Percent Minority & 0.888 & 0.214 & -0.385 & & & &&& \\
3. Percent Free \& Reduced Lunch & 0.722 & 0.203 & -0.181 & & 0.326 & & && \\
4. Enrollment & 679.880 & 192.984 & -0.063 && -0.168 & & 0.183 && \\
5. Percent Teachers $<$ 3yrs Experience & 0.274 & 0.150 & -0.223 & & 0.252 & & -0.316 & & -0.283 \\
\multicolumn{7}{@{\hspace{1em}}l}{Districts} \\
1. Percent Passing Reading & 0.634 & 0.1393 & & & & &&& \\
2. Percent Minority & 0.163 & 0.2374 & -0.470&*** & & &&& \\
3. Percent Free \& Reduced Lunch & 0.337 & 0.2106 & -0.732&*** & 0.512&*** && & \\
4. Enrollment & 11866.793 & 18847.8328 & -0.388&*** & 0.715&*** & 0.498&*** & \\
5. Percent Teachers $<$ 3yrs Experience & 0.056 & 0.0347 & -0.374&*** & 0.064 & & 0.310&*** & 0.114 \\
\multicolumn{7}{l}{*Note *p$<$.05, **p$<$.01, ***p$<$.001} \\
笔记:在意识到 apa6e 文档类对 LaTeX 的默认行为引入了一些重要的修改,并且结合 apa6e 文档类的这些特性对于 OP 来说至关重要之后,我修改了下面的答案。
最后,我想附和其他评论者的观点,即如果打印的有效数字更少,表格的信息内容和可读性会更好。例如,如果所有列都只显示 2 位而不是 3 位小数,则不会丢失任何实质性内容,但实际上可能会更容易理解信息。
\abstract{This is an example of of an abstract in APA. }
\title{A Template for APA Papers}
\shorttitle{APA: A Template}
\date{\today} % or \date{24Jan11} for example
\caption{Means, standard deviations, and correlations of model variables}
& Measure
& \multicolumn{1}{r}{mean}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{sd}
& \multicolumn{4}{c@{}}{correlations}\\
& & & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1{.}}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{2{.}}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{3{.}}
& \multicolumn{1}{c@{}}{4{.}}\\
& Charter Schools \\
1{.} & Percent Passing Reading & 0.469 & 0.199 \\
2{.} & Percent Minority & 0.888 & 0.214 & -0.385 \\
3{.} & Percent Free \& Reduced Lunch & 0.722 & 0.203 & -0.181 & 0.326 & \\
4{.} & Enrollment & 679.880 & 192.984 & -0.063 & -0.168 & 0.183 \\
5{.} & Percent Teachers $<$3yrs Experience & 0.274 & 0.150 & -0.223 & 0.252 & -0.316 & -0.283 \\[1.5ex]
& Districts \\
1{.} & Percent Passing Reading & 0.634 & 0.139 \\
2{.} & Percent Minority & 0.163 & 0.237 & -0.470^{***} \\
3{.} & Percent Free \& Reduced Lunch & 0.337 & 0.211 & -0.732^{***} & 0.512^{***} \\
4{.} & Enrollment & 11866.793 & 18847.833 & -0.388^{***} & 0.715^{***} & 0.498^{***} \\
5{.} & Percent Teachers $<$3yrs Experience & 0.056 & 0.035 & -0.374^{***} & 0.064 & 0.310^{***} & 0.114 \\
& \multicolumn{3}{l}{Notes: ${}^{*} p<.05$,
${}^{**} p<.01$,
${}^{***} p<.001$ } \\
\caption{Zusammenhang fremd eingesch\"atzte Charakterst\"arken mit Lebenszufriedenheit}
\begin{tabular}{lr@{.}lr@{.}lr@{.}lr@{.}lr@{.}lr@{.}lr@{.}lr@{.}l} \thickline
\\ \cline{2-15}
Kreativit\"at & & 10 & & 01 & & 10 & & 05 & - & 01 & - & 01 & - & 01 \\
Neugier & & 04 & & 05 & & 05 & - & 00 & & 00 & & 00 & - & 00 \\
Urteilsverm\"ogen & & 24 & & 12 & & 17 & & 05 & & 07 & & 07 & & 08 \\
Liebe zum Lernen & & 15 & & 02 & & 17 & & 01 & & 08 & & 08 & & 02 \\
Weisheit & & 02 & & 05 & & 16 & & 11 & & 06 & & 06 & & 04 \\
Tapferkeit & - & 00 & & 05 & & 11 & & 12 & & 02 & & 02 & & 06 \\
Ausdauer & & 21 & & 15 & & 17 & & 02 & & 11 & & 11 & & 04 \\
Authentit\"at & & 11 & & 10 & & 19 & & 09 & & 10 & & 10 & & 13 \\
Enthusiasmus & & 08 & & 11 & & 18 & & 17 & & 17 & & 17 & & 12 \\
Bindungsf\"ahigkeit & & 03 & & 09 & & 16 & & 16 & & 09 & & 09 & & 12 \\
Freundlichkeit & & 09 & & 13 & & 21 & & 21 & & 12 & & 12 & & 13 \\
Soziale Intelligenz & & 15 & & 07 & & 17 & & 11 & & 14 & & 14 & & 07 \\
Teamw & & 13 & & 07 & & 18 & & 11 & & 14 & & 14 & & 14 \\
Fairness & & 17 & & 01 & & 16 & & 05 & & 13 & & 13 & & 10 \\
F\"uhrung & - & 10 & & 13 & & 15 & & 17 & & 08 & & 08 & & 08 \\
Vergebungsbereitschaft & & 16 & & 12 & & 08 & & 02 & & 13 & & 13 & & 08 \\
Bescheidenheit & & 13 & - & 00 & & 12 & & 06 & & 09 & & 09 & & 03 \\
Vorsicht & & 19 & & 12 & & 17 & - & 02 & & 10 & & 10 & & 06 \\
Selbstregulation & & 20 & & 09 & & 16 & - & 01 & & 06 & & 06 & & 02 \\
Sinn f\"ur das Sch\"one & & 18 & - & 04 & & 01 & & 04 & - & 09 & - & 09 & - & 00 \\
Dankbarkeit & & 18 & & 16 & & 16 & & 08 & & 13 & & 13 & & 05 \\
Hoffnung & & 08 & & 05 & & 15 & & 05 & & 10 & & 10 & & 05 \\
Humor & - & 03 & & 01 & & 11 & & 21 & & 03 & & 03 & & 09 \\
Spiritualit\"at & & 17 & - & 00 & & 10 & - & 01 & - & 02 & - & 02 & & 04 \\