







% The page frame
\node at (0.5\paperwidth,0) {\wb{80}{34}{E}\rule[60pt]{.2\textwidth}{0.4pt}%
  \makebox[.6\textwidth]{\ \fontsize{24}{29}\selectfont\scshape La Abuela }}%
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\node at (0.5\paperwidth,-\textheight) {\wb{80}{34}{G}\rule[-10pt]{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\wb{80}{34}{H}} ;

% colorize text

% a tabular* for each food group

% to format each entry
  \sffamily#1 & #2}

% to format each subentry
  \hspace*{1em}\footnotesize #1}



\Entry{Calamares de campo}{9.00} \\
\Expl{Aros muy finos de cebolla y pimiento verde, a nuestro estilo} \\
\Entry{Berenjenas a la cordobesa}{9.95} \\
\Expl{Finas lonchas de berenjenas rebozadas a la cordobesa acompañadas de salsa de miel} \\
\Entry{Huevos estrellados con chistorra}{10.50} \\
\Entry{Cecina de León}{10.70} \\
\Expl{Lonchas muy finas con aceite virgen extra y pimienta recién molida} \\


\Entry{Ensalada <<La Abuela>>}{9.20} \\ 
\Expl{Piña, manzana y pimiento rojo, con pollo recién asado y una sabrosa y ligera mayonesa} \\
\Entry{Ensalada mediterránea}{8.90} \\ 
\Expl{Lechuga, tomate, cebolla, atún, huevo duro. espárragos y aceitunas} \\ 
\Entry{Salpicón de pollo}{9.50} \\ 
\Expl{Pollo en tiras recién asado con manzana sobre lechuga en juliana, zanahoria rallada y rodajas de tomate, aliñado con una sorprendente y suave salsa de mostaza y yogurt} \\
\Entry{Ensalada de cabra}{10.70} \\ 
\Expl{Queso de cabra templado con mermelada de tomate sobre una variedad de lechugas frescas} \\


\Entry{Carpaccio de buey}{13.50} \\
\Expl{Acompañado de lascas de parmesano y rucuta} \\
\Entry{Parrillada ibérica}{16.70} \\
\Expl{Pluma, presa y secreto} \\
\Entry{Patatas con guarnición para acompañar}{3.75} \\
\Expl{Fritas caseras} \\
\Entry{Patatas con guarnición para acompañar}{3.50} \\
\Expl{Patatas paja} \\





不提供巴黎餐厅的菜单是不可能的,但我需要为菜单的新版本辩护。我喜欢 Gonzalo 的菜单,所以我尝试创建一个变体,但使用 tikz 和表格(我还不知道背景)。

我保留了表格的某些部分(这是一个好主意),并使用宏在菜单周围构建一个框。宏的\MyCadre第一个参数是 = 装饰字体的大小,此处为 Orna 4,大小为 60 pt,然后是两个整数。表格的宽度和高度是第一个参数的倍数。

干部放在current page.center,我用 把node菜单放在中心。

zorna.sty就是使用orna 4 font奥娜4

%Filename: zorna.sty 
%Created by: TTF2TEX.perl, Sam  5 jui 2010 22:40:14 CEST

\fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{zorna}\selectfont  #1}}


主代码是用 编译的xelatex。来自“la Tour d'Argent”(巴黎)的真实菜单,带有真实价格!

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\usepackage{zorna} %http://www.urbanfonts.com/dingbats/Orna_4.htm 
% and http://jacques-andre.fr/fontex/casseaux.pdf 
\font\zapf ="Zapfino"  at 14pt 
\font\zapff="Zapfino"  at 8pt
% some colors


\newcommand*\Entry[2]{\zapff #1 &  \zapff #2}
% \MyCadre{#1 font  size ornement }
%         {#2 integer largeur = #2 * font size}
%         {#3 integer hauteur = #3 * font size}
\newcommand*\MyCadre[3] {%
  \node at (.5*\sfc pt,.5*\sfc pt)  {%
                \fontsize{\sfc}{\sfc}\selectfont \zorna{c}};  
  \node at ({(\wdc-0.5)*\sfc pt},.5*\sfc pt) {%
                \fontsize{\sfc}{\sfc}\selectfont \zorna{d}};
  \node at (.5*\sfc pt,{(\htc-0.5)*\sfc pt}) {%
                \fontsize{\sfc}{\sfc}\selectfont \zorna{a}};  
  \node at ({(\wdc-0.5)*\sfc pt},{(\htc-0.5)*\sfc pt}){%
                \fontsize{\sfc}{\sfc}\selectfont \zorna{b}};
  \draw[line width=2pt,color=Maroon]%
   (0,0) rectangle coordinate (thecenter) (\wdc*\sfc pt,\htc*\sfc pt);

  \center \fontsize{10}{10}\selectfont \zorna{y}


\begin{tikzpicture} [remember picture, overlay] % center the box in the page
\node at (current page.center){%

\node[text width=13cm] at (thecenter){% 
                 LA TOUR D'ARGENT\\ PARIS  %http://www.latourdargent.com/


\Entry{ Bouquet de l\'egumes, sauce comme une \og C\'esar\fg}         {69 €}\\
\Entry{ Saint-Jacques en tartare, betteraves multicolores}            {71 €}\\
\Entry{ Quenelles de brochet \og Andr\'e Terrail\fg}                  {49 €}\\
\Entry{ Palette de choux aux grains de caviar}                       {135 €}\\
\Entry{ Caviar \og Imp\'erial de Sologne\fg, blinis et condiments}   {210 €}\\


\Entry{ Tron\c on de sole \og des Tournelles\fg }                     {81 €}\\
\Entry{ Saint-Jacques dor\'ees, poireaux au jus de coques}            {82 €}\\
\Entry{ Queue de lotte piqu\'ee \`a la truffe et l\'egumes racines}   {84 €}\\


\Entry{ Caneton Marco Polo sabl\'e au poivre de Sichuan}             {140 €}\\
\Entry{ Caneton \og Tour d'Argent\fg, pommes souffl\'ees}            {140 €}\\
\Entry{ Caneton \`a l'orange, carotte aux agrumes et pain d'\'epices}{140 €}\\


\Entry{ Variation chocolat orange, cr\'emeux pain d'\'epices}         {24 €}\\
\Entry{ Biscuit marmelade citron, glace thym citron}                  {24 €}\\
\Entry{ Duo poire r\'eglisse, sorbet poire}                           {24 €}\\








\title{Evening Menu} 
\address{Torquay}{Devon, England}
\extrainfo{Opening Hours: 07:00--00:00}
\quote{``If you don't like duck... then you're rather stuck!''}

\section{To Start}
\cventry{\textsterling7.50}{Waldorf Salad}{A salad of unknown composition}{}{}{}  % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty

\cventry{\textsterling9.50}{Duck a l'Orange}{Duck with orange}{}{}{} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty
\cventry{\textsterling9.50}{Duck with Cherries}{Duck with cherries}{}{}{} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty
\cventry{\textsterling9.50}{Duck Surprise}{Duck without orange or cherries}{}{}{} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty

\cventry{\textsterling5.50}{Bombe Surprise}{Does not contain duck}{}{}{} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty



当然,任何 TeX 极客都能一眼认出它。(并且会留下深刻的印象。)


我采纳了 Gonzalo Medina 的答案,获得了一个可以编译的版本,并将其这里,用于构建它的 LaTeX 如下:



% The page frame
\node at (0.5\paperwidth,0) {\wb{80}{34}{A}\rule[60pt]{.2\textwidth}{0.4pt}%
  \makebox[.6\textwidth]{\ \fontsize{24}{29}\selectfont\scshape Thanksgving, 2019}}%
\node at (2,-0.5\textheight) {\rule{0.4pt}{.8\textheight}};
\node at (19.5,-0.5\textheight) {\rule{0.4pt}{.8\textheight}};
\node at (0.5\paperwidth,-\textheight) {\wb{80}{34}{H}\rule[-10pt]{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\wb{80}{34}{M}} ;

% colorize text



\huge{Thanksgiving Menu}
    \large{\uline{Chile-and-Citrus–Rubbed Chicken with Potatoes}} \\
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize{Ingredients: chicken, Kosher salt, coriander seeds, fennel seeds, orange, lemon, olive oil, red pepper flakes, smoked paprika, dry white wine, tomato paste, crushed garlic cloves, potatos, parsley} \\
    \large{\uline{Roasted and Marinated Root Vegetables}} \\
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize{Ingredients: beets, sweet potatoes, turnips, bran oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, kosher salt, sugar, honey, black pepper, thyme, rosemary, orange, lemon, vinegar, olive oil, red chile flakes} \\
    \large{\uline{Mashed Cauliflower}} \\
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize{Ingredients: riced white cauliflower, butter, water, kosher salt} 
    \large{\uline{Farmhouse Herbed Stuffing}} \\
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize{Ingredients: Unsalted butter, onion, celery, bread stuffing cubes, parsely, celery salt, sage, rosemary, thyme, salt, black pepper, turkey stock} \\
    \large{\uline{Haricots Verts with Herb Butter}} \\
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize{Ingredients: Unsalted butter, shallots, parsely, tarragon, lemon zest, lemon juice, haricots verts} \\
    \large{\uline{Autumn Kale Salad}} \\
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize{Ingredients: Garlic, Olive Oil, seedless Squash, Kosher salt, black pepper, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, honey, cayenne pepper, hot paprika, lacinato kale, golden raisins, hazelnuts, almonds, parmesan cheese} \\
    \large{\uline{Cranberry and Tart-Cherry Compote}} \\
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize{Ingredients: Lime, Cranberry juice cocktail, cranberries, cherries, cinammon, allspice, currant jelly, kosher salt} \\
    \large{\uline{Thanksgiving Sangria}} \\
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize{Ingredients: Pomegranate Juice, cinammon, allspice, ginger, red wine, pear, pomegranate seeds, spiced rum, pear cider, apple sparkling cider} \\
    \large{\uline{Salted Caramel Apple Pie}} \\
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize{Ingredients: Flour, Flaky Butter pie dough, Baking Apples, Granulated Sugar, Lemon Juice, Unsalted Butter, heavy cream, Demerara sugar, Angostura bitters, nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, kosher salt, black pepper, sea salt, egg} \\
    \large{\uline{Cranberry Walnut Tart}} \\
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize{Ingredients: Sweet pastry dough, eggs, dark brown sugar, light corn syrup, unsalted butter, salt, vanilla, cranberries, walnuts} \\
    \large{\uline{Honey Cornbread Muffins}} \\
\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize{Ingredients: Yellow Cornmeal, all-purpose flour, baking powder, granulated sugar, salt, whole milk, eggs, butter, honey} \\

