

我需要平衡使用以下方式排版的 ACM 文章的最后两列的高度sigplanconf.cls.该类文件定义了以下命令:

  \global\@colht = \textheight
  \global\ht\@cclv = \textheight}

但是,上述\balancecolumns命令对我来说不起作用。我也尝试了针对类似问题提出的解决方案:如何平衡双列布局的最后一页?双列布局下文本分布不均匀, 和https://stackoverflow.com/q/2149854/130224。具体来说,我尝试了冲洗平衡, 和多色包。但是,这些包都不能自动平衡我的参考书目部分的最后两列。

我设法使用命令手动打破了引用列表\vfill\eject。但是,此解决方案需要操作生成的 bbl 文件。我更喜欢不需要更改生成文件的自动解决方案。






这是一种似乎可行的方法。说实话,我只尝试过article.cls直接twocolumn输入 .bbl 文件:(请参阅下面的编辑以进行验证sigplanconf.cls)。


    \def\balanceissued{unbalanced}%flag to indicate if \balance has been used

根据@egreg 之前的回答和评论,它使用balance包并\balance通过更新命令在最后一页插入命令\bibitemlastpage包用于定义\lastpage@lastpage\balanceissued是为了防止\balance在最后一页被多次调用。有趣的是,如果发生这种情况,它似乎可以正常工作(这可以缩短代码一点)。






假设我正确解释了这个问题,我已经验证了该方法适用于sigplanconf。下面是一篇使用 和 的测试文章blindtext,其中有足够的参考资料可以进入下一页(正如问题所述)。这就是你想要的吗?


    \def\balanceissued{unbalanced}%flag to indicate if \balance has been used
\title{Using \texttt{\textbackslash{}balance} to equalize the last two columns of references in a \texttt{sigplanconf} conference paper}
\authorinfo{John Doe}{Bogus University}{[email protected]}
\toappear{To appear somewhere}
\section{Materials and Methods}
\section{Results and Discussion}

    Daniel Aguado, Tatiana Montoya, Jos{\'e} Ferrer, and Aurora Seco.
    \newblock Relating ions concentration variations to conductivity variations in
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    \newblock {\em Environmental Modelling \& Software}, 21(6):845--851, 2006.

    Johwan Ahn, Sarah Schroeder, Michael Beer, Simon McIlroy, Ronald~C. Bayly,
      John~W. May, George Vasiliadis, and Robert~J. Seviour.
    \newblock Ecology of the microbial community removing phosphate from wastewater
      under continuously aerobic conditions in a sequencing batch reactor.
    \newblock {\em Applied and Environmental Microbiology}, 73(7):2257--2270, 2007.

    T.~Aiso, H.~Yoshida, A.~Wada, and R.~Ohki.
    \newblock Modulation of {mRNA} stability participates in
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    \newblock {\em Journal of Bacteriology}, 187(6):1951--1958, 2005.

    Michael~D. Aitken, Mark~D. Sobsey, Nicole~A. Van~Abel, Kimberly~E. Blauth,
      David~R. Singleton, Phillip~L. Crunk, Cora Nichols, Glenn~W. Walters, and
      Maria Schneider.
    \newblock Inactivation of \textit{Escherichia coli} {O157:H7} during
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    \newblock {\em Water Research}, 41(8):1659--1666, 2007.

    M.~Akiyama, T.~Tsuge, and Y.~Doi.
    \newblock Environmental life cycle comparison of polyhydroxyalkanoates produced
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    Muamar~M. Al-Najjar, Erik~R. Coats, and Frank~J. Loge.
    \newblock The role of the microbial stringent response in excess intracellular
      accumulation of phosphorous in mixed consortia fed synthetic wastewater.
    \newblock {\em Water Research}, 45(16):5038--5046, 2011.

    A.~Alban, S.~O. David, L.~Bjorkesten, C.~Andersson, E.~Sloge, S.~Lewis, and
    \newblock A novel experimental design for comparative two-dimensional gel
      analysis: Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis incorporating a
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    \newblock {\em Proteomics}, 3(1):36--44, 2003.

    M.~G.~E. Albuquerque, G.~Carvalho, C.~Kragelund, A.~F. Silva, M.~T.~B. Crespo,
      M.~A.~M. Reis, and P.~H. Nielsen.
    \newblock Link between microbial composition and carbon substrate-uptake
      preferences in a {PHA}-storing community.
    \newblock {\em {ISME} Journal}, 7(1):1--12, 2013.

    M.~G.~E. Albuquerque, S.~Concas, S.~Bengtsson, and M.~A.~M. Reis.
    \newblock Mixed culture polyhydroxyalkanoates production from sugar molasses:
      The use of a 2-stage {CSTR} system for culture selection.
    \newblock {\em Bioresource Technology}, 101(18):7112--7122, 2010.

    M.~G.~E. Albuquerque, M.~Eiroa, C.~Torres, B.~R. Nunes, and M.~A.~M. Reis.
    \newblock Strategies for the development of a side stream process for
      polyhydroxyalkanoate {(PHA)} production from sugar cane molasses.
    \newblock {\em Journal of Biotechnology}, 130(4):411--421, 2007.

    M.~G.~E. Albuquerque, V.~Martino, E.~Pollet, L.~Av{\'e}rous, and M.~A.~M. Reis.
    \newblock Mixed culture polyhydroxyalkanoate {(PHA)} production from volatile
      fatty acid {(VFA)}-rich streams: Effect of substrate composition and feeding
      regime on {PHA} productivity, composition and properties.
    \newblock {\em Journal of Biotechnology}, 151(1):66--76, 2011.

    M.~G.~E. Albuquerque, C.~A.~V. Torres, and M.~A.~M. Reis.
    \newblock Polyhydroxyalkanoate {(PHA)} production by a mixed microbial culture
      using sugar molasses: Effect of the influent substrate concentration on
      culture selection.
    \newblock {\em Water Research}, 44(11):3419--3433, 2010.

    James~E. Alleman and Robert~L. Irvine.
    \newblock Storage-induced denitrification using sequencing batch reactor
    \newblock {\em Water Research}, 14(10):1483--1488, 1980.

    G.~Andreottola, G.~Bortone, and A.~Tilche.
    \newblock Experimental validation of a simulation and design model for nitrogen
      removal in sequencing batch reactors.
    \newblock {\em Water Science and Technology}, 35(1):113--120, 1997.

    Simon Anterrieu, Luca Quadri, Bert Geurkink, Inez Dinkla, Simon Bengtsson,
      Monica Arcos-Hernandez, Tomas Alexandersson, Fernando Morgan-Sagastume, Anton
      Karlsson, Markus Hjort, Lamija Karabegovic, Per Magnusson, Peter Johansson,
      Magnus Christensson, and Alan Werker.
    \newblock Integration of biopolymer production with process water treatment at
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    Felicity~J. Appel.
    \newblock Advancing a post-anoxic biological nutrient removal process selecting
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    Lise Appels, Jan Baeyens, Jan Degr{\`e}ve, and Raf Dewil.
    \newblock Principles and potential of the anaerobic digestion of
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    M.~V. Arcos-Hernandez, B.~Laycock, S.~Pratt, B.~C. Donose, M.~A.~L. Nikolic,
      P.~Luckman, A.~Werker, and P.~A. Lant.
    \newblock Biodegradation in a soil environment of activated sludge derived
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    \newblock {\em Polymer Degradation and Stability}, 97(11):2301--2312, 2012.

    M{\'o}nica~V. Arcos-Hern{\'a}ndez, Bronwyn Laycock, Bogdan~C. Donose, Steven
      Pratt, Peter Halley, Salah Al-Luaibi, Alan Werker, and Paul~A. Lant.
    \newblock Physicochemical and mechanical properties of mixed culture
      polyhydroxyalkanoate {(PHBV)}.
    \newblock {\em European Polymer Journal}, 49(4, SI):904--913, 2013.

    M{\'o}nica~Vanessa Arcos~Hern{\'a}ndez.
    \newblock {\em Production and Characterization of Mixed Culture
    \newblock Doctoral thesis, The University of Queensland, 2012.

    Edward Ardern and William~T. Lockett.
    \newblock Experiments on the oxidation of sewage without the aid of filters.
    \newblock {\em Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry}, 33(10):523--539,

    Madan~L. Arora, Edwin~F. Barth, and Margaret~B. Umphres.
    \newblock Technology evaluation of sequencing batch reactors.
    \newblock {\em Journal Water Pollution Control Federation}, 57(8):867--875,

    N.~Artan, D.~Orhon, and R.~Tasli.
    \newblock Design of {SBR} systems for nutrient removal from wastewaters subject
      to seasonal fluctuations.
    \newblock {\em Water Science and Technology}, 46(8):91--98, 2002.


倒数第二页: 倒数第二页

最后一页已平衡并\balance自动插入: 平衡的最后一页


根据@zwol 的回答的解决方案:



% Disable acmart's automatic invocation of \balance from \AtEndDocument,
% which is usually too late.

% Invoke command when the \bibitem reaches the specified value
  {} % on success
  {\@latex@error{Patching \bibitem failed}{\@ehd}}


此代码\newpage在第 35 个引用之后插入。您需要手动找到中断位置并替换您的35案例\setcounter{BalanceAtReference}{35}

\documentclass[sigconf,screen]{acmart}我在 Overleaf 上使用。出于某种原因\balance,它对我来说不起作用,即使手动插入\balancebbl 文件也是如此,但\newpage它可以工作。


我正在编写一份采用 IEEEtran 会议风格的文档,该风格会生成两列。文档以采用 IEEEbib 风格的参考书目结尾。


平衡包运行完美。我将 \balance 命令放在简短致谢部分的正上方,该命令位于生成参考书目的命令之前。
