如何强制图片的位置并仍然使用 overpic

如何强制图片的位置并仍然使用 overpic


Here is my first paragraph of text.
\begin{figure}[htb] \centering
\put(20, 20){$A$}
\caption{This is mypicture.pdf, with the label $A$.}
Here is my second paragraph of text.
In order to understand this paragraph, you first need to see the picture.

但是,根据这些段落的内容以及插入在它们之前或之后的其他图片,mypicture.pdf 并不总是出现在正确的位置。有没有办法强制它出现在那里(如\includegraphic),同时仍然能够使用overpic





Here is my first paragraph of text.
\put(20, 20){$A$}
\captionof{figure}{This is mypicture.pdf, with the label $A$.}
Here is my second paragraph of text.
In order to understand this paragraph, you first need to see the picture.




% we declare a new type of caption for captioning images outside
% the figure environment,


Here is my first paragraph of text.
\put(20, 20){$A$}
\figcaption{This is mypicture.pdf, with the label $A$.}
Here is my second paragraph of text.
In order to understand this paragraph, you first need to see the picture.

