

有没有办法允许脚注从引用脚注的那一页的下页开始?如果脚注与引用文本行之间的间隔不超过 1 页,那么在某些情况下这是可以接受的,甚至是可取的。请参阅下面的 MWE,了解要求将脚注与引用文本放在同一页上所引起的文档布局问题。

    This line gets broken across two pages in order to accomodate long footnotes. %
    Preferably, the second footnote would not obligatorily begin on the %
    same page as the first footnote. This would avoid awkwardly large blank pages.%
    \footnote{The footnote itself has a footnote.\footnotemark%






\usepackage{atbegshi}% http://ctan.org/pkg/atbegshi
This line gets broken across two pages in order to accomodate long footnotes. %
Preferably, the second footnote would not obligatorily begin on the %
same page as the first footnote. This would avoid awkwardly large blank pages.%
\footnote{The footnote itself has a footnote.\footnotemark%
\AtBeginShipoutNext{\footnotetext{\lipsum}}% Typeset footnote on following page
\ \lipsum

atbegshi提供\AtBeginShipoutNext{<stuff>}延迟执行<stuff>上述情况中的 ,因为页面已经组装好以供发货,随后刷新到下一页。在“延迟\footnotetext”之后有更多文本,只是为了展示如何维护文本流。


如果您正在使用 hyperref-package,您也可以尝试以下代码(使用一个嵌套的脚注,Werner 的方法可以正常工作,但如果有更多脚注,我不确定):

\usepackage{atbegshi}% http://ctan.org/pkg/atbegshi

\usepackage{tablefootnote}% http://ctan.org/pkg/tablefootnote


\usepackage{hyperref}% if you like to have hyperlinks, otherwise omit it

This line gets broken across two pages in order to accommodate long footnotes. %
Preferably, the second footnote would not obligatorily begin on the %
same page as the first footnote. This would avoid awkwardly large blank pages.%
\footnote{The footnote itself has a footnote.\tablefootnote{\lipsum}%
\AtBeginShipoutNext{\spewnotes}% Typeset footnote on following page
\ \lipsum
