通过替换来使用\penalty -50\hskip 2em plus 2em\relax
\settowidth{\leftmargin}{W.\hskip\labelsep\hskip 2.5em}%
\item} % choice
\labelwidth\leftmargin\advance\labelwidth -\labelsep
\penalty -50\hskip 2em plus 2em\relax
}% choice
% If we're continuing the paragraph containing the question,
% then leave a bit of space before the first choice:
\item One of these things is not like the others; one of these things is not the same. Which one doesn't belong?
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
\item Which one doesn't belong?
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
\item One of these things is not like the others; one of these things is not the same. Which one doesn't belong?
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
\item What was the color of George Washinton's white horse?
\choice Green
\choice Yellow
\choice White
\item One of these things is not like the others; one of these things
is not the same. Which one doesn't belong?
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
\item What was the color of George Washinton's white horse?
\choice Green
\choice Yellow
\choice White
\item What was the color of George Washinton's white horse?
\choice Green
\choice Yellow
\choice White
我尝试解决您的问题。最大的问题是确定内容是否超过两行。我认为 atrivlist
无法实现这种想法。所以我决定使用 ahbox
。首先,我将 的内容保存oneparchoices
在 a 中\hbox
。 的定义choise
\choice One of these things is not like the others; one of these things is not the same. Which one doesn't belong?%
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
\choice Which one doesn't belong?
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
\choice One of these things is not like the others; one of these things is not the same. Which one doesn't belong?
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
\choice What was the color of George Washinton's white horse?
\choice Green
\choice Yellow
\choice White
\choice One of these things is not like the others; one of these things
is not the same. Which one doesn't belong?
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
\choice What was the color of George Washinton's white horse?
\choice Green
\choice Yellow
\choice White
\choice What was the color of George Washinton's white horse?
\choice Green
\choice Yellow
\choice White