

我想将一张图表翻译成西班牙语表示神经网络,图表大致如下: 步骤1 第2步

我想克隆设计和效果,所以我需要一些示例来做到这一点,而且我认为这张图片更难一些: 步骤3


我继续使用 Fernando Martinez 的示例来开始。它使用了 LuaLaTex:


%%Create a style for the arrows we are using
\tikzset{normal arrow/.style={draw,-triangle 45}}

%%Create the different coordinates to place layer 1 nodes
\path (0,0) coordinate (l1n1) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l1n2) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l1n3) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l1n4) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l1n5) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l1n6) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l1n7) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l1n8) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l1n9);

%%Create the different coordinates to place INPUT layer (xs)
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{ \path (l1n\i) ++(-5,1) coordinate (x\i); }

%%Create the different coordinates to place Outputs
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}{ \path (l1n\i) ++(8,-1) coordinate (o\i); }

%%generate the second level top node points
\path ($(l1n1)!.5!(l1n2)!5 cm!90:(l1n2)$) coordinate (l2n0);

%%Create the different coordinates to place second layer nodes
\path (l2n0) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l2n1) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l2n2) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l2n3) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l2n4) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l2n5) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l2n6) ++(0,-2) coordinate (l2n7);

%%generate the position of last second level node point
\path ($(l1n5)!.5!(l1n6)!3 cm!90:(l1n6)$) coordinate (l2nx);

%%Place nodes
\foreach \i in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}{
    \node[draw,circle] (cl2n\i) at (l2n\i) {\phantom{a}$\sigma_\i\phantom{a}$};
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}{
    \node[draw,circle] (cl1n\i) at (l1n\i) {\phantom{a}$\sigma_{\directlua{tex.sprint(\i + 6)}}\phantom{a}$};

%%Label output nodes
\node (lo1) at (o1) {build wind float};
\node (lo2) at (o2) {build wind non-float};
\node (lo2) at (o3) {vehic wind float};
\node (lo3) at (o4) {vehic wind non-float};
\node (lo4) at (o5) {containers};
\node (lo5) at (o6) {tableware};
\node (lo6) at (o7) {headlamps};

%%Label input nodes
\node (nx1) at (x1) {$RI$};
\node (nx2) at (x2) {$Na$};
\node (nx3) at (x3) {$Mg$};
\node (nx4) at (x4) {$Al$};
\node (nx5) at (x5) {$Si$}; 
\node (nx6) at (x6) {$K$};
\node (nx7) at (x7) {$Ca$};
\node (nx8) at (x8) {$Ba$};
\node (nx9) at (x9) {$Fe$};

%%Drawing arrows 
%%Transparent arrows between input and Layer1
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{
    \foreach \j in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}{
        \path[normal arrow, Cyan, draw opacity=0.2] (nx\i) -- (cl1n\j);

%%Explicit arrows between Al and Layer1
\foreach \i/\val in {1/4.8,2/-0.14,3/-6.75,4/4.07,5/-2.88,6/14.18,7/-12.79,8/-2.41}{ 
    \newcommand\dosomecoolmath{\directlua{ x = 0.862679-(\i)*(-0.000529583) + ((-\i)^(2))*(-0.14934524) tex.sprint(x)}}
    \path[normal arrow, draw opacity=0.5] (nx4) -- node[above=\dosomecoolmath em] {$\mathbf{w_{(x4)\directlua{tex.sprint(\i + 6)}} = \val}$} (cl1n\i);

%%Explicit arrows between Layer1 and Layer2
\foreach \i/\val in {1/-0.199, 2/2.1155,3/-2.921,4/-7.29,5/-3.38,6/6.724,7/-2.56,8/4.470}{ 
        \directlua{x = 8.862679-(\i)*(-0.000529583) + ((-\i)^(2))*(-0.22934524)
        \path[normal arrow, draw opacity=0.7] (cl1n\i) -- node[above=\dosomecoolmath em] {$\mathbf{w_{(\directlua{tex.sprint(\i + 6)})4} = \val}$} (cl2n4);
        \foreach \j in {0,1,2,3,5,6}{
            \path[normal arrow, Cyan, draw opacity=0.2] (cl1n\i) -- (cl2n\j);

%Draw final threshold
\path (o5) ++(0,-.5) coordinate (thres); \node (threshold) at (thres) {\fbox{$-3.617302530741029$}};




    %%Create a style for the arrows we are using
    \tikzset{normal arrow/.style={draw,-triangle 45,very thick}}
    %%Create the different coordinates to place the nodes
    \path (0,0) coordinate (1) ++(0,-2) coordinate (2) ++(0,-2) coordinate (3);
    \path (1) ++(-3,-.2) coordinate (x1);
    \path (3) ++(-3, .2) coordinate (x2);
    %%Use the calc library and partway modifiers to generate the second and third level points
    \path ($(1)!.5!(2)!3 cm!90:(2)$) coordinate (4);
    \path ($(2)!.5!(3)!3 cm!90:(3)$) coordinate (5);
    \path ($(4)!.5!(5)!3 cm!90:(5)$) coordinate (6);
    \path (6) ++(3,0) coordinate (7);
    %%Place nodes at each point using the foreach construct
    \foreach \i/\color in {1/Magenta!60,2/MidnightBlue!60,3/CadetBlue!80,4/CadetBlue!80,5/CadetBlue!80,6/CadetBlue!80}{
      \node[draw,circle,shading=axis,top color=\color, bottom color=\color!black,shading angle=45] (n\i) at (\i) {$f_{\i}(e)$};
    %%Place the remaining nodes separately
    \node (nx1) at (x1) {$\mathbf{x_1}$};
    \node (nx2) at (x2) {$\mathbf{x_2}$};
    \node (ny)  at (7)  {$\mathbf{y}$};
    %%Drawing the arrows
    \path[normal arrow] (nx1) -- (n1);
    \path[normal arrow] (nx1) -- (n3);
    \path[normal arrow] (nx2) -- (n1);
    \path[normal arrow] (nx2) -- (n3);
    \path[normal arrow] (n1)  -- (n4);
    \path[normal arrow] (n1)  -- (n5);
    \path[normal arrow] (n2)  -- (n4);
    \path[normal arrow] (n2)  -- (n5);
    \path[normal arrow] (n3)  -- (n4);
    \path[normal arrow] (n3)  -- (n5);
    \path[normal arrow] (n4)  -- (n6);
    \path[normal arrow] (n5)  -- (n6);
    \path[normal arrow] (n6)  -- (ny);
    %%Drawing the cyan arrows including the labels
    \path[normal arrow,Cyan] (nx1) -- node[above=.5em,Cyan] {$\mathbf{w_{(x1)2}}$} (n2);
    \path[normal arrow,Cyan] (nx2) -- node[below=.5em,Cyan] {$\mathbf{w_{(x2)2}}$} (n2);


TikZ 神经网络


编辑:关于您的编辑。您只需在已有的 for 循环之前添加以下 for 循环即可。这将负责创建坐标和节点。添加箭头应该是一个简单的扩展。只需使用dashedred作为附加选项即可。

%%Create new coordinates and nodes for offset nodes
\foreach \i/\color in {1/GreenYellow!60,2/Peach!60,4/GreenYellow!60,5/GreenYellow!60,6/GreenYellow!60}{
  \path (\i) ++(.5,.5) coordinate (o\i);
  \node[draw,circle,shading=axis,top color=\color, bottom color=\color!black,shading angle=45, minimum size=1.1cm] (no\i) at (o\i) {$\delta_\i$};



  mymx/.style={matrix of math nodes,nodes=myball,column sep=4em,row sep=-1ex},
  myball/.style={draw,circle,inner sep=0pt},
  mylabel/.style={midway,sloped,fill=white,inner sep=1pt,outer sep=1pt,below,
    execute at begin node={$\scriptstyle},execute at end node={$}},
  sel/.append style={fill=green!10},
  prevsel/.append style={fill=red!10},
  \matrix[mymx] (mx) {
    &|[prevsel]| f_1(e) \\
    |[plain]| x_1 && f_4(e) \\
    &|[sel]| f_2(e) && f_6(e) & |[plain]| y \\
    |[plain]| x_2 && f_5(e) \\
    & f_3(e) \\
    \foreach \y in {2,4} {
      \draw (mx-\y-1) -- (mx-1-2);
      \draw (mx-\y-1) -- (mx-5-2);
      \draw (mx-\y-3) -- (mx-3-4); }
    \foreach \y in {1,3,5} {
      \draw (mx-\y-2) -- (mx-2-3);
      \draw (mx-\y-2) -- (mx-4-3); }
    \draw (mx-3-4) -- (mx-3-5);
    \draw (mx-2-1) -- (mx-3-2) node[mylabel,above] { W_{(x1)2} };
    \draw (mx-4-1) -- (mx-3-2) node[mylabel] { W_{(x2)2} };
  \node[above right=of mx.center]  {$ y_2 = f_2 (w_{(x1)2} x_1 + w_{(x2)2} x_2) $};

  \matrix[mymx] (mx) {
    |[plain]| x_1 &|[prevsel,yshift=4ex]| f_1(e) & f_4(e) \\
    &|[prevsel]| f_2(e) && f_6(e) &|[plain]| y \\
    |[plain]| x_2 &|[sel,yshift=-4ex]| f_3(e) & f_5(e) \\
    \foreach \y in {1,3} {
      \draw (mx-\y-1) -- (mx-1-2);
      \draw (mx-\y-1) -- (mx-2-2);
      \draw (mx-\y-3) -- (mx-2-4); }
    \foreach \y in {1,2,3} {
      \draw (mx-\y-2) -- (mx-1-3);
      \draw (mx-\y-2) -- (mx-3-3); }
    \draw (mx-2-4) -- (mx-2-5);
    \draw (mx-1-1) -- (mx-3-2) node[mylabel] { W_{(x1)3} };
    \draw (mx-3-1) -- (mx-3-2) node[mylabel] { W_{(x2)3} };
  \node[above right=of mx.center] {$ y_3 = f_3(w_{(x1)3}x_1 + w_{(x2)3} x_2) $};






该页面链接的 github 存储库中提供了示例。






        \inputlayer[count=4, bias=false, title=Input\\layer, text=\nodetextx]
        \hiddenlayer[count=5, bias=false, title=Hidden\\layer, text=\nodetextclear] \linklayers
        \outputlayer[count=3, title=Output\\layer, text=\nodetexty] \linklayers




    \begin{neuralnetwork}[height=2.5, layertitleheight=0, nodespacing=2.8cm, layerspacing=1.7cm]
        \newcommand{\nodetextxnb}[2]{\ifnum0=#2 \else $x_#2$ \fi}
        \newcommand{\linklabelsA}[4]{\ifnum0=#2 \logiclabel{+3} \else \logiclabel{-2} \fi}
        % Input layer
        \inputlayer[count=2, bias=false, text=\nodetextxnb]
        % links to first hidden layer from input layer
        \hiddenlayer[count=3, bias=false, exclude={1, 3}]
            \link[from layer=0, to layer=1, from node=1, to node=2, label=\linklabelsA]
            \link[from layer=0, to layer=1, from node=2, to node=2, label=\linklabelsA]
        \hiddenlayer[count=2, bias=true, biaspos=center]
        % links to second hidden layer from input and first hidden layer
            \link[from layer=0, to layer=2, from node=1, to node=1, label=\linklabelsA]
            \link[from layer=1, to layer=2, from node=2, to node=1, label=\linklabelsA]
            \link[from layer=1, to layer=2, from node=2, to node=2, label=\linklabelsA]
            \link[from layer=0, to layer=2, from node=2, to node=2, label=\linklabelsA]
        \outputlayer[count=1, text=\nodetextY]
        % links to output layer from second hidden layer
            \link[from layer=2, to layer=3, from node=1, to node=1, label=\linklabelsA]
            \link[from layer=2, to layer=3, from node=2, to node=1, label=\linklabelsA]
        % links from bias node
            \link[from layer=2, to layer=1, from node=0, to node=2, label=\linklabelsA]
            \link[from layer=2, to layer=2, from node=0, to node=1, label=\linklabelsA]
            \link[from layer=2, to layer=2, from node=0, to node=2, label=\linklabelsA]
            \link[from layer=2, to layer=3, from node=0, to node=1, label=\linklabelsA]
