每个定理环境的第一段自动 \noindent

每个定理环境的第一段自动 \noindent


例如,有没有什么办法可以让这个 MWE 更加简洁?




\noindent This is my introduction.

This is the next paragraph of the introduction, which should be indented.

\begin{thm} (Theorem Name)

\noindent This is my theorem.
Note that I do want the ``(Theorem Name)'' to appear on the same line as where it says \textbf{Theorem 0.1}.

This is the next paragraph of the theorem, which should be indented.


\noindent Here is a note about the theorem.


\noindent This proof has no name.

This is the next paragraph of the proof, which should be indented.


\noindent This is my conclusion.

The end.



要排版某个定理的名称,请使用该定理环境的可选参数,例如\begin{thm}[Theorem Name]。在我的示例中,我使用thmtools包来方便地定义新样式。


如果\noindent示例第一段中的 前面有分段命令(如\chapter或 ) ,那么 将是多余的\section






\noindent This is my introduction.

This is the next paragraph of the introduction, which should be indented.

\begin{thm}[Theorem Name]
This is my theorem. Note that I do want the ``(Theorem Name)'' to appear on the same
    line as where it says \textbf{Theorem 0.1}.

This is the next paragraph of the theorem, which should be indented.
% <-- Supresses indentation of following paragraph
Here is a note about the theorem.

This proof has no name.

This is the next paragraph of the proof, which should be indented.
% <-- Supresses indentation of following paragraph
This is my conclusion.

The end.





\newtheoremstyle{break}% name
  {9pt}%      Space above, empty = `usual value'
  {9pt}%      Space below
  {\itshape}% Body font
  {}%         Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
  {\bfseries}% Thm head font
  {.}%        Punctuation after thm head
  {\newline}% Space after thm head: \newline = linebreak
  {}%         Thm head spec


\begin{thm}[Theorem Name]
This is my theorem.
Note that I do want the ``(Theorem Name)'' to appear on the
same line as where it says \textbf{Theorem 0.1}.

This is the next paragraph of the theorem, which should be indented.







