如何获取 ToC、LoF 和 Nomeclature 上的页眉和页脚?

如何获取 ToC、LoF 和 Nomeclature 上的页眉和页脚?



\usepackage{lipsum} % for dummy text only

% Nomenclature


        \bfseries \ackname

        \bfseries \abname

% These commands follow the titling package format for titles
% They define user commands to format the subtitle
% This command takes the subtitle as its argument, and uses the titling command
% \maketitlehookb plus the previously defined formatting commands to insert
% the subtitle into the titlepage. It also generates \thesubtitle for subsequent use
% Now we define the formatting for the subtitle
\presubtitle{\begin{center}\Large} % change this as needed
% Now enter the regular title information, with the new \subtitle command
\title{My Thesis Title}
\author{A.M. Author}
\subtitle{My subtitle}

\lhead{\begin{tabular}{@{}l}\thetitle\ -- \thesubtitle\\\theauthor\end{tabular}}
% Set the width of the header rule. Make 0pt to remove the rule.
% Make the head height match the size of the header
% Remove "Chapter" from the marks
  \markboth{\thechapter.\ #1}{}}
% These commands set up the headers. They are set up for even and odd pages the same
% Check the fancyhdr documentation for information on how to set them differently
% for odd and even pages





%% Print the nomenclature




\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % changes default name Bibliography to References






