biblatex:\fullcite 产生的结果与参考书目条目不同

biblatex:\fullcite 产生的结果与参考书目条目不同

我正在使用 BibLaTeX+Biber 生成我的论文参考书目。我使用自定义参考书目样式(基于 BiBLaTeX' numeric-comp)。


%load numeric-comp
\RequireBibliographyStyle{numeric-comp} %in turn that one requires standard.bbx

%This redefines the doi+eprint+url macro from standard.bbx (biblatex v1.6).
% Changes: \newblock instead of \newunit\newblock, to avoid periods after DOIs (\newunit = ". ")
% It should be prettier that way because we put DOIs and URLs on a new line (see below).
% Does not print eprint (for now)
  %  {\usebibmacro{eprint}}
  %  {}%

%Override declarations from biblatex.def (biblatex v1.6); Changes: newlines before DOI, URL, ISSN, ISBN and ISRN (+ colon in same font as label)
    {\href{}{#1}} %used to be \nolinkurl{#1} instead of #1, which is a clever trick but it I don't want the font mismatch with issn/isbn numbers (since (nolink)urls are using a different font)
    {#1}} %idem
\DeclareFieldFormat{isbn}{\\\mkbibacro{ISBN\addcolon}\space #1}
\DeclareFieldFormat{isrn}{\\\mkbibacro{ISRN\addcolon}\space #1}
\DeclareFieldFormat{issn}{\\\mkbibacro{ISSN\addcolon}\space #1}

%%For (in)proceedings: only print publication date when keyword "-showpubdate" is present (to avoid repetion, date is usually already in booktitle or booksubtitle)
%%Based on publisher+location+date macro from standard.bbx (biblatex v1.6).

% Inproceedings (changes: also print ISSN; disable event+venue+date, in our database this is already in the booktitle field, no time/use to split it off)
  %%%\usebibmacro{event+venue+date}%!!! (disabled)
    {\iffieldundef{series}% !!!
      {\printfield{volume}}% !!!
      {}% !!!


  author = {{M}atthias {S}tevens and {E}llie {D}'{H}ondt},
  title = {{C}rowdsourcing of {P}ollution {D}ata using {S}martphones},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Ubiquitous Crowdsourcing, held at
    Ubicomp '10 (Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26-29, 2010)},
  year = {2010},
  month = {September},
  url = {}

当我在文中的某处使用 引用此内容时\cite{Stevens2010a},这会在参考书目中产生以下条目:


但是当我使用 放置就地引用(在文本本身中)时\fullcite{Stevens2010a},结果是:





与书目条目和 一样\footfullcite\fullcite由书目驱动程序生成。唯一的区别是\fullcite不设置\finentrypunct

您可以对书目宏应用编辑finentry来解决此差异。请参阅下面的代码以获取演示。我还说明了另一种方法doi/之前换行url并使用xpatch 包



% Set \finentrypunct unless the entry ends with an URL
     {\ifboolexpr{ test {\ifcitation} and not test {\iffootnote} }


% Insert linebreak before printing URLs

% Suppress eprint

% Suppress date, event data

% Print ISSN

  author = {Matthias Stevens and Ellie D'Hondt},
  title = {Crowdsourcing of Pollution Data using Smartphones},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Ubiquitous Crowdsourcing, held at
    Ubicomp '10 (Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26-29, 2010)},
  keywords = {-showdate},
  year = {2010},
  month = {9},
  url = {}}
  author = {John Doe and Jane Doe},
  title = {Seminar Title},
  booktitle = {Proceedings Title},
  year = {2010},
  month = {12},
  isbn = {1234},
  issn = {5678},
  eprint = {}}

\fullcite{test} \\
\fullcite{stevens} \\
Filler text.\footfullcite{test}
More filler text.\footfullcite{stevens}



虽然没有 Audrey 的帮助性回答那么全面,但我找到了适合我需求的解决方案(我只想更改引文中的作者数量)。 GitHub 用户 aboruvka 在回复 biblatex 时提供了答案,功劳应全部归于他问题在 github 上。下面是从他/她的帖子中复制的代码。我在后面添加一个句号{\thefield{entrytype}}更像是一种 hack,而不是通用解决方案。


