

我正在尝试缩短文章的页码范围,如《芝加哥格式手册》第 759-760 页所述。对于不熟悉它的人。我试过了列表中给出的解决方案


% Compress ranges where lower limit > 100

% Don't compress beyond the fourth digit


\usepackage[style=verbose-ibid,firstinits=true,sorting=nty,sortcites=true,useprefix=false,maxnames=6,backend=biber]{biblatex} % originally the style was verbose-ibid
\renewcommand*{\newunitpunct}{\addcomma\space}%put commas instead of periods after some elements of the title
%\usepackage{biblatex}%remove �in� in journal articles

\printtext[parens]{% ADDED
}\nopunct% ADDED
%for citing short forms
% If article:
% If incollection:
% Else:
%for defining shorthands




    author = {Kitchen, K. A.},
    title = {The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt: An Overview of Fact and Fiction},
    pages = {161–202},
    bookpaginationtype = {page},
    publisher = {Nederlands Archaeologisch-Philologisch Istituut voor het Nabije Oosten and Peeters},
   series = {Egyptologische Uitgaven},
   editor = {Broekman, G. P. F. and Demarée, R. J. and Kaper, O. E.},
   booktitle = {The Libyan Period in Egypt},
   year = {2009},
   usera = {Yes},
   location = {Leiden and Leuven},
   booksubtitle = {Historical and Cultural Studies into the 21st-24th Dynasties: Proceedings of a Conference at Leiden University, 25-27 October 2007},
   number = {23}

正如我所说,我希望页面范围在articles 中,并且incollection应该缩短为类似“第 321-328 页”的内容,例如“第 321-28 页”。任何帮助表示感谢。


以下是缩写规则的摘要芝加哥格式手册(第 16 版,第 9.60 节)。

  1. 如果页面范围中第一个数字小于 100:不压缩(例如 3–10、71–72、96–117)
  2. 否则,如果第一个数字可以被 100 整除:不压缩(例如 100–104、1100–1113)
  3. 否则,如果第一个数字的倒数第二位数字为零:完全压缩(例如 101-8、808-33、1103-4)
  4. 否则:压缩到至少两位数(例如 321–28、498–532、1087–89、1496–500、11564–615、12991–3001)

根据讨论的计数器先前的答案以下值涉及规则 1 和 4。

\setcounter{mincomprange}{100}    % Compress when first number is > 100...
\setcounter{maxcomprange}{100000} %   and has no more digits than 100000 (essentially > 100)
\setcounter{mincompwidth}{10}     % Compress down to two digits

\mkcomprange隐藏第二个数字中的前导零。这解决了规则 3。可以通过编辑一些biblatex内部内容来处理规则 2。以下文档对此进行了演示。






\cites[3--10,71--72,96--117]{cms}{salam} \\
\cite[100--104,1100--1113,2900--2913]{cms} \\
\cite[101--108,808--833,1103--1104]{cms} \\



我不熟悉 Cicago 格式手册。要将参考书目中的页面范围(如“321--328”)压缩为“321--28”,同时保留页面前缀,您必须pages按如下方式更改字段的格式:





  author = {Blinder, Alan S.},
  year = {1974},
  title = {The economics of brushing teeth},
  journaltitle = {Journal of Political Economy},
  volume = {82},
  number = {4},
  pages = {887--891},






