\draw (3,0) -- (1,0)[dashed] -- (0,0)[solid] ;
\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1.5pt]
\node at (200pt,40pt) [label=right:{2 line segments}]{};
% for straight segments this is the easiest:
\draw[dashed] (200pt,40pt) -- (60pt,40pt);
\draw (60pt,40pt) -- (0pt,40pt);
\node at (200pt,10pt) [label=right:{custom dash pattern}]{};
% for curves you can specify custom dash pattern, but it's cumbersome
% having to specify every singly dash untill the line becomes solid:
\draw[dash pattern=on 10pt off 10pt on 10pt off 10pt on 10pt off 10pt on 10pt off 10pt on 10pt off 10pt on 10pt off 10pt on 10pt off 10pt on 100pt] (200pt,10pt) .. controls (40pt,40pt) and (90pt,-30pt) .. (0,20pt);
\node at (200pt,-10pt) [label=right:{custom dash pattern}]{};
% it does however allow for nice density modifications (but also by hand):
\draw[dash pattern=on 10pt off 9pt on 9pt off 8pt on 8pt off 7.3pt on 7.3pt off 6.7pt on 6.7pt off 6.3pt on 6.3pt off 5.9pt on 5.9pt off 5.4pt on 5.4pt off 5.0pt on 5.0pt off 4.0pt on 4.5pt off 3.0pt on 4.0pt off 2.4pt on 3.5pt off 1.8pt on 100pt] (200pt,-10pt) .. controls (40pt,20pt) and (90pt,-50pt) .. (0,0pt);
\node at (200pt,-30pt) [label=right:{2 curves: dashed $+$ clipped solid}]{};
% now there's 2 paths - a long dashed one and a clipped solid one:
\clip (-5pt,-70pt) rectangle (60pt,5pt);
\draw (200pt,-30pt) .. controls (40pt,0pt) and (90pt,-70pt) .. (0,-20pt);
\draw[dashed] (200pt,-30pt) .. controls (40pt,0pt) and (90pt,-70pt) .. (0,-20pt);
\node at (200pt,-50pt) [label=right:{2 curves: dashed $+$ faded solid}]{};
% for a gradient toning down of the solid line you can use fading:
\draw[path fading=east] (200pt,-50pt) .. controls (40pt,-20pt) and (90pt,-90pt) .. (0,-40pt);
\draw[dashed,path fading=west] (200pt,-50pt) .. controls (40pt,-20pt) and (90pt,-90pt) .. (0,-40pt);
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={>=latex}]
% Normal dashed line
\draw[thick,black] (0,1) -- (1,1);
\draw[->,thick,black,dashed] (1,1) -- (4,1) node[anchor=west] {Normal dashed line};
% Specify dashed line starting coordinate and length
\draw[thick,black] (0,0) -- (1,0);
\def\x{1}; \def\y{0}; \def\length{3} \def\N{4};
% Draw dashed line using normal lines
\pgfmathsetmacro{\step}{(0.5+1/(4*\N))*\length/\N}; \pgfmathparse{\N-1};
\foreach \i in {0,...,\pgfmathresult} {\draw[thick,black] (\x+2*\i*\step,\y) -- (\x+2*\i*\step+\step,\y);};
\draw[->,thick,black] (\x+\length,\y) -- (\x+\length+0.01,\y) node[anchor=west] {Custom dashed line};
起始 x 坐标、\y
线的 y 级别、\length