。您的代码应如下所示。请注意,表采用了一整页(第 2 页)。有类似的环境sidewaysfigure
\usepackage{rotating} % <-- HERE
blabla dummy text
\begin{sidewaystable} % <-- HERE
dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text \\\hline
dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text \\
dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text \\
dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text \\
dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text \\
dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text & dummy text \\\hline
\caption{Some caption to the table.}
\end{sidewaystable} % <-- HERE