


\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=1.5cm, right=1cm,headsep=1cm]    {geometry}
\lhead{{\Huge Robert Plummer II}  
\begin{tabular}{ l c  }
337-353-9679 &2609 South Vienna Street\\
[email protected] &Ruston, La 71270  \\

{\bf\Large Education:}  
\begin{tabular}{ l c r  }
{\bf Louisiana Tech University \hspace{1in}2008-2012} \hfill \\  
\hspace{.25in}Bachelor of Science Degree, Computer Science Expected 5/12\\
\hspace{.25in}Minor: Mathematics\\ 
\hspace{.25in}Computer Science GPA: 3.06\\
\hspace{.25in}Cumulative GPA: 2.8\\
 {\bf Curriculum Highlights} \hfill \\
 \hspace{.25in}System Programming\\ 
 \hspace{.25in}Operating Systems\\
 \hspace{.25in}Advanced Algorithm Design\\
 \hspace{.25in}Digital Design and Computer Architecture\\
\hspace{.25in}Digital Forensics\\
\hspace{.25in}Cyber Security\\

{\bf\Large Technical Skills:} \\ 
\begin{tabular}{ l c r  }
{\bf Programming Languages} \hfill\\
\hspace{.25in} Experience using C/C++, Python, Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, PHP.\\
{\bf Platforms} \hfill \\
\hspace{.25in} Comfortable working on a Windows, OS X, or Unix machine.\\

{\bf\Large Coursework/Projects:} \\ 
\begin{tabular}{ l c r  }
{\bf Networking} \hfill \\
\hspace{.25in}Implemented a chat program that uses TCP to communicate.\\
\hspace{.25in}Used raw sockets to implement TCP.\\ 
{\bf Digital Forensics} \hfill \\
\hspace{.25in}Implemented a Windows Recycle Bin .info/R-I parser\\
 \hspace{.25in}Windows registry extractor that is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.\\
{\bf Software Engineering} \hfill \\
\hspace{.25in}Project Manager for new Computer Science website for Louisiana Tech University.\\
\hspace{.25in}Responsible for creating a web interface to interact with the SQL database for the new website.\\
\hspace{.25in}Wrote code that used AJAX and PHP to generate the web pages that use content from a database.

\begin{center} References available upon request \end{center}




总的来说,我必须同意@AlanMunn 的评论。下面是我尝试(i)通过以下方式简化布局:不是Palatino使内容居中,并始终使用左对齐的布局,以及 (ii) 通过使用(通过mathpazo包)旧式数字而不是 Computer Modern,使整个文档看起来更有吸引力。

\usepackage[vmargin=3cm, hmargin=1in, headsep=1cm]{geometry}
\lhead{{\Huge Robert Plummer II}  
\begin{tabular}{ l l@{} }
337-353-9679      & 2609 South Vienna Street\\
[email protected] & Ruston LA 71270  \\


& \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bfseries Louisiana Tech University, 2008 to 2012} \\  
 & & Bachelor of Science Degree, Computer Science, exp.\ May 2012\\
 & & Minor: Mathematics\\ 
 & & Computer Science GPA: 3.06\\
 & & Cumulative GPA: 2.8\\[1ex]
 & \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bfseries Curriculum Highlights}\\
 & & System Programming\\ 
 & & Operating Systems\\
 & & Advanced Algorithm Design\\
 & & Networking\\
 & & Digital Design and Computer Architecture\\
 & & Digital Forensics\\
 & & Cyber Security\\

\section*{Technical Skills}

& \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bfseries Programming Languages}\\
 & & Experience using C/C$+{}+$, Python, Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and PHP\\[1ex]
& \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bfseries Platforms}\\
 & & Comfortable working on Windows, MacOS\,X, and Unix machines\\

\section*{Coursework and Projects} 

& \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bfseries Networking}  \\
 & & Implemented a chat program that uses TCP to communicate\\
 & & Used raw sockets to implement TCP\\[1ex]
& \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bfseries Digital Forensics}  \\
 & & Implemented a Windows Recycle Bin .info/R-I parser\\
 & & Wrote Windows registry extractor that is compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7\\[1ex]
& \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\bfseries Software Engineering}  \\
 & & Project Manager for new Computer Science website for Louisiana Tech University\\
 & & Responsible for creating web interface to interact with SQL database for new website\\
 & & Wrote code that used AJAX and PHP to generate web pages that use content from  database


\hspace{0.25in} Available upon request.




维护基于将所有内容放入tabular环境中的 CV 将来会成为噩梦。此外,您永远不应该手动格式化 LaTeX 文档中的元素:LaTeX 的全部意义在于您为文档元素定义语义标记,并通过修改标记定义来决定这些元素的格式。话虽如此,即使只有很少的特殊标记,我们也可以用很少的努力将其变成一个漂亮的文档,并保留一些长期可维护的内容。


  • titlesec使用此包并将其设置secnumdepth为 0,我们可以对 CV 的逻辑部分使用常规分段命令;该small选项似乎大小合适,因此不需要进一步修改。
  • enumitem使用此包,我们可以对子部分的子部分使用简单的逐项列表。这使得它们易于重新排序或更多次排列,因为每个元素都只是一个\item。我删除了标签,并将间距设置为非常紧凑。

\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=1.5cm, right=1cm,headsep=1cm]    {geometry}
{\Huge Robert Plummer II}
337-353-9679 &2609 South Vienna Street\\
[email protected] &Ruston, La 71270 


\subsection{Louisiana Tech University \hspace{1in}2008-2012}
    \item Bachelor of Science Degree, Computer Science Expected 5/12
    \item Minor: Mathematics 
    \item Computer Science GPA: 3.06
    \item Cumulative GPA: 2.8

\subsection {Curriculum Highlights}  
    \item System Programming 
    \item Operating Systems
    \item Advanced Algorithm Design
    \item Networking
    \item Digital Design and Computer Architecture
    \item Digital Forensics
    \item Cyber Security

\section{Technical Skills}
\subsection{Programming Languages} 
    \item  Experience using C/C++, Python, Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, PHP.

    \item  Comfortable working on a Windows, OS X, or Unix machine.

    \item Implemented a chat program that uses TCP to communicate.
    \item Used raw sockets to implement TCP. 

\subsection{Digital Forensics}  
    \item Implemented a Windows Recycle Bin .info/R-I parser
    \item Windows registry extractor that is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.

\subsection{Software Engineering}  
    \item Project Manager for new Computer Science website for Louisiana Tech University.
    \item Responsible for creating a web interface to interact with the SQL database for the new website.
    \item Wrote code that used AJAX and PHP to generate the web pages that use content from a database.
\item Available on request.


