如何使用 LaTeX 制作这个?

如何使用 LaTeX 制作这个?

掌握博士学位- P. Gosling 和 B. Noordam (Springer 2006),第 42 页: 本书第 42 页

现在我想用 LaTeX 来实现这一点。我特别感兴趣的是如何让框架和页面一样宽(或者在一张 A4 纸上放两个框架,以及虚线)。


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\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \fill[black] (current page.north east) rectangle (current page.south west);
    \fill[white, rounded corners=0.5cm] ([xshift=-1mm,yshift=-1mm]current page.north east) rectangle ([xshift=1mm,yshift=1mm]current page.south west);
    \draw[dashed,ultra thick]([yshift=10cm]current page.west)-- ([xshift=0cm,yshift=10cm]current page.east);
    \draw[dashed,very thick]([yshift=6cm]current page.west)-- ([xshift=0cm,yshift=6cm]current page.east);
    \draw[dashed,very thick]([yshift=2cm]current page.west)-- ([xshift=0cm,yshift=2cm]current page.east);
    \draw[dashed,very thick]([yshift=-2cm]current page.west)-- ([xshift=0cm,yshift=-2cm]current page.east);
    \draw[dashed,ultra thick]([yshift=-7cm]current page.west)-- ([xshift=0cm,yshift=-7cm]current page.east);
\noindent{\LARGE\bfseries Monthly Progress Monitor}\\[30pt]
{\Large Name  PhD student:} \hfil {\Large Name supervisor:} \\[30pt]
{\Large Date: \phantom{PhD student::}            }\hfil{\Large Previous meeting:}\\
\item{Of the results I obtained last month, which are the most important?}\\[70pt]
\item{Did I deviate from last month's planning. If so, why?}\\[70pt]
\item{What are the most important goals for the upcoming month?}\\[70pt]
\item{What do I need to do to research these goals? What are the potential hurdles and how do I overcome them?}\\[84pt]
{\Large Suggested date for next month's meeting:}\\[40pt]
{\Large\itshape General agreements:}\\[4pt]
\item{PhD student fills out form prior to meeting with supervisor}\\
\item{At the meeting the answers are completed}\\
\item{Supervisor gets a copy of the final form after the meeting}\\
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% the dotted line

% the frame 
\SetBgContents{\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \draw ($ (current page.north west) + (2.8cm,-2.8cm) $)
        ($ (current page.south east) + (-2.8cm,2.8cm) $);




  \bfseries Monthly Progress Monitor & \\[1ex]
  Name PhD Student: & Name Supervisor: \\[1ex]
  Date: & Previous Meeting:


  \item Of the results I obtained last month, which are the most important? text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
  \item Of the results I obtained last month, which are the most important?
  \item Of the results I obtained last month, which are the most important?
  \item Of the results I obtained last month, which are the most important?

Suggested date for next month's meeting:\\[2ex]
{\itshape General agreements:

\item PhD student fills out form prior to meeting with supervisor.
\item At the meeting answers are completed.
\item Supervisor gets a copy of the final form after the meeting.

