

我是全新到 LaTex,我正在尝试为学术出版物创建一份显示统计数据的报告。

该表相当大,由多个嵌套列组成,数据区域(远离标题等)有 23 个单元格宽。该出版物为 A4 格式,因此表格必须适合 A4 页面(纵向格式)。

我记得在某处读到过,表格数据不应该使用 Serif 字体,所以至少我知道我必须使用 san serif 字体。但是,这是我第一次使用 LaTeX,希望这里经验丰富的专业人士能给我一些建议。





以下任何内容都与 tohecz 的上述评论不矛盾,尤其是关于衬线字体与无衬线字体的评论。但是,如果您找不到更好的表格设计,或者无法制作横向表格,那么您要做的不仅仅是设置表格的字体大小。您可能必须:

  1. 为表格设置较小的字体大小
  2. 在表格环境中设置较小的列分隔
  3. 使用比 LaTeX 默认更小的边距





\usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry} % reduce margins to 3cm on all sides
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} % reduce column separation from default of 6pt


\caption{Some caption}
% default tabular column formatting:
%  left-aligned label (date),
%  5 measured values with 2 figures before decimal and 1 after,
%  5 measured values with 3 figures before decimal and none after,
%  centered label (power),
%  5 measured values with 2 figures before decimal and 1 after,
%  5 measured values with 3 figures before decimal and none after,
% Place a top-of-table rule across all columns
% Leave a blank column, span centered label over 10 columns,
% leave a blank column, span another centered label over 10 columns
& \multicolumn{10}{c}{Male} & & \multicolumn{10}{c}{Female} \\
% Place a mid-table rule over columns 2-11 and 13-22
\cmidrule{2-11} \cmidrule{13-22}
% Leave a blank column, span centered label over 5 columns,
% span centered label over 5 columns, span centered label over 5 columns,
% span centered label over 5 columns
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{Weight} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Height} &
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{Weight} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Height} \\
% Place mid-table rules over columns 2-6, 7-11, 13-17, and 18-22
% (trimmed on both left and right ends)
\cmidrule(lr){2-6} \cmidrule(lr){7-11} \cmidrule(lr){13-17} \cmidrule(lr){18-22}
% Enclose all repeated headers in braces to keep siunitx from trying to interpret them
Birthday & {Min} & {Q1} & {Med} & {Q3} & {Max} & {Min} & {Q1} & {Med} & {Q3} & {Max} &
   Power & {Min} & {Q1} & {Med} & {Q3} & {Max} & {Min} & {Q1} & {Med} & {Q3} & {Max} \\
% Place a mid-table rule across all columns
Jan 2012
& 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 &
  100 & 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 \\
& 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 &
  120 & 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 \\
& 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 &
  340 & 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 \\
% Place a mid-table rule across all columns
Feb 2012
& 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 &
  100 & 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 \\
& 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 &
  120 & 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 \\
& 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 &
  340 & 50.0 & 60.0 & 70.0 & 80.0 & 90.0 & 140 & 150 & 160 & 170 & 180 \\
% Place a bottom-of-table rule across all columns


