使用 LaTeX 排版具有互联网风格引用的电子邮件?

使用 LaTeX 排版具有互联网风格引用的电子邮件?

我想知道是否存在一个包,可以接受所谓的互联网风格引用电子邮件的纯文本,并根据 PDF 输出对其进行相应的格式化。互联网风格的引用在维基百科页面中进行了讨论发帖风格;因此假设我从那里取一个例子,并且我有以下内容作为email.eml文件的内容:

At 10.01am Wednesday, Danny wrote:
> At 9.40am Wednesday, Jim wrote:
>> I'm going to suspend the mail service for approx. thirty
>> minutes tonight, starting at 5pm, to install some updates
>> and important fixes.

> Whoa!  Hold on.  I have a job scheduled at 5:30 which mails out
> a report to key tech staff.  Could you push it back an hour?
> By the way, which systems will be updated? I had some network
> problems after last week's update.  Will I have to reboot?

No problems. 6pm it is then.

Basically, I will update our WWW server and firewall.
No, you won't have to reboot.

然后,我想象可以准备类似的东西email.tex,我可以使用它来获取格式化的 PDF:





我希望至少能够控制选择不同级别引用回复(以 ' >' 为前缀的行)的颜色(灰度)...但是,如果我还可以控制字体 - 或者渲染行而不是 ' >'(就像 Thunderbird 所做的那样),那就太棒了!:)



这只是一个部分解决方案,但它将是可行的方法 - 使用listings


\usepackage{listings}% http://ctan.org/pkg/listings
\usepackage{xcolor}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor
Here is the message:

  morecomment=[l][\color{red!50}]{>>\ },
  morecomment=[l][\color{green!80}]{>\ },


各个回复级别的格式化是通过 完成的morecomments,实际上指定该行“代码”为“注释”。listings无法在上述示例中拾取空行,但如果您不介意使用特定级别的格式,则可以正确解释




我刚刚找到了另一种方法 - 使用delimiterlstlisting 选项,tikz在引号字符处插入节点。麻烦的是,您必须先决定并指定嵌套级别的数量(及其颜色);但好处是您可以完全隐藏已处理的引号字符 - 而其他此类字符则不受影响(因此原始文本源中不需要转义或干预);并且您还可以根据需要绘制带有装饰的线条(哦,是的,由于 tikz 覆盖,您必须使用 tex 两次):


代码并不是很简单,需要对 listings.sty 内容进行一些重载 - 请参阅以下代码中的注释:


% \usepackage{unravel}
% \usepackage{trace}

% \pagecolor{yellow!15}

\newcounter{testa} % just to see how newcounter works with resetting:
% \unravel{
%  \@cons \cl@testa {{testb}} -> \xdef \cl@testa {\@elt {testb}}
% }

\def\lnp{\the\lst@pos} % character column, but as -1, -34..
% \lst@lineno is newcount; "let" it to
% a macro named accordingly so can link to it in newcounter
% \@cons\cl@lst@lineno{{unm}} % ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry
% \xdef\cl@lst@lineno{\@elt{unm}} %cannot: unm needs to be added to list of lst@lineno, which is reset upon addtocounter, which lst@lineno doesn't use
% hack in lst@MProcessListing (listings.sty), to call \extralstlinecall before change of line number
\gdef\extralstlinecall{\typeout{EXTRA LINE \lnm}}
    \lst@XPrintToken \lst@EOLUpdate \lsthk@InitVarsBOL
    \ifnum \lst@lineno>\lst@lastline
        \lst@ifdropinput \lst@LeaveMode \fi

\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture] % must have
\tikzstyle{nn} = [inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, minimum size=0pt]
\tikzstyle{qln} = [line width=2pt]
% quote colors:
\gdef\lastqcol{2} % declare how many levels/colors we expect (last index)
\colorlet{defaultcol}{.} % current color
% percolumn node lists - same ammount as qcols
\global\expandafter\edef\csname pcoll-#1\endcsname{#2}%
\expandafter\ifx\csname pcoll-#1\endcsname\empty%
  \global\expandafter\edef\csname pcoll-#1\endcsname{#2}%
  \global\expandafter\edef\csname pcoll-#1\endcsname{\csname pcoll-#1\endcsname,#2}%
% we know nodes are NXX-YY here, so
\gdef\getnameXY N#1-#2\e#3#4{%
%\typeout{getname \string#1, \string#2, \string#3, \string#4}%
% \getnameXY NXX-YY\e\tmpa\tmpb
% \typeout{tmpa \tmpa, tmpb \tmpb}

% {\uccode`A=10
%     \uppercase{\xdef\lf{A}}}

  \tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture] % must have
    > % output verbatim character; cannot insert LF (\n): ^^J; also give space betw. char and % sign!
      \node[nn] (\tnnd) {\phantom{>}};%
      \draw[qln,draw=qcol\theunm] (current bounding box.north) -- (\tnnd.south);%
    \color{qcol\theunm}% this spills color; to stop it, use a reset in \extralstlinecall!
  %\typeout{ln \lnm, col \lnc, pos \clnp, unm \theunm}%
\typeout{EXTRA LINE \lnm}%

  % {\^^M}{{\^^M}}1 % matches, but cannot insert, end of line (actually, para!)
  literate={>}{{\repl}}1 ,% kills the >,>> morecomments!
  morecomment=[l][\color{red!50}]{>>\ },
  morecomment=[l][\color{green!80}]{>\ },
  %morecomment=[f][\color{green!80}][0]{\^^M}, % locks

At 10.01am Wednesday, Danny wrote:
> At 9.40am Wednesday, Jim wrote: >>check here<<
>> I'm going to suspend the mail service for approx. thirty
>> minutes tonight, starting at 5pm, to install some updates
>> and important fixes.
> Whoa!  Hold on.  I have a job scheduled at 5:30 which mails out
> a report to key tech staff.  Could you push it back an hour?
>> I'm going to suspend the mail service for approx. thirty
>> minutes tonight, starting at 5pm, to install some updates
>> and important fixes.
> By the way, which systems will be updated? I had some network
> problems after last week's update.  Will I have to reboot?

No problems. 6pm it is then.

Basically, I will update our WWW server and firewall.
No, you won't have to reboot.

> By the way, which systems will be updated? I had some network
> problems after last week's update.  Will I have to reboot?
> Will I have to reboot?

No, you won't have to reboot.


\tikzstyle{bnl} = [line width=1pt,decoration=snake,decorate]
% \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay]
\foreach \ix in {0,...,\lastqcol}{
  \expandafter\edef\expandafter\ptmp{\csname pcoll-\ix\endcsname}
  \typeout{ptmp: '\ptmp'}
  % will not loop if \ptmp empty; that's why all pcoll-\ix must be initialized to empty
    \foreach \inn in \ptmp {
      \expandafter\getnameXY\inn\e\trow\tcol % get
      \typeout{\inn, \trow, \tcol, '\strt', '\endr'}
        \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\isNeighbor}{\trow-\endr == 1}
        \typeout{isNeigh \isNeighbor: \trow, \strt, \endr}
          \tikz[overlay]\draw[bnl,qcol\tcol!60] (N\strt-\tcol) -- (N\endr-\tcol);
    } % foreach
    \tikz[overlay]\draw[bnl,qcol\tcol!60] (N\strt-\tcol) -- (N\endr-\tcol);
% \end{tikzpicture}

