

主题行几乎说明了一切:一些边注(第二页的开头)没有出现在正确的一侧。(问题是:我如何自动修复这个问题?)下面是我从代码中获得的 MWE,我删除了尽可能多的文本(并用垂直空格替换缺失的文本)。我尝试删除一些方程式和 itemize 环境以进一步简化事情,但无法获得正确的值来\vspace说明问题。

这是我的问题的部分答案...如果我\strictpagecheck在每个\marginpar 如果我明确地书写\marginparmargin{outer}(这应该是默认设置),第二页上的注释都会放在正确的一侧。问题是,之前放在错误一侧的注释现在与其他注释部分重叠。




Some text to get things started.
\vspace*{17cm} % to minimize the amount of text on the page.

Some text\marginpar{First note} with some notes in the margin.
Some text\marginpar{Second note} with some notes in the margin.
Some text\marginpar{Third note} with some notes in the margin.

\item First item.  
\item Second item.

Yet more text with a note\marginpar{Fourth note} followed by an equation.
A = B

Now we can see the problem.\marginpar{This note is on the wrong side.}. 
With some more text\marginpar{And another note on the wrong side.} 
so we can perhaps start seeing what is going on.
Some text added with other notes and a reasonably long sentence to keep
the notes somewhat separate\marginpar{Note 1 on the correct side}.
Some text added with other notes and a reasonably long sentence to keep 
the notes somewhat separate\marginpar{Note 2 also}.



这个问题是 LaTeX 的 marginpar 实现所固有的。一个可能的解决方案如下。这使用了 pdftex 的\pdfsavepos扩展,我认为其他较新的引擎也有类似的扩展。此外,它需要打包并变得更通用(并在多个输入文件上进行测试)。但基本上这个想法是\marginpar 只是将其文本保存在一个框中(实际上是两个框,一个左手版和一个右手版),然后在下一个运行时,LaTeX 使用来自的信息 \pdfsavepos将边注对齐到辅助文件中保存的标注的垂直位置。如果它与前一个重叠,则会向下移动,定位是通过可收缩胶水完成的,因此如果边注列太满,胶水会收缩(因此注释会向上移动以允许后面的注释适合)。


% Adjust paperheight for more useful image



\expandafter\xdef\csname sp@#1-#2\endcsname{%
\expandafter\ifx\csname sp@#1-#2\endcsname\relax
\csname sp@#1-#2\endcsname




\expandafter\ifx\csname sp@foot-\the\c@page\endcsname\relax
\csname sp@foot-\the\c@page\endcsname
\smash{\raise\footskip\vbox to \textheight{\hsize\marginparwidth
\csname sp@mpar-\the\c@page\endcsname

\advance\dimen@ #2sp
\setbox\tw@=\vsplit\@mpbox to \maxdimen



Some text to get things started.
\vspace*{14cm} % to minimize the amount of text on the page.

\item First item.  
\item Second item.

Yet more text with a noteZZ\marginpar{zeroth note} followed by an equation.
A = B

Now we can see the problem.AA\marginpar{This is the first note. I'm making it quite long to see some overlapping with mparhack.}. 
With some more textBB\marginpar{Second note} 
so we can perhaps start seeing what is going on.
Some text added with other notes and a reasonably long sentence to keep
the notes somewhat separateCC\marginpar{Third note}.
Some text added with other notes and a reasonably long sentence to keep 
the notes somewhat separateDD\marginpar{Fourth note}.



Some text to get hings started.
\vspace*{14.5cm} % to minimize the amount of text on the page.

\item First item.  
\item Second item.

Yet more text with a note\marginpar{Fourth note} followed by an equation.
A = B

Now we can see the problem.AA\marginpar{This is the first note}. 
With some more textBB\marginpar{Second note} 
so we can perhaps start seeing what is going on.
Some text added with other notes and a reasonably long sentence to keep
the notes somewhat separateCC\marginpar{Third note}.
Some text added with other notes and a reasonably long sentence to keep 
the notes somewhat separateDD\marginpar{Forth note}.

