我正在尝试使用两列在 Beamer 中创建一个演示文稿,一列是 tikzpicture,另一列是列表。我希望在 tikzpicture 中发现节点,同时在列表列中显示相关文本说明。我可以使用\setbeameruncovered{transparent}
或将其全部注释掉,我会得到 tikzpicture 逐渐出现但文本逐渐消失...
\begin{frame}{Stability of Oxidation States - Ebsworth/Oxidation State Diagrams}
\begin{exampleblock}{Oxidation State Diagram for Manganese}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5, every plot/.style={mark=ball, ball color=blue, mark size=5pt}]
\draw[step=0.5cm,gray,very thin] (-0.1,-3.4) grid (7.4,6.4);
\draw[->] (-.5,0) -- (7.5,0)node[near end,below=0.2cm]{\tiny{Oxidation state}};
\draw[->] (0,-3.5) -- (0,6.5)node[rotate=90,midway,above=0.2cm]{$\frac{\Delta G^{\circ}}{F}$};
\foreach \x in {0cm,1cm,2cm,3cm,4cm,5cm,6cm,7cm}
\draw[thick] (\x,-2pt) -- (\x,2pt);
\foreach \y in {-3cm,-2cm,-1cm,0cm,1cm,2cm,3cm,4cm,5cm,6cm}
\draw[thick](-2pt,\y) -- (2pt,\y);
\draw (1,0) node[below]{\tiny{+1}};
\draw (2,0) node[below]{\tiny{+2}};
\draw (3,0) node[below]{\tiny{+3}};
\draw (4,0) node[below]{\tiny{+4}};
\draw (5,0) node[below]{\tiny{+5}};
\draw (6,0) node[below]{\tiny{+6}};
\draw (7,0) node[below]{\tiny{+7}};
\draw (0,-3) node[left]{\tiny{-3}};
\draw (0,-2) node[left]{\tiny{-2}};
\draw (0,-1) node[left]{\tiny{-1}};
\draw (0,0) node[left]{\tiny{0}};
\draw (0,1) node[left]{\tiny{+1}};
\draw (0,2) node[left]{\tiny{+2}};
\draw (0,3) node[left]{\tiny{+3}};
\draw (0,4) node[left]{\tiny{+4}};
\draw (0,5) node[left]{\tiny{+5}};
\draw (0,6) node[left]{\tiny{+6}};
\onslide<2->\draw plot coordinates {(0,0)};
\onslide<3->\draw (0,0) -- (2, -2.36);
\onslide<3->\draw plot coordinates {(2,-2.36)};
\onslide<4->\draw (2, -2.36) -- (3,-0.86);
\onslide<4->\draw plot coordinates {(3,-0.86)};
\onslide<5->\draw (3, -0.86) -- (4, 0.09) ;
\onslide<5->\draw plot coordinates {(4, 0.09)};
\onslide<6->\draw (4, 0.09) -- (6, 4.27) ;
\onslide<6->\draw plot coordinates {(6,4.27)};
\onslide<7->\draw (6, 4.27) -- (7, 5.17) ;
\onslide<7->\draw plot coordinates {(7, 5.17)};
\onslide<8->\draw[thick,color=red] (2,-2.36) circle (0.25cm);
\onslide<8->\draw[thick,color=red,->] (4,-2) -- (2.25,-2.5) node[near start,above right,color=red]{\tiny{Most Stable}};
\onslide<9->\draw[thick,color=red] (7,5.17) circle (0.25cm);
\onslide<9->\draw[thick,color=red,->] (5,5.5) -- (6.75,5.25) node[near start, left,color=red]{\tiny{Most Oxidising}};
\onslide<10->\draw[thick,color=red] (0,0) circle (0.25cm);
\onslide<10->\draw[thick,color=red,->] (1.5,1.5) -- (0.25,0.25) node[near start,above right,color=red]{\tiny{Most reducing}};
\onslide<11->\draw(5,4) node[left,color=red]{\tiny{Disproportioning}};
\onslide<12->\draw[thick,color=red](6,4.27) -- (7,5.17);
\onslide<12->\draw[thick,color=red](6,4.27) -- (4,0.09);
\onslide<1->\begin{exampleblock}{Calculation of $\frac{\Delta G}{nF}$}
Transition & $n$ & $E^0/V$ & $-nE^0/V$ & $\Sigma$ \\\hline
\onslide<2-> $\onslide<2->0$ &\onslide<2-> 0 &\onslide<2-> 0.00 &\onslide<2-> 0.00 &\onslide<2-> 0.00 \\
\onslide<3->$0\rightarrow 2$ &\onslide<3-> 2 &\onslide<3-> 1.18 &\onslide<3-> -2.36 &\onslide<3-> -2.36 \\
\onslide<4->$2\rightarrow 3$ & \onslide<4->1 &\onslide<4-> -1.50 &\onslide<4-> 1.50 &\onslide<4-> -0.86 \\
\onslide<5->$3\rightarrow 4$ & \onslide<5->1 &\onslide<5-> -0.95 & \onslide<5->0.95 &\onslide<5-> 0.09 \\
\onslide<6->$4\rightarrow 6$ & \onslide<6->2 & \onslide<6->-2.09 &\onslide<6-> 4.18 & \onslide<6->4.27 \\
\onslide<7->$6\rightarrow 7$ & \onslide<7->1 &\onslide<7-> -0.90 &\onslide<7-> 0.90 & \onslide<7->5.17 \\
\onslide<8->\item The most stable state will have the lowest energy on the oxidation state diagram
\onslide<9->\item Any species located with high $\Delta G$ at high oxidation number will be a strong oxidising agent
\onslide<10->\item Any species located at low oxidation number and high $\Delta G$ will be a reducing agent
\onslide<11->\item Any species located on a convex section can undergo disproportionation
- 由于
(顺便说一下,这是默认设置,因此您只需删除 for 行即可\setbeamercovered
)。 - 使用括号括起参数
s 都这样做了,但不是全部(没有时间这样做)):
\begin{frame}{Stability of Oxidation States - Ebsworth/Oxidation State Diagrams}
\begin{exampleblock}{Oxidation State Diagram for Manganese}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5, every plot/.style={mark=ball, ball color=blue, mark size=5pt}]
\draw[step=0.5cm,gray,very thin] (-0.1,-3.4) grid (7.4,6.4);
\draw[->] (-.5,0) -- (7.5,0)node[near end,below=0.2cm]{\tiny{Oxidation state}};
\draw[->] (0,-3.5) -- (0,6.5)node[rotate=90,midway,above=0.2cm]{$\frac{\Delta G^{\circ}}{F}$};
\foreach \x in {0cm,1cm,2cm,3cm,4cm,5cm,6cm,7cm}
\draw[thick] (\x,-2pt) -- (\x,2pt);
\foreach \y in {-3cm,-2cm,-1cm,0cm,1cm,2cm,3cm,4cm,5cm,6cm}
\draw[thick](-2pt,\y) -- (2pt,\y);
\draw (1,0) node[below]{\tiny{+1}};
\draw (2,0) node[below]{\tiny{+2}};
\draw (3,0) node[below]{\tiny{+3}};
\draw (4,0) node[below]{\tiny{+4}};
\draw (5,0) node[below]{\tiny{+5}};
\draw (6,0) node[below]{\tiny{+6}};
\draw (7,0) node[below]{\tiny{+7}};
\draw (0,-3) node[left]{\tiny{-3}};
\draw (0,-2) node[left]{\tiny{-2}};
\draw (0,-1) node[left]{\tiny{-1}};
\draw (0,0) node[left]{\tiny{0}};
\draw (0,1) node[left]{\tiny{+1}};
\draw (0,2) node[left]{\tiny{+2}};
\draw (0,3) node[left]{\tiny{+3}};
\draw (0,4) node[left]{\tiny{+4}};
\draw (0,5) node[left]{\tiny{+5}};
\draw (0,6) node[left]{\tiny{+6}};
\onslide<2->{\draw plot coordinates {(0,0)};}
\onslide<3->{\draw (0,0) -- (2, -2.36);}
\onslide<3->{\draw plot coordinates {(2,-2.36)};}
\onslide<4->{\draw (2, -2.36) -- (3,-0.86);}
\onslide<4->{\draw plot coordinates {(3,-0.86)};}
\onslide<5->{\draw (3, -0.86) -- (4, 0.09) ;}
\onslide<5->{\draw plot coordinates {(4, 0.09)};}
\onslide<6->{\draw (4, 0.09) -- (6, 4.27) ;}
\onslide<6->{\draw plot coordinates {(6,4.27)};}
\onslide<7->{\draw (6, 4.27) -- (7, 5.17) ;}
\onslide<7->{\draw plot coordinates {(7, 5.17)};}
\onslide<8->{\draw[thick,color=red] (2,-2.36) circle (0.25cm);}
\onslide<8->{\draw[thick,color=red,->] (4,-2) -- (2.25,-2.5) node[near start,above right,color=red]{\tiny{Most Stable}};}
\onslide<9->{\draw[thick,color=red] (7,5.17) circle (0.25cm);}
\onslide<9->{\draw[thick,color=red,->] (5,5.5) -- (6.75,5.25) node[near start, left,color=red]{\tiny{Most Oxidising}};}
\onslide<10->{\draw[thick,color=red] (0,0) circle (0.25cm);}
\onslide<10->{\draw[thick,color=red,->] (1.5,1.5) -- (0.25,0.25) node[near start,above right,color=red]{\tiny{Most reducing}};}
\onslide<11->{\draw(5,4) node[left,color=red]{\tiny{Disproportioning}};}
\onslide<12->{\draw[thick,color=red](6,4.27) -- (7,5.17);}
\onslide<12->{\draw[thick,color=red](6,4.27) -- (4,0.09);}
\onslide<1->\begin{exampleblock}{Calculation of $\frac{\Delta G}{nF}$}
Transition & $n$ & $E^0/V$ & $-nE^0/V$ & $\Sigma$ \\\hline
\onslide<2->$\onslide<2->0$ &\onslide<2-> 0 &\onslide<2-> 0.00 &\onslide<2-> 0.00 &\onslide<2-> 0.00 \\
\onslide<3->$0\rightarrow 2$ &\onslide<3-> 2 &\onslide<3-> 1.18 &\onslide<3-> -2.36 &\onslide<3-> -2.36 \\
\onslide<4->$2\rightarrow 3$ & \onslide<4->1 &\onslide<4-> -1.50 &\onslide<4-> 1.50 &\onslide<4-> -0.86 \\
\onslide<5->$3\rightarrow 4$ & \onslide<5->1 &\onslide<5-> -0.95 & \onslide<5->0.95 &\onslide<5-> 0.09 \\
\onslide<6->$4\rightarrow 6$ & \onslide<6->2 & \onslide<6->-2.09 &\onslide<6-> 4.18 & \onslide<6->4.27 \\
\onslide<7->$6\rightarrow 7$ & \onslide<7->1 &\onslide<7-> -0.90 &\onslide<7-> 0.90 & \onslide<7->5.17 \\
\onslide<8->\item The most stable state will have the lowest energy on the oxidation state diagram
\onslide<9->\item Any species located with high $\Delta G$ at high oxidation number will be a strong oxidising agent
\onslide<10->\item Any species located at low oxidation number and high $\Delta G$ will be a reducing agent
\onslide<11->\item Any species located on a convex section can undergo disproportionation