如何在 LaTeX 中将摘​​要的行距设为双倍?

如何在 LaTeX 中将摘​​要的行距设为双倍?



根据 Paulo Cereda 的建议(事实上我刚刚使用该包撰写了一篇带有摘要的论文,尽管我没有将摘要的行距增加一倍),我整理了一个说明其工作原理的示例。

\usepackage{setspace}   %Allows double spacing with the \doublespacing command

\noindent Hyperpolarization-activated and cyclic nucleotide-modulated (HCN) channels control cell membrane excitability in the human heart and central nervous system. 
The HCN channels have been shown to be more sensitive to cAMP then to cGMP.
One of the most significant differences between the two ligands is that cAMP binds in the \textit{anti}-conformation, 
with the base ``over'' the ribose, while cGMP binds in the \textit{syn}-conformation, with the base ``away'' from the ribose.
This suggests that the \textit{anti} vs.\ \textit{syn} conformational selection is a key aspect of the cAMP vs.\ cGMP selectivity in HCN. 
Our goal was to dissect the structural determinants of the \textit{anti} vs.\ \textit{syn} conformational selection. 
For this purpose, we have investigated cIMP, a cyclic nucleotide analogue, and the I636D HCN point-mutation, targeting the ligand-binding regions by NMR spectroscopy. 

We have shown that in solution the HCN\ I636D construct binds to cAMP and cGMP in a similar manner to wild-type HCN2, without the reversal of selectivity previously shown by Zhou and Siegelbaum.
Cyclic IMP has been shown to bind to HCN\ far more weakly then either cAMP or cGMP, indicating that the unfunctionalized 2-position of cAMP is not the reason for its stronger binding then cGMP.
Solution NMR based methods have also allowed the direct determination of binding conformation  (i.e.\ \textit{anti-} vs.\ \textit{syn-}) in cGMP bound to the I636D mutant, and shows promise in finding the conformation of further species.  

注意:我不得不从我的论文中删除一些宏以使其更简洁,因此文本中缺少一些细节,从而导致了一些错误。就当它是一篇口头总结吧。(编辑:我的意思是,文本不再 100% 准确,而不是有 LaTeX 错误)


警告 不要使用此解决方案,setspace而应使用。


您还可以使用\linespread。参数是一个因子。我们的朋友 lockstep 和 Werner 在为何线扩展因子如此呢?问题。

只需拨打\linespread{1.6},什么也不会发生。解释在英国 TeX 常见问题列表


事实上,该命令相当于\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{factor}:这样写,效果不是立即的,这一点并不令人意外。该\baselinestretch因子仅在选择字体时使用;单纯更改\baselinestretch不会改变字体,命令也是如此\fontsize{size}{baselineskip}— 您必须在任一命令后跟\selectfont


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