使用 oolatex 和 hyperref 构建文章时出现问题

使用 oolatex 和 hyperref 构建文章时出现问题

我在尝试将 Latex 文章转换为 OpenOffice 时遇到了一些麻烦。首先,我使用的是 Ubuntu 11.04,安装了texlive2011 版(通过 安装tlmgr)。

EDIT1:现在有一个基于给定测试用例的 MWE(这是一个 shell 脚本) - 请参阅文章末尾


mkdir tmp && cd tmp
wget http://www.inderscience.com/www/download/latex_singlecolumn_2010.zip
unzip latex_singlecolumn_2010.zip
cd Single-column/Single-column/
ln -s ../../singlecol-new.cls . # symlink class file in top dir

# make a copy to a test latex file:
cp IJDMB-4\(4\)07-MullahandEguchi.tex mytemp.tex
# hack temp latex file; end of its preamble at "\spaceskip=3.5pt..." line
sed -ri 's_^\\spaceskip(.*)_    \\spaceskip\1        \\usepackage{times}    \\usepackage{url}    \\usepackage[breaklinks]{hyperref}    \\usepackage{breakurl}    \\hypersetup{colorlinks=, linkcolor=, citecolor=, filecolor=, urlcolor=}    % hack for math in sections:    \\let\\oldsection\\section    \\def\\
mpl{\\oldsection[]}    \\let\\section\\
mpl        _' mytemp.tex

# do a test run
pdflatex mytemp.tex
# OK: Output written on mytemp.pdf (12 pages, 249090 bytes).

目前为止已经足够好了 - 但我想oolatex在这个文档上使用 now;并且由于没有oolatexin texlive,我尝试这样做:

mk4ht oolatex mytemp.tex


Package hyperref Message: Driver: htex4ht.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \headerps@out
                         {/burl@stx null def /BU.S { /burl@stx null def } de...
l.306 }

现在,我在某处找到了这一行\def\headerps@out#1{\special{! #1}}%,如果我把它添加到我的序言中:

\spaceskip=3.5pt plus1.47pt minus0.77pt \makeatother

\def\headerps@out#1{\special{! #1}}%


然后它似乎被注册了 - 如果我尝试再次构建,该过程将失败并出现另一个错误:

$ mk4ht oolatex mytemp.tex
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ...\a:mathml columnlines="\columnlines
                                                  " \a:mathml equalcolumns="...
l.203 G
       _2\\[1pt] G_1\\

有人知道如何将上述示例构建为 OpenOffice 文档吗?





\def\bmD{\mbox{\boldmath $D$}}          %99.10.1
\def\bmE{\mbox{\boldmath $E$}}        %99.6.29
\def\bmG{\mbox{\boldmath $G$}}


% \makeatletter
% \def\headerps@out#1{\special{! #1}}%
% \makeatother

\hypersetup{colorlinks=, linkcolor=, citecolor=, filecolor=, urlcolor=}
% hack for math in sections:
% see http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/50854/2595
\newcommand{\mysectionStar}[1]{  % no two arguments here?
\typeout{AAAA}% debug
\newcommand{\mysectionNoStar}[1]{ %
\typeout{BBBB}% debug
\oldsection[TOC-ENTRY:\thesection]{#1} }


\title{Robust QTL analysis by minimum ${\bm\beta}$-divergence method}
% \title{Robust method}



The basic methodology for mapping QTLs involves arranging a
cross between two inbred strains differing substantially in a
quantitative trait: segregating progeny are scored both for the
trait and for a number of genetic markers. A cross between two
parental inbred lines $P_1$ and $P_2$ is performed to produce
an $F_1$ population. .... \cite{Zeng94} named this
combination as~CIM.

\section{Genetic model}\label{modelMLE}

Let us consider a QTL in the backcross population in which the
frequencies of genotypes $QQ$ and $Qq$ are $1/2$ and $1/2$,
respectively. The genetic model for a QTL is as follows:
\bmG =
G_2\\[1pt] G_1\\
1\\[1pt] 1\\
\mu +
1/2\\[2pt] -1/2\\
[a] ={\bf 1}_{2\times 1}\mu+\bmD\bmE.

\section{Robust QTL analysis by CIM model based on minimum\\
 ${\bm\beta}$-divergence estimators}\label{BetaDivergence}

The $\beta$-divergence between two probability density
functions $p(u)$ and $q(u)$ is defined~as
D_{\beta}{(p, q)}
for $\beta>0$.


This paper discusses a new robust QTL mapping algorithm based
on CIM model in an experimental organisms by minimising
$\beta$-divergence using the EM like algorithm.
... However, $R_\beta$ should satisfy $0\leq{R_\beta}\leq 1$


\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Basu et~al.}{1998}]{Basu98}
Basu, A., Harris, I.R., Hjort, N.L. and Jones, M.C. (1998)
`Robust and efficient estimation by minimising a density power
divergence', {\it Biometrika}, Vol.~85, pp.549--559.

Zeng, Z.B. (1994) `Precision mapping of quantitative trait
loci', {\it Genetics}, Vol.~136, \h{pp.1457--1468}.






! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ...\a:mathml columnlines="\columnlines
                                                  " \a:mathml equalcolumns="...

...这是非常明显的,由于换行符,这\columnlines就是问题所在;所以我对此进行了更多的搜索 - 发现这是一个 2009 年已知的错误:[tex4ht] 错误报告:oolatex 损坏

这是由于未初始化的宏 \columnlines 造成的。一个快速而粗略的技巧是在文档顶部插入以下行:


这个错误将在不久的 TeX4ht 下一版本中修复。

因此,正如文章中所述,只需在部分\let\columnlines\empty之后添加即可\def\headerps@out- 最后,mk4ht oolatex ...顺利通过:)不过我注意到,数学在 .odt 中呈现为图像,并且分页没有保留 - 因为页边距(显然还有字体大小)没有保留...)。


编辑:该死 - 事实证明,这个\columnlines东西本质上是重复的:mathmode - 使用 mk4ht oolatex 将 Latex 转换为 ODF/DOC 导致方程数组失败 - TeX - LaTeX - Stack Exchange... 啊没关系:)
