破坏页面的 Shadowbox

破坏页面的 Shadowbox

我正在尝试排版一段文本shadowbox。文本很长,因此我希望它在必要时跨越两页。但是 TeX 不会执行分页符。


Data warehousing seems to be a big trend these days, and is very interesting to me. 
I'm trying to acquaint myself with its concepts, and am having a problem "seeing 
the forest through the trees" because all of the data warehouse models descriptions 
I can find online are theoretical, but don't gives examples with actual technologies 
being used. I'm a contextual learner, so abstracted, theoretical explanations don't 
really help me out all that much. \linebreak 

我认为minipage这就是问题所在。我尝试过mdframed, lstset,但也lstinputlisting没有得到想要的结果。任何看起来像这个输出的解决方案都会受到欢迎:



mdframed包可以满足您的需要(在加载shadowsTikZ 库之后):




Data warehousing seems to be a big trend these days, and is very interesting to me. 
I'm trying to acquaint myself with its concepts, and am having a problem "seeing 
the forest through the trees" because all of the data warehouse models descriptions 
I can find online are theoretical, but don't gives examples with actual technologies 
being used. I'm a contextual learner, so abstracted, theoretical explanations don't 
really help me out all that much.






  drop shadow southeast,
  enhanced jigsaw,


Data warehousing seems to be a big trend these days, and is very interesting to me. 
I'm trying to acquaint myself with its concepts, and am having a problem "seeing 
the forest through the trees" because all of the data warehouse models descriptions 
I can find online are theoretical, but don't gives examples with actual technologies 
being used. I'm a contextual learner, so abstracted, theoretical explanations don't 
really help me out all that much.


