\documentclass[a4paper,14pt ]{report}
\item{Vertices are sorted in the following order 0,5,1,2,4,3}
\item{Depth 1: \textbf{0},5,1,2,4,3} \\
Depth 2: \textbf{1},2 \\
Depth 3: \textbf{2} \\
Depth 2: 1,\textbf{2}
\item{Depth 1: 0,\textbf{5},1,2,4,3} \\
Depth 2: \textbf{4},3 \\
\item{Depth 1: 0,5,\textbf{1},2,4,3} \\
Depth 2: \textbf{2},3,4 \\
Depth 3: \textbf{3},4 \\
Depth 4: \textbf{4} \\
Depth 3: 3,\textbf{4} \\
Depth 2: 2,3,\textbf{4} \\
\item{Depth 1: 0,5,1,\textbf{2},4,3}
\\\\ (the bold face node is expanded)
Cannot expand, so $CBC$ is \{0,1,2\} with size 3 \\
$d + (m - i)= 2 + (2 - 2) = 2 < 3,$ so we prune \\\\
$2 + (2-1)=3 \le CBC$, so we prune
\\\\ \\\\
becomes our new $CBC$ with size 4 \\
$3 + (2 - 2) = 3 < 4$, so we prune \\
$2 + (3 - 2) = 3 < CBC$, so we prune \\\\
$1 + (6 - 4) = 3 < CBC$, as depth = 1, we stop
\usepackage{tabularx}% http://ctan.org/pkg/tabularx
\usepackage{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
1 & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Vertices are sorted in the following order 0,5,1,2,4,3} \\[\baselineskip]
2 & Depth 1: \textbf{0},5,1,2,4,3 & (the bold face node is expanded) \\
& Depth 2: \textbf{1},2 \\
& Depth 3: \textbf{2} & Cannot expand, so $CBC$ is \{0,1,2\} with size 3 \\
& Depth 2: 1,\textbf{2} & $d + (m - i)= 2 + (2 - 2) = 2 < 3,$ so we prune \\[\baselineskip]
3 & Depth 1: 0,\textbf{5},1,2,4,3 \\
& Depth 2: \textbf{4},3 & $2 + (2-1)=3 \le CBC$, so we prune \\[\baselineskip]
4 & Depth 1: 0,5,\textbf{1},2,4,3 \\
& Depth 2: \textbf{2},3,4 \\
& Depth 3: \textbf{3},4 \\
& Depth 4: \textbf{4} & becomes our new $CBC$ with size 4 \\
& Depth 3: 3,\textbf{4} & $3 + (2 - 2) = 3 < 4$, so we prune \\
& Depth 2: 2,3,\textbf{4} & $2 + (3 - 2) = 3 < CBC$, so we prune \\[\baselineskip]
5 & Depth 1: 0,5,1,\textbf{2},4,3 & $1 + (6 - 4) = 3 < CBC$, as depth = 1, we stop
一种方法是按照@Thorsten 的建议离开hyperref
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt ]{report}
% \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.5}\normalsize
\item{Vertices are sorted in the following order 0,5,1,2,4,3}
\item{Depth 1: \textbf{0},5,1,2,4,3} \\
Depth 2: \textbf{1},2 \\
Depth 3: \textbf{2} \\
Depth 2: 1,\textbf{2}
\\\\(the bold face node is expanded)
Cannot expand, so $CBC$ is \{0,1,2\} with size 3 \\
$d + (m - i)= 2 + (2 - 2) = 2 < 3,$ so we prune
\item{Depth 1: 0,\textbf{5},1,2,4,3} \\
Depth 2: \textbf{4},3
\\\\ \\$2 + (2-1)=3 \le CBC$, so we prune
\item{Depth 1: 0,5,\textbf{1},2,4,3} \\
Depth 2: \textbf{2},3,4 \\
Depth 3: \textbf{3},4 \\
Depth 4: \textbf{4} \\
Depth 3: 3,\textbf{4} \\
Depth 2: 2,3,\textbf{4}
\\\\\\\\\\ becomes our new $CBC$ with size 4 \\
$3 + (2 - 2) = 3 < 4$, so we prune \\
$2 + (3 - 2) = 3 < CBC$, so we prune
\item{Depth 1: 0,5,1,\textbf{2},4,3}
\\\\ $1 + (6 - 4) = 3 < CBC$, as depth = 1, we stop