反向引用的目标是开始出现引用的页面(或部分,取决于选项)(请参阅 backref 手册)。
编辑 下面是一个最小的工作示例:文内引用在页面中均匀分布,参考书目中的反向引用命令应该指向它们,而不是页面顶部。
Top of page
\expandafter\ifx\csname urlstyle\endcsname\relax
\providecommand{\doi}[1]{doi: #1}\else
\providecommand{\doi}{doi: \begingroup \urlstyle{rm}\Url}\fi
\newblock {Graphical perception: Theory, experimentation, and application to
the development of graphical methods}.
\newblock \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 79\penalty0
(387):\penalty0 531--554, 1984.
\bibitem[Spence et~al.(1999)Spence, Kutlesa, and Rose]{Spence1999}
I.~Spence, N.~Kutlesa, and D.L. Rose.
\newblock {Using color to code quantity in spatial analysis}.
\newblock \emph{Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied}, 5:\penalty0 393,
我使用 Pdflatex 编译了两次。
在 every 之前添加一个\cite
%%%% these patches ensure that the backrefs point to the actual occurrences of the citations in the text, not just the page or section in which they appeared
%%%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/54541/precise-back-reference-target-with-hyperref-and-backref
%%%% BEGIN BACKREF DIRECT PATCH, apply these AFTER loading hyperref package with appropriate backref option
% The following options are provided for the patch, currently with a poor interface!
% * If there are multiple cites on the same (page|section) (depending on backref mode),
% should we show only the first one or should we show them all?
%%%% end of options
% hyperref is essential for this patch to make any sense, so it is not unreasonable to request it be loaded before applying the patch
% 1. insert a phantomsection before every cite, so hyperref has something to target
% * in case natbib is loaded. hyperref provides an appropriate hook so this should be safe, and we don't even need to check if natbib is loaded!
\renewcommand*{\hyper@natlinkstart}{\phantomsection\BR@direct@old@hyper@natlinkstart}% note that the anchor will appear after any brackets at the start of the citation, but that's not really a big issue?
% * if natbib isn't used, backref lets \@citex to \BR@citex during \AtBeginDocument
% so just patch \BR@citex
% 2. if using page numbers, show the page number but still hyperlink to the phantomsection instead of just the page!
% check which package option the user loaded (pages (hyperpageref) or sections (hyperref)?)
% they wanted pages! make sure they get our re-definition
%\let\backrefxxxdupe\hyper@page@backref% test only the page number
\newcommand*{\backrefxxxdupe}[3]{#1}% test only the page number
\newcommand*{\backrefxxxdupe}[3]{#2}% test only the section name
% 3. now make sure that even if there is no numbered section, the hyperref's still work instead of going to the start of the document!
\patchcmd{\Hy@backout}{Doc-Start}{\@currentHref}{}{\errmessage{I can't seem to patch backref}}
所有这些都在 MWE 的上下文中(基于提供的 MWE,但进行了扩展),现在使用biblio.bib
示例文件希望能够自动找到它(否则请使用链接从 CTAN 获取):
%%%% these patches ensure that the backrefs point to the actual occurrences of the citations in the text, not just the page or section in which they appeared
%%%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/54541/precise-back-reference-target-with-hyperref-and-backref
%%%% BEGIN BACKREF DIRECT PATCH, apply these AFTER loading hyperref package with appropriate backref option
% The following options are provided for the patch, currently with a poor interface!
% * If there are multiple cites on the same (page|section) (depending on backref mode),
% should we show only the first one or should we show them all?
%%%% end of options
% hyperref is essential for this patch to make any sense, so it is not unreasonable to request it be loaded before applying the patch
% 1. insert a phantomsection before every cite, so hyperref has something to target
% * in case natbib is loaded. hyperref provides an appropriate hook so this should be safe, and we don't even need to check if natbib is loaded!
\renewcommand*{\hyper@natlinkstart}{\phantomsection\BR@direct@old@hyper@natlinkstart}% note that the anchor will appear after any brackets at the start of the citation, but that's not really a big issue?
% * if natbib isn't used, backref lets \@citex to \BR@citex during \AtBeginDocument
% so just patch \BR@citex
% 2. if using page numbers, show the page number but still hyperlink to the phantomsection instead of just the page!
% check which package option the user loaded (pages (hyperpageref) or sections (hyperref)?)
% they wanted pages! make sure they get our re-definition
%\let\backrefxxxdupe\hyper@page@backref% test only the page number
\newcommand*{\backrefxxxdupe}[3]{#1}% test only the page number
\newcommand*{\backrefxxxdupe}[3]{#2}% test only the section name
% 3. now make sure that even if there is no numbered section, the hyperref's still work instead of going to the start of the document!
\patchcmd{\Hy@backout}{Doc-Start}{\@currentHref}{}{\errmessage{I can't seem to patch backref}}
Top of page. No sections at all here yet.
Check that things work in unnumbered sections.
And in numbered sections!
This is just a test \citep{GSM97} on another page and not at the start of the line to see how well things work.
And other citation to something already cited \cite{GSM97} on the same page in the same section.
\section{Another numbered one}
And another dupe test \citet{GSM97}.