newlfm 日期烦恼

newlfm 日期烦恼

自 2007 年以来,我一直在使用 TeXLive 的 newlfm 进行官方通信。我注意到,自 TeXLive 2009 以来,newlfm 就破坏了向后兼容性。我多次阅读文档(很长),可能不太仔细,但我从未找到解决以下日期烦人问题的方法。这就是我要说的。enter image description here







\namefrom{Predrag Puno\v{s}evac}
        Predrag Puno\v{s}evac\\
        Science Laboratory\\
        Some University\\
        Urbana, IL 61801
\emailfrom{[email protected]}

Faculty Search Committee\\
Department of Science\\
Some University\\
Somewhere, SC 29634-0974}

\greetto{To Whom It May Concern,}

I am writing to apply for the position of bla bla

Thank you for your consideration.  I look forward to
hearing from you.


由于上述行为,我已经避免在信件上标注日期好几年了。但是,我决定,如果我不能修复上述软件包,我将至少为信件改用纯 TeX 或 ConTeXt。顺便说一句,我玩 ConTeXt 越多,就越喜欢它。我迫不及待地希望 Mark IV 能够更加成熟。





        Predrag Puno\v{s}evac\\
        Science Laboratory\\
        Some University\\
        Urbana, IL 61801





\namefrom{Predrag Puno\v{s}evac}
        Predrag Puno\v{s}evac\\
        Science Laboratory\\
        Some University\\
        Urbana, IL 61801
\emailfrom{[email protected]}

Faculty Search Committee\\
Department of Science\\
Some University\\
Somewhere, SC 29634-0974}

\greetto{To Whom It May Concern,}

I am writing to apply for the position of bla bla

Thank you for your consideration.  I look forward to
hearing from you.


enter image description here




您需要调整的位置width,以便日期与地址文本对齐。在我的计算机上,在您的文档中,它大约为 1.8 英寸:



% ***** Manually adjust the position of the date. *****

\namefrom{Predrag Puno\v{s}evac}
    Predrag Puno\v{s}evac\\
    Science Laboratory\\
    Some University\\
    Urbana, IL 61801
\emailfrom{[email protected]}

Faculty Search Committee\\
Department of Science\\
Some University\\
Somewhere, SC 29634-0974}

\greetto{To Whom It May Concern,}

I am writing to apply for the position of bla bla

Thank you for your consideration.  I look forward to
hearing from you.

