包和单个\begin{framed} <text> \end{framed}
(关联) 包来自 @altermundus。它提供了从psvectorian
(只能与 latex 一起使用,不能与 pdflatex 一起使用)。pgfornaments 与 pdflatex 一起运行非常顺利。
虽然可以在 pgfornaments 网站本身找到一些示例,但以下链接也可能有用:
为了在 TeX.SX 中方便参考,我重现了@Altermundus 本人的一个例子:
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={inner sep=0pt}]
\node[text width=8cm,align=center](Text){%
In visions of the dark night\\
I have dreamed of joy departed-\\
But a waking dream of life and light Hath left me broken-hearted.\\
Ah! what is not a dream by day\\
To him whose eyes are cast \\
On things around him with a ray \\
Turned back upon the past? \\
That holy dream- that holy dream,\\
While all the world were chiding,\\
Hath cheered me as a lovely beam\\
A lonely spirit guiding.\\
What though that light, thro' storm and night,\\
So trembled from afar- \\
What could there be more purely bright \\
In Truth's day-star? \\
A Dream (1827) by Edgar Allan Poe
} ;
\node[shift={(-1cm,1cm)},anchor=north west](CNW) at (Text.north west)
\node[shift={(1cm,1cm)},anchor=north east](CNE) at (Text.north east)
\node[shift={(-1cm,-1cm)},anchor=south west](CSW) at (Text.south west)
\node[shift={(1cm,-1cm)},anchor=south east](CSE) at (Text.south east)
可以通过上面给出的链接在 pgfornaments 网站中找到更多示例。