如何才能使 IEEEtran 的描述中的缩进更小一些?

如何才能使 IEEEtran 的描述中的缩进更小一些?


\begin{description}[\IEEEsetlabelwidth{Very long label}\IEEEusemathlabelsep]
  \item[Very long label] this text is spanning over multiple lines.  Since the label was very long and the label determined the indent of the text it really covers a large number of lines.


Very long label   this text is spanning over
                  multiple lines. Since the 
                  label was very long and
                  the label determined the
                  indent of the text it
                  really covers a large 
                  number of lines.


Very long label   this text is spanning over
    multiple lines. Since the label was very
    long and the label determined the indent
    of the text it really covers a large 
    number of lines.

我对正文没有特别的要求,但如果正文在文档的几个描述中保持一致就更好了(目前情况并非如此)。我曾尝试阅读 IEEEtran 的文档,但我很困惑。





\begin{description}[\IEEEsetlabelwidth{Very long label}\IEEEusemathlabelsep]
  \item[Very long label] this text is spanning over multiple lines.  Since the label was very long and the label determined the indent of the text it really covers a large number of lines.

\begin{LaTeXdescription}%[\IEEEsetlabelwidth{Very long label}\IEEEusemathlabelsep]
  \item[Very long label] this text is spanning over multiple lines.  Since the label was very long and the label determined the indent of the text it really covers a large number of lines.


