

如何影响 LaTeX 中图形和表格等浮动环境的位置?

我的文档中有一个附录,其中包含名为“图”和“表”的部分,前面是包含文本的部分。在编译的输出中,我得到了不想要的输出。部分标题没有从我希望的位置开始(在第一个表的开头)。它从 2 个表之后开始。

当我制作 MWE 时,我遇到了一些奇怪的行为。自己看看吧。将随机图形保存为 figure1.png。虽然该图是正确的,但输出结果会有所不同,具体取决于您输入的是 figure1.png 还是 figure.png。如果您添加一些仅包含文本的部分/或从我的示例中删除文本部分,输出结果仍然不同。我还希望我的第三个表格环境是一个表格。请告诉我如何

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        \caption{Spatial coverage of all events of PRIO'S Urban Social Disturbance in Asia and Africa dataset}
      \floatfoot{Note: The intensity of the shade indicates the number of events over the period 1990-2010.}


% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
  \caption{Variable sources and features}
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash\advance\hsize1em }X
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash\advance\hsize-1em }X
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash\advance\hsize-1em }X
    \multicolumn{1}{c}{Variable } & Source & Spatial coverage & Temporal coverage & Frequency \\
    Urban Social Disturbances & USDAA, PRIO, Oslo & 55 cities (49 countries) & 1960-2010 & Event-based \\
    Local food prices & FAO GIEWS database  & 43 markets (in common with USDAA) & 1990-Present (unbalanced) & Monthly \\
    Total population & WDI 2010 & 190 countries & 1960-2011 & Annual \\
    Urban population (as p.c. of total) & WDI 2010 & 190 countries & 1960-2011 & Annual \\
    Internet penetration & WDI 2010 & 177 countries & 1960-2011 & Annual \\
    Percapita GDP (constant, 2000) & WDI 2010 & 248 countries & 1960-2011 & Annual \\
    Index of democracy & QoG database, U of Gothenberg & 202 countries & 1960-2011 & Annual \\

  \caption{Local food price series used in the analysis}

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    \multicolumn{1}{c}{Country} & Price series selected &  Retail (R)/Wholesale(W) & Real(R)/Nominal(N) & Location \\
    Afghanistan & Bread & R     & R     & Kabul \\
    Bangladesh & Rice  & W     & N     & Dhaka \\
    Cambodia & Rice  & W     & N     & Phnom Penh \\
    Cameroon & Maize & R     & N     & Yaonde \\
    China & Wheat & R     & N     & NA \\
    (for both Beijing and Lhasa) &       &       &       &  \\
    DRC   & Cassava & R     & N     & Kinshasa \\
    Ethiopia & Sorghum & W     & N     & Addis Ababa \\
    Ghana & Maize & R     & R     & Accra \\
    Guinea & Imported rice & R     & N     & Conakry \\
    India & Rice  & R     & R     & Patna \\
          & Wheat & R     & R     & Delhi \\
          & Wheat & R     & R     & Mumbai \\
    Indonesia & Rice  & R     & R     & NA \\
    Kazakhstan & Bread & R     & R     & Almaty \\
    Kenya & Maize & W     & N     & Nairobi \\
    Kyrgyzstan & Bread & R     & R     & Bishkek \\
    Laos  & Glutinous Rice Grade 1 & R     & N     & NA \\
    Madagascar & Imported Rice & W     & R     & NA \\
    Mali  & Imported Rice & W     & N     & Bamako \\
    Mongolia & Wheat & R     & R     & Ulaan Bator \\
    Mozambique & Maize & R     & N     & Maputo \\
    Myanmar & Rice  & R     & N     & NA \\
    Nepal & Rice  & R     & R     & Kathmandu \\
    Niger & Imported rice & R     & R     & Niamey \\
    Nigeria & Maize & W     & R     & Kano \\
    Pakistan & Wheat flour & R     & R     & Lahore \\
          & Wheat flour & R     & R     & Karachi \\
    Philippines & Regular rice & R     & R     & Manila \\
    Senegal & Imported Rice & R     & R     & Dakar \\
    Somalia & Sorghum & R     & N     & Mogadishu \\
    South Africa   & Wheat & W     & R     & Randfontain \\
    Sri Lanka    & White Rice & R     & R     & Colombo \\
    Sudan & Sorghum & W     & R     & Khartoum \\
    Tajiskistan & Bread & R     & R     & Dushanbe \\
    Tanzania & Maize & W     & R     & Dar es Salaam \\
    Thailand & 25\% broken rice & W     & R     & Bangkok \\
    Togo  & White Maize & R     & R     & Lome \\
    Uganda & Maize & W     & R     & Kampala \\
    Vietnam & Rice  & R     & R     & Hanoi \\
          & 25 \% broken rice & R     & N     & Dong Thap \\
    Zambia & White Maize & R     & R     & NA \\
    Zimbabwe & Maize & R     & N (USD) & Harare \\
    \floatfoot{Note: NA stands for National Average.}

\begin{tabular}{lc} \hline
 & (1) \\
VARIABLES & spontevent \\ \hline
 &  \\
pos\_price\_shock\_ma & 0.287* \\
 & (0.154) \\
 &  \\
Observations & 2,226 \\
Number of city\_group & 37 \\
 R-squared & -0.032 \\ \hline
\multicolumn{2}{c}{ Robust standard errors in parentheses} \\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{ *** p$<$0.01, ** p$<$0.05, * p$<$0.1} \\

%\section{Figures and Tables}

%\section{Steps in the generation of price series}

