我正在制作一本书,其中章节标题为“第 1 周”、“第 2 周”、“第 3 周”等,部分标题为“活动 1”、“活动 2”、“活动 3”等,其他部分标题为“演示 1”、“演示 2”、“演示 3”等。
- 不使用前面的数字,例如“1.1 活动 1”。
- 文本中没有出现其他文本,例如“第 1 周主题”。
- 各部分的数字永不重置。
| |
| Contents |
| |
| Week 1 |
| Activity 1 |
| Activity 2 |
| Presentation 1 |
| Week 2 |
| Activity 3 |
| Activity 4 |
| Presentation 2 |
| |
| Contents |
| |
| Forward |
| Week 1 |
| Activity 1 |
| Activity 2 |
| Presentation 1 |
| Week 2 |
| Activity 3 |
| Notes |
| Conclusion |
This is some text.
This is some text.
This is some text.
This is some more text.
This is some more text.
This is some more text.
| |
| Contents |
| |
| Week |
| Activity |
| Activity 1 |
| Presentation |
| Week |
| Activity |
| Activity 1 |
| Presentation |
| |
| Contents |
| |
| 1. Week 1. |
| 1.1 Activity 1. |
| 1.2 Activity 1.1 |
| 1.2 Presentation 1. |
| 2. Week 2. |
| 2.1 Activity 2 |
| 2.2 Activity 2.1 |
| 2.3 Presentation 2. |
- 为什么在章节标题中使用计数器的编号时会以这种方式出现?
- 如何使用“周”格式创建自定义章节标题以及类似格式的章节标题?
诀窍是自己的号码结构标头的关键。它允许精确控制每个标头的计数器机制。使用 定义的标头ownnumbers=yes
(为了保持一致性,编码风格为 mkiv,因为\defineheadplacement
%% (1) define the base commands. Notice the “ownnumber” key in
%% \base_presentation and \base_activity. This lets us supply an
%% independent numbering scheme.
\definehead [base_week] [chapter]
\definehead [base_activity] [section]
\definehead [base_presentation] [section]
\setuphead [part]
\setuphead [base_week]
\setuphead [base_activity]
\setuphead [base_presentation]
%% (2) define a placement method for headings that omits the title.
\labeltext{\currenthead}\hskip\numberheaddistance #1%
%% (3) heading text is static so we use labels.
%% The following line is cramped due to an exception in option
%% parsing.
%% Cf. http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20120611.090327.dd9b1347.en.html
%% (4a) define counters for use with the “presentation” and “activity”
%% heads.
\definecounter [presentation] [start=0,way=text]
\definecounter [activity] [start=0,way=text]
%% (4b) define a reset trigger for the part structural.
\definestructureresetset [default] [0] [0]
%% (5) define a set of wrappers. These compensate for the fact that you
%% can’t have a simple structure head without the mandatory
%% argument. We start with a plain one.
\define \week{\base_week{}}
%% The “\presentation” and “\activity” macros need special treatment
%% to make it respect the separate counter.
\define \activity{\base_activity {\rawcountervalue[activity]} \empty}
%% (6) side effect: the table of contents needs a placement method on
%% its own in order to conform with the requirements. This step is
%% optional if you don’t care for a toc.
\setuplist [base_week] [alternative=command,command=\week_list]
\setuplist [base_activity] [alternative=command,command=\activity_list]
\setuplist [base_presentation] [alternative=command,command=\activity_list]
\placelist[base_week, base_activity, base_presentation]\page
\part {My Life ...}
Dear diary. Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy.
This is some text.
This is some text.
This is some more text.
This is some more text.
This is some more text.
This is some more text.
\part{... the Exciting Story of a Great Man}
This is yet some more text.
This is yet some more text.
This is yet some more text.