

TeX live 完整安装中安装了哪些字体包?哪些已经过时了?例如:\usepackage{mathpazo}将 Palatino 作为罗马字体。times包似乎已经过时(如l2tabuen)。我只要求使用“易于使用”的软件包\usepackage{...}





  • arev- Arev,一种具有数学增强功能的无衬线字体 (*);源自 Bitstream Vera Sans
  • avant- 将无衬线字体设置为 Avant Garde
  • bera- Bera Serif(罗马字体,*)、Bera Sans(无衬线字体)、Bera Mono(打字机字体);源自 Bitstream Vera;数学字体:Computer Modern
  • bookman- 罗马字体:Bookman (*)、无衬线字体:Avant Garde、打字机字体:Courier
  • cabin- 将无衬线字体设置为 Cabin
  • chancery- 罗马字体:Chancery(*)
  • charter- 罗马字体:Charter(*)
  • cmbright- CM Bright,Computer Modern Sans Serif(无衬线,*)的较浅无衬线变体,CM Typwewriter Light(打字机)
  • concrete- 具体罗马 (roman,*) 与欧拉 (math)
  • courier- 打字机字体:Courier
  • dejavu- DejaVu Serif(罗马字体,*)、DejaVu Sans(无衬线字体)、DejaVu Sans Mono(打字机字体);源自 Bitstream Vera
  • droid- Droid Serif(罗马字体,*)、Droid Sans(无衬线字体)、Droid Sans Mono(打字机字体)
  • drm- 用 Metafont 编写的完整字体系列,也可用作 Type1
  • ebgaramond- 罗马字体:EB Garamond (*)
  • euler- 数学字体
  • fourier- 将衬线字体设置为 Adob​​e Utopia (*),将数学字体设置为 Fourier(设计为与 Utopia 兼容)
  • fouriernc将衬线字体设置为 NewCentury Schoolbook(*)(的克隆版),并将数学字体设置为 Fouriernc(设计为与 NewCentury 兼容)
  • gentium-tug- SIL Genium(类型 1)
  • helvet- 海维提卡
  • inconsolata- 将打字机字体设置为 inconsolata
  • kpfonts- 来自开普勒项目的罗马字体 (*)、无衬线字体和打字机字体、文本和数学符号
  • lato- 无衬线字体
  • libertineotf(已过时) - (Open Type)Linux Libertine(罗马字体,*)、Linux Biolinum(无衬线字体)和 Libertine Mono(打字机字体)
  • libertine- (Type 1 和 Open Type) Linux Libertine (roman,*) 和 Linux Biolinum (sans-serif),以及 Libertine Mono (打字机)
  • librebaskerville- 罗马字体:Libre Baskerville (*)
  • lmodern- 字体几乎与 Computer Modern(默认的 TeX 字体)相同,但采用 Type1 格式(轮廓)。
  • mathdesign- 文本和数学字体,Charter、Garamond 和 Utopia 版本。
  • mathpazo- 将罗马字体更改为 Palatino (*),将数学更改为匹配的字体。
  • mathptmx- 罗马字体为 Times (*),数学基本上是 Times Italic,缺少的数学符号来自 Computer Modern、RSFS(用于\mathcal)和 Adob​​e Symbol
  • newcent- 罗马字体:New Century Schoolbook (*)、无衬线字体:Avant Garde、打字机:Courier
  • newtx随 Young Ryu 的 TXfonts 软件包提供newtxtext,但其度量经过修改(*=Times Roman)。同样,newtxmath提供 TXfonts 数学配套字体,其度量经过修改。无衬线字体基于 Helvetica,打字机字体是专门创建的。
  • quattrocento- Quattrocento(罗马体,*)、Quattrocento Sans(无衬线体)
  • tgadventor将无衬线字体设置为 TeX Gyre Adventor(AvantGarde 的克隆版)
  • tgbonum将衬线字体设置为 TeX Gyre Bonum(Bookman 的克隆版,*)
  • tgchorus将衬线字体设置为 TeX Gyre Chorus(Zapf Chancery 的克隆版,*)
  • tgcursor将打字机字体设置为 TeX Gyre Cursor(Courier 的克隆版)
  • tgheros将无衬线字体设置为 TeX Gyre Heros(Helvetica 的克隆版)
  • tgpagella将衬线字体设置为 TeX Gyre Pagella (Palatino 的克隆,*)
  • tgschola将衬线字体设置为 TeX Gyre Schola(New Century Schoolbook 的克隆版,*)
  • tgtermes将衬线字体设置为 TeX Gyre Termes(Times 的克隆版,*)
  • times(已过时)- 将 roman 改为 Times (*)、sans-serif 改为 Helvetica 以及 typewriter 改为 Courier
  • yfonts- 提供 Yiannis Haralambous 的 Fraktur、Schwabacher 和 Gotische 渲染以及一组漂亮的首字母。



注意存在LaTeX 字体目录



  1. 一页(双面)字体包列表。所有包都包含在 TeX Live 中。并非所有字体都列出,但很多都列出,包括几个未包含在以上列表


增强型计算机现代、PSNFSS 及其替代品、“完整”解决方案

字体包:侧面 1


字体包:侧面 2


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\title{\LaTeX{} Font Packages}
  Browse The \LaTeX{} Font Catalogue at \url{www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/}.
  CTAN topic at \url{ctan.org/topic/font}.}
  /Title    (LaTeX Font Packages)
  /Subject  (LaTeX)
  /Keywords (LaTeX, package, fonts)}
  /PageMode /UseOutlines}   % other values: /UseNone, /UseOutlines, /UseThumbs, /FullScreen
%[openaction <actionspec>]
\newcommand*\lpack[1]{\texttt{\bfseries #1}}
\newcommand*\seealso[1]{\emph{See also \emph{#1}.}}
% \noindent Ref.: \url{www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/}\medskip\par
\noindent A ‘complete solution’ provides serif (roman), sans and typewriter text, matching maths, and \LaTeX{} package(s).\medskip\par
\noindent By default, \TeX{} uses encoding \verb|OT1| which is generally non-ideal.
\verb|\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}| will usually avoid this.
\section{Enhanced Computer Modern}\label{sec:cm}
Computer Modern is \TeX's built-in complete solution.
  \item[Computer Modern Bright] A sans family.
    \item[cmbright] for maths and text.
    Intended for documents where the default family is sans-serif.
  \item[Concrete] A serif family.
    \item[concmath] for maths and text.
  \item[Latin Modern] Enhanced versions of \TeX's default Computer Modern from the GUST e-foundry.
  These packages provide complete solutions.
    \item[lmodern] provides a standard set\-up.
    \item[cfr-lm] offers enhanced support.
    Load with \verb|rm=lining|, \verb|sf=lining| and/or \verb|tt={lining,monowidth}| for lining figures and mono-spaced typewriter.
    The package loads \lpack{nfssext-cfr} which provides commands for accessing the weights, shapes and styles of Latin Modern not supported by \lpack{lmodern}.
\section{PSNFSS \& Alternatives}\label{sec:ps35}
‘Base 35’ refers to the set of 35 PostScript fonts provided by Level 2 PostScript printers and Ghostscript.
These are not complete solutions but can be combined to provide them.
  \item[psnfss] supports the ‘Base 35’ and some extras.
  The \LaTeX{} packages support clones of the PostScript fonts as follows: \lpack{avant} (ITC Avant Garde Gothic), \lpack{bookman} (ITC Bookman with Avant Garde and Courier), \lpack{chancery} (ITC Zapf Chancery(R)), \lpack{charter} (Bitstream Charter), \lpack{courier} (Courier), \lpack{helvet} (Helvetica), \lpack{mathpazo} (Palatino), \lpack{mathptmx} (Times (New) Roman), \lpack{newcent} (New Century Schoolbook with Avant Garde and Courier).
  \lpack{pifont} supports symbol fonts (e.g.~Symbol, Zapf Dingbats.).
  See below for further options and alternative support.
  The package documentation explains the various options for customising and combining these fonts.
  \item[TeX Gyre (TG) Collection] A remake and extension of the standard PostScript fonts, with \LaTeX{} support, from the GUST e-foundry.
  The \LaTeX{} packages support clones of PostScript fonts as follows: \lpack{tgadventor} (ITC Avant Garde Gothic), \lpack{tgbonum} (ITC Bookman), \lpack{tgchorus} (ITC Zapf Chancery(R)), \lpack{tgcursor} (Courier), \lpack{tgheros} (Helvetica), \lpack{tgpagella} (Palatino), \lpack{tgtermes} (Times (New) Roman), \lpack{tgschola} (Century Schoolbook).
  Details at \url{www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre/}.
Here is a partial listing by font:
  \item[Charter BT] Bitstream Charter.
    \item[mathdesign] with option \verb|charter| offers text and maths.
    \item[XCharter] supports an extension by Michael Sharpe.
    See documentation for loading options.
  \item[Erewhon] An extended version of Heuristica.
    \item[erewhon] with options \verb|proportional,scaled=1.064|.
    Add \lpack{newtxmath} with \verb|erewhon,vvarbb,bigdelims| for maths.
  \item[Heuristica] An extended version of Utopia.
    \item[heuristica] for text.
    Load \lpack{newtxmath} with options \verb|heuristica,vvarbb,bigdelims| for maths.
  \item[Kerkis] An extension of Bookman.
    \item[kerkis] for text.
    Load \lpack{kmath} \emph{before} \lpack{kerkis} for maths.
  \item[URW Nimbus Roman] Times clone.
  \seealso{New TX}
    \item[mathptmx] provides support for maths and text.
    Add \lpack{helvet} with option \verb|scaled=.90| and \lpack{courier} for matching sans and typewriter.
    \item[txfonts] provides a complete solution for maths and text.
  \item[URW Palladio] Palatino clone.
  \seealso{New PX}
    \item[mathpazo] provides text and maths support.
    Load with option \verb|sc| and add \verb|\linespread{1.05}|.
    \item[pxfonts] provides a complete solution for maths and text.
  \item[URW Schoolbook L] New Century Schoolbook clone.
    \item[fouriernc] supports text and maths.
  \item[Utopia] Adobe Utopia.
    \item[fourier] provides support for maths and text.
    \item[mathdesign] with option \verb|utopia| offers maths and text.
\section{Complete Font Solutions}\label{sec:complete}
Alternatives to Computer Modern or Latin Modern.
  \item[Kp-Fonts] Inspired by Johannes Kepler.
    \item[kpfonts] supports text and maths with \emph{many} options.
  \item[New PX] An update of PX Fonts using TeX Gyre fonts.
    \item[newpxtext,newpxmath] support text and maths.
  \item[New TX] An update of TX Fonts using TeX Gyre fonts.
    \item[newtxtext,newtxmath] support text and maths.
  \item[PX Fonts] See \lpack{pxfonts} above.
  \item[TX Fonts] See \lpack{txfonts} above.
\section{Individual Font Families}\label{sec:ind}
Complete solutions rely on judicious combinations.
  \item[Alegreya] Serif, sans and small-caps.
    \item[Alegreya,AlegreyaSans] for text.
  \item[Antykwa Poltawskiego] A serif family in several weights.
    \item[antpolt] for text.
  \item[Antykwa Toruńska] A serif family.
    \item[anttor] with option \verb|math| for text and maths.
    Light and condensed options.
  \item[Arkandis] Hirwen Harendal's collection.
  \LaTeX{} packages: \lpack{accanthis} (Accan\-this No3 serif), \lpack{adfarrows} (Arrows ADF), \lpack{adforn} (Ornements ADF), \lpack{adfbullets} (Bullets ADF), \lpack{berenis} (Berenis ADF Pro serif with custom Welsh support), \lpack{baskervald} (Baskervald ADF serif), \lpack{electrum} (Electrum ADF serif), \lpack{gillius} (Gillius ADF sans), \lpack{gillius2} (Gill\-ius ADF No Two sans), \lpack{libris} (Libris ADF sans), \lpack{mintspirit} (Mint Spirit sans), \lpack{mintspirit2} (Mint Spirit No Two sans), \lpack{romande} (Romande ADF serif), \lpack{universalis} (Universalis sans), \lpack{venturis} (Venturis ADF serif, sans and titling), \lpack{venturis2} (Venturis ADF No2 serif, sans and titling), \lpack{venturisold} (Venturis Old ADF serif and titling).
  \lpack{Baskervaldx} supports Michael Sharpe's extension of Baskervald ADF.
  \item[Bitstream Vera] Several derivatives are provided.
    \item[arev] supports Arev Sans with Bera Mono for text and maths.
    Note this sets both sans and serif to Arev Sans.
    For Bera Serif, load \lpack{beraserif} \emph{after} \lpack{arev}.
    \item[bera] supports Bera Serif, Sans and Mono text.
    Use \lpack{beraserif}, \lpack{berasans} or \lpack{beramono} for single families.
    \item[dejavu] supports DejaVuSerif DejaVuSans and De\-ja\-Vu\-Sans\-Mono for text.
    Options include condensed.
  \item[BrushScriptX-Italic] Simulated hand-written script.
    \item[pbsi] defines \verb|\bsifamily| and \verb|\textbsi{}|.
  \item[Cabin] A humanist font with a condensed variant.
    \item[cabin] installs the font for sans text.
    Various options.
  \item[Droid] Droid Serif, Sans and Sans Mono created for Google.
    \item[droid] supports text.
    Options and alternate packages.
  \item[EB Garamond] One version of Garamond.
    \item[ebgaramond-maths] supports text and limited maths.
    Load \lpack{newtxmath} with options \verb|cmintegrals| and \verb|cmbraces| \emph{before} \lpack{ebgaramond-maths}.
  \item[Fira] A sans-serif family.
    \item[FiraSans] supports sans text.
  \item[Gentium] SIL serif family.
    \item[gentium] for the \TeX{} User Group derivative in text.
  \item[Greek Font Society] A collection of fonts for Greek.
  Many support Latin script, making them suitable for Western European languages such as English.
    \item[gfsartemisia] GFS Artemisia Latin and Greek script with \lpack{txfonts} maths.
    \item[gfsartemisiaeuler] GFS Artemisia Latin and Greek with \lpack{euler} maths.
    \item[gfsbaskerville] GFS Baskerville Greek script.
    \item[gfsbodoni] GFS Bodoni Latin and Greek script.
    \item[gfscomplutum] GFS Complutum Greek script.
    \item[gfsdidot] GFS Didot Latin and Greek script and maths.
    \item[gfsneohellenic] GFS Neohellenic Latin and Greek script and maths.
    \item[gfsporson] GFS Porson Greek script.
    \item[gfssolomos] GFS Solomos Greek script.
  \item[Inconsolata] A typewriter font.
    \item[zi4] installs the font for typewriter text.
  \item[Initials] 23 varieties of decorative initials.
    \item[cfr-initials] 23 \LaTeX{} packages e.g.~for use with \lpack{lettrine}.
  \item[Iwona] A derivative of Kurier.
    \item[iwona] for text and maths.
    Light and condensed options.
    This loads Iwona as the default \emph{serif} family.
  \item[Kurier] A ‘two-element sans-serif typeface’.
    \item[kurier] for text and maths.
    Light and condensed options.
    This loads Kurier as the default \emph{serif} family.
   \item[Libre Baskerville] A serif family by Pablo Impallari.
    \item[librebaskerville] supports text.
   \item[Libre Caslon] A serif family by Pablo Impallari.
    \item[librecaslon] supports text.
  \item[Linux Libertine \& Linux Biolinum] Libertine Roman, Biolinum and Libertine Mono.
    \item[libertine] provides support for text.
    Single families may be activated using options or alternate packages.
   \item[Lobster Two] A script family by Pablo Impallari.
    \item[LobsterTwo] defines \verb|\LobsterTwo| to activate the script.
    Load \lpack{LobsterTwo} \emph{before} your main font package, if applicable.
    Otherwise, if using the default fonts, write \verb|\renewcommand*\rmdefault{cmr}|.
  \item[ParaType] PT Serif, PT Sans and PT Mono.
    \item[paratype] provides support for text.
    The package loads \lpack{PTSerif}, \lpack{PTSans} and \lpack{PTMono} which individually do what you'd expect.
  \item[Roboto] ‘A new type family for robots and humans.’
    \item[roboto] supports sans text.
  \item[STIX] Comprehensive font project.
    \item[newtxsf] supports sans maths.
    Intended for documents using matching sans families for body text.
    \item[stix] supports serif text and maths.




  1. 1 页(双面)字体样本。TeX Live 中的软件包支持大多数字体,但有些字体需要使用脚本getnonfreefonts。最后的示例 Tengwar 字体是唯一未默认安装或无法使用脚本轻松安装的示例。请注意,并未尝试展示所有软件包或所有字体提供的可能性。相反,使用某些字体和软件包来说明什么是可能的。虽然显然存在一定程度的共同点,但此样本与软件包列表并不完全对应,也不打算如此对应。在选择用于更广泛说明的字体时,我偏向于自己的软件包。这当然不是因为我认为它们更好。它们只是对我来说更容易使用且更省时。


字体取样器:侧面 1

字体采样器:第 2 面


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\usepackage{Acorn, AnnSton, ArtNouv, ArtNouvc, Carrickc, Eichenla, Eileen, EileenBl, Elzevier, GotIn, GoudyIn, Kinigcap, Konanur, Kramer, MorrisIn, Nouveaud, Romantik, Rothdn, Royal, Sanremo, Starburst, Typocaps, Zallman}
\newcommand{\test}[1][]{% straight from tengfonts.tex
\title{\LaTeX{} Font Sampler}
  Weight, shape \& style variations are illustrations only.
  Sampler is not exhaustive.
  Fonts may require \texttt{getnonfreefonts-sys}.}
\bool_new:N \l_cfr_first_bool
\NewDocumentCommand \buledeto {}{
  \bool_set_true:N \l_cfr_first_bool
\keys_define:nn { cfr / ffontiau / enw } {
  encoding .tl_set:N = \l_cfr_encoding_tl,
  encoding .initial:n = {T1},
  series .tl_set:N = \l_cfr_series_tl,
  series .initial:n = {m},
  shape .tl_set:N = \l_cfr_shape_tl,
  shape .initial:n = {n},
\NewDocumentCommand \enwffont { o m m O {} o !g !g } {%
  \IfValueT { #1 } {\keys_set:nn { cfr / ffontiau / enw } { #1 }}
  \bool_if:NT \l_cfr_first_bool {\textbullet{}~}
  \selectfont #3~
  \IfValueTF { #5 }{
    \keys_set:nn { cfr / ffontiau / enw } { #5 }
    \IfValueTF { #6 } {
        \IfValueTF { #7 }{ #7~ }{ #3~ }
        \IfValueTF { #7 }{ #7~ }{ #3~ }
    \IfValueT { #6 } {
        \IfValueTF { #7 }{ #7~ }{ #3~ }
  \str_if_eq:eeF {#4} {} { #4~ }
  \bool_set_false:N \l_cfr_first_bool}
  /Title    (LaTeX Font Sampler)
  /Subject  (LaTeX)
  /Keywords (LaTeX, fonts, sampler)}
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%[openaction <actionspec>]
\enwffont{cmr}{Computer Modern Roman}
\enwffont{cmdh}{Computer Modern Roman Dunhill}
\enwffont{cmfr}{Computer Modern Fibonacci}
\enwffont{cmss}{Computer Modern Sans}
\enwffont{cmtt}{Computer Modern Typewriter}
\enwffont{cmvtt}{Computer Modern Variable Typewriter}
\enwffont{cmbr}{Computer Modern Bright}
\enwffont{clm}{Latin Modern Roman}
\enwffont{clm}{Medium Upright \textit{Italics} \textui{Upright Italics} \textsl{Oblique} \textsc{Small-Caps} \textsi{Oblique Small-Caps} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsl{Oblique}} \textsb{Semi-Bold \textsl{Oblique}}}
\enwffont{clmd}{Latin Modern Roman Dunhill}
\enwffont{clmd}{Medium \textsl{Oblique}}
\enwffont{clms}{Latin Modern Sans}
\enwffont{clms}{Medium \textsl{Oblique} \textbf{Bold \textsl{Oblique}} {\fontseries{sbc}\selectfont Semi-Bold Condensed \textsl{Oblique}}}
  \enwffont{clmqs}{Latin Modern Sans Quotation}
  \enwffont{clmqs}{Medium \textsl{Oblique} \textbf{Bold \textsl{Oblique}}}}
\enwffont{clmv}{Latin Modern Variable Typewriter}
\enwffont{clmv}{Medium \textsl{Oblique} \textbf{Bold \textsl{Oblique}} \textlg{Light \textsl{Oblique}}}
\enwffont{clmt}{Latin Modern Typewriter}
\enwffont{clmt}{Medium Upright \textit{Italics} \textsl{Oblique} \textsc{Small-Caps} \textsi{Oblique Small-Caps} \textbf{Bold \textsl{Oblique}} \textlg{Light \textsl{Oblique} \textcd{Condensed \textsl{Oblique}}}}
\enwffont{uaq}{URW Antiqua T}
\enwffont[series=l]{pbk}{URW Bookman L}
\enwffont{ptm}{URW Nimbus Roman}
\enwffont{ppl}{URW Palladio}
\enwffont{pnc}{URW Schoolbook L}
\enwffont{pag}{URW Gothic L}
\enwffont{phv}{URW Nimbus Sans L}
\enwffont{pcr}{URW Nimbus Mono L}
\enwffont{pzc}{URW Chancery L}
\enwffont{ugq}{URW Grotesk T}
\enwffont{ugm}{URW GaramondNo8}
\enwffont{ua1}{URW Arial}
\enwffont{ulg}{URW LetterGothic}
\enwffont{uop}{URW Classico}
\enwffont{zgmx}{URW GaramondNo8 Expert}
\enwffont{qag}{TeX Gyre Adventor}
\enwffont{qag}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}}
\enwffont{qbk}{TeX Gyre Bonum}
\enwffont{qbk}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}}
\enwffont{qcr}{TeX Gyre Cursor}
\enwffont{qcr}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}}
\enwffont{qcs}{TeX Gyre Schola}
\enwffont{qcs}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}}
\enwffont{qhv}{TeX Gyre Heros}
\enwffont{qhv}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}}
\enwffont{qhvc}{TeX Gyre Heros Condensed}
\enwffont{qhvc}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}}
\enwffont{qpl}{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\enwffont{qpl}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}}
\enwffont{qtm}{TeX Gyre Termes}
\enwffont{qtm}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}}
\enwffont[shape=it]{qzc}{TeX Gyre Chorus}
\enwffont{erewhon-OsF}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique Small-Caps} \textbf{\textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique Small-Caps}}}
\enwffont{bch}{Charter BT}% last one in the psnfss group after the end of the group for the bullets to revert properly
\enwffont{jkp}{KP-Fonts Serif}
\enwffont{jkpl}{KP-Fonts Serif Light}
\enwffont{jkpx}{KP-Fonts Serif Extended}
\enwffont{jkpx}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique Small-Caps} \textlg{Light Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique Small-Caps}} Medium {\fontseries{sb}\selectfont Semi-Bold Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique Small-Caps}} {\fontseries{sbx}\selectfont Semi-Bold Extended Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique Small-Caps}} {\fontseries{b}\selectfont Bold Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique Small-Caps}} {\fontseries{bx}\selectfont Bold Extended Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique Small-Caps}}}[][shape=sc]{jkpxk}{Large Small-Caps {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique} \textlg{Light Large Small-Caps {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique}} {\fontseries{sb}\selectfont Semi-Bold Large Small-Caps {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique}} {\fontseries{sbx}\selectfont Semi-Bold Extended Large Small-Caps {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique}} {\fontseries{b}\selectfont Bold Large Small-Caps {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique}} {\fontseries{bx}\selectfont Bold Extended Large Small-Caps {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique}}}
\enwffont{jkp}{tactful sticklers}{jkpos}{tactful sticklers}
\enwffont{jkpss}{KP-Fonts Sans}
\enwffont{jkpss}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique Small-Caps} {\fontseries{b}\selectfont Bold  \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique Small-Caps}} {\fontseries{bx}\selectfont Bold Extended \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique Small-Caps}}}[][shape=sc]{jkpssk}{Large Small-Caps {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique} {\fontseries{b}\selectfont Large Small-Caps {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique}} {\fontseries{bx}\selectfont Large Small-Caps {\fontshape{scsl}\selectfont Oblique}}}
\enwffont{jkpss}{tactful sticklers}{jkpssos}{tactful sticklers}
\enwffont{jkptt}{KP-Fonts Typewriter}
\enwffont{jkptt}{Upright \textsl{Oblique} \textbf{Bold \textsl{Oblique}}}
\acorn{Acorn} \textbullet{}
\enwffont{AlegreyaSC-TLF}{Alegreya SC}
\enwffont{AlegreyaSans-OsF}{Alegreya Sans}
\enwffont{AlegreyaSansSC-OsF}{Alegreya Sans SC}
\enwffont{AmiciLogo}{Upright \textsl{Oblique} \textbf{Bold \textsl{Oblique}}}
\astone{Annston} \textbullet{}
\enwffont{antp}{Antykwa Poltawskiego}
\enwffont{antp}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textlg{Light \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}} \textsb{Semi-Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}}
\enwffont{antt}{Antykwa Toruńska}
\enwffont{anttc}{Antykwa Toruńska Condensed}
\enwffont{anttl}{Antykwa Toruńska Light}
\enwffont{anttlc}{Antykwa Toruńska Light Condensed}
\enwffont{antt}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textlg{Light \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}} \textsb{Semi-Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}
  {\fontseries{c}\selectfont Condensed \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textlg{\cdwidth Light Condensed \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}} \textsb{\cdwidth Semi-Bold Condensed \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}} {\fontseries{bc}\selectfont Bold Condensed \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}}}
\enwffont[encoding=LY1]{ybd}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps \textit{Italic Small-Caps}} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps \textit{Italic Small-Caps}}}}
\enwffont[encoding=LY1]{ybd}{Queenie, actor-spy and often acclaimed sky-stringer, chuckled at slightly shivering otters in fjords.}{ybdw}{Q*ueenie, actor-spy and often acclaimed sky-stringer, chuckled at slightly shivering otters in fjords.}
\enwffont{ybv}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics}} \texteb{Extra-Bold \textit{Italics}}}
\enwffont{ybv}{Somewhat splendid fjords act last.}{ybvw}{Somewhat splendid fjords act last.}
\enwffont{yes}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} \textsi{Oblique Small-Caps} \textlg{Light  \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} \textsi{Oblique Small-Caps}} \textsb{Semi-Bold  \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} \textsi{Oblique Small-Caps}} \textbf{Bold  \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} \textsi{Oblique Small-Caps}}}
\enwffont{yes}{Queen Q*ueenie acted despite wistful whistling.}{yesw}{Queen Q*ueenie acted despite wistful whistling.}
\enwffont{yly}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics}}}
\enwffont{yly}{Quietly, Rupert X. Kurtis, a churlish skittish bespectacled clerk, strictly slacks.}{ylyw}{Quietly, Rupert X. Kurtis, a churlish skittish bespectacled clerk, strictly slacks.}
\enwffont{yrd}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} \textdb{Demi-Bold  \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps}}}
\enwffont{yrd}{Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Querulous sponges act last. \swashstyle Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Querulous sponges act last.}{yrda}{Querulous sponges act last. Q*uerulous s*ponges* act las*t.  \swashstyle Querulous sponges act last. Q*uerulous s*ponges* act las*t.}
\enwffont{yvt}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} \textsi{Italic Small-Caps} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} \textsi{Italic Small-Caps}} \texteb{Extra-Bold \textit{Italics}} \textcd{Condensed \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} \textsi{Italic Small-Caps} \textbf{\cdwidth Bold Condensed \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} \textsi{Italic Small-Caps}}}}
\enwffont{yvt}{Kinky Querulous \emph{Rhinos} X-Ray Exultant Risque \emph{Zebras}. \scshape Kinky Querulous \emph{Rhinos} X-Ray Exultant Risque \emph{Zebras}. \upshape\swashstyle Kinky Querulous \emph{Rhinos} X-Ray Exultant Risque \emph{Zebras}. \scshape Kinky Querulous \emph{Rhinos} X-Ray Exultant Risque \emph{Zebras}.}{yvtaw}{\upshape Kinky Querulous \emph{Rhinos} X-Ray Exultant Risque \emph{Zebras}.}
\enwffont{yv2}{VenturisADF No2}
\enwffont{yv2}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textmb{Medium-Bold  \textit{Italics}} \textbf{Bold  \textit{Italics}} \texteb{Extra-Bold  \textit{Italics}} \textcd{Condensed  \textit{Italics} \textbf{\cdwidth Bold Condensed \textit{Italics}}}}
\enwffont{yv1}{VenturisADF Sans}
\enwffont{yv1}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textlg{Light  \textit{Italics}} \textdb{Demi-Bold  \textit{Italics}} \textbf{Bold  \textit{Italics}} \texteb{Extra-Bold  \textit{Italics}} \textcd{Condensed  \textit{Italics}} \textbf{\textcd{Bold Condensed  \textit{Italics}}} \textep{Extended  \textit{Italics} \textbf{\epwidth Bold Extended  \textit{Italics}}}}
\enwffont{yv3}{VenturisADF Sans No2}
\enwffont{yv3}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textbf{Bold  \textit{Italics}} \textcd{Condensed  \textit{Italics}} \textbf{\textcd{Bold Condensed  \textit{Italics}}} \textep{Extended  \textit{Italics} \textbf{\epwidth Bold Extended  \textit{Italics}}}}
\enwffont{yvtd}{VenturisADF Titling No2}
\enwffont[shape=ol]{yvtd}{VenturisADF Titling No4}
\enwffont{yv1d}{VenturisADF  Titling No1}
\enwffont[series=b]{yv1d}{VenturisADF  Titling No3}
\enwffont{yvo}{VenturisADF Old}
\enwffont{yvo}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textbf{Bold  \textit{Italics}}}
\enwffont{yvo}{dogs \& sticks \textbf{dogs \& sticks d*ogs* \& sticks*}}
}% last one outside the group for the bullets
\enwffont{yvod}{VenturisADF Goth Titling}
\enwffont[encoding=B1]{auncl}{Artificial Uncial fonts}
\artnouv{ARTNOUV} \textbullet{}
\artnouvc{ArtnouvC} \textbullet{}
\enwffont{AuriocusKalligraphicus}{Upright \textsl{Oblique} \textbf{Bold \textsl{Oblique}}}
\enwffont{fav}{Arev Sans}
\enwffont{fve}{Bera Serif}
\enwffont{fvs}{Bera Sans}
\enwffont{fvm}{Bera Mono}
\enwffont{sqrc}{Bookhands Square Capitals}
\carr{CarrickC} \textbullet{}
\enwffont{CabinCondensed-TLF}{Cabin Condensed}
\enwffont{cmin}{Carolingan Minuscules}
\enwffont{Cinzel-LF}{Cinzel \textbf{Cinzel} \fontseries{k}\selectfont Cinzel}
\enwffont{CinzelDecorative-LF}{Cinzel Decorative \textbf{Cinzell Decorative} \fontseries{k}\selectfont Cinzell Decorative}
\enwffont{ClearSans-LF}{Clear Sans}
\enwffont{ClearSansLight-LF}{Clear Sans Light}
\enwffont{ClearSansThin-LF}{Clear Sans Thin}
\enwffont{fdr}{Droid Serif}
\enwffont{fds}{Droid Sans}
% \enwffont{fdm}{Droid Mono}% ddim yn gweithio
\enwffont{EBGaramond-OsF}{EB Garamond}[{\fontfamily{EBGaramondInitials-TLF}\selectfont G}aramond Initials][shape=sw]{EBGaramond-OsF}
\enwffont{EBGaramond-OsF}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italic Small-Caps}}
\enwffont{EBGaramond-OsF}{\textit{A Bad Dodger Gave Klingon Paul Quiet Reason to Strike Torrid Vanquished Wombles Zealously.} {\fontshape{sw}\selectfont A Bad Dodger Gave Klingon Paul Quiet Reason to Strike Torrid Vanquished Wombles Zealously.}}
\eichen{Eichenla} \textbullet{}
\eileen{Eileen} \textbullet{}
\eileenbl{Eileen Black Letter} \textbullet{}
\elz{Elzevier} \textbullet{}
\enwffont{fbb-LF}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}}
\enwffont{frc}{French Cursive}
\enwffont{gentium}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics}}}
\gotin{GOT INITIALS} \textbullet{}
\goudyin{GOUDY INITIALS} \textbullet{}
\enwffont{artemisia}{GFS Artemisia}
\enwffont{bodoni}{GFS Bodoni}
\enwffont{udidot}{GFS Didot}
\enwffont{neohellenic}{GFS Neohellenic}
\enwffont{iwonac}{Iwona Condensed}
\enwffont{iwonal}{Iwona Light}
\enwffont{iwonalc}{Iwona Light Condensed}
\enwffont{JanaSkrivana}{Upright \textsl{Oblique} \textbf{Bold \textsl{Oblique}}}
\kinig{Kinig Cap} \textbullet{}
\konanur{Konanur} \textbullet{}
\kramer{KRAMER kramer} \textbullet{}
\enwffont{kurierc}{Kurier Condensed}
\enwffont{kurierl}{Kurier Light}
\enwffont{kurierlc}{Kurier Light Condensed}
\enwffont{LibreBaskerville-TLF}{Libre Baskerville}
\enwffont{LibreCaslonText-TLF}{Libre Caslon}
\enwffont{LinuxLibertineT-OsF}{Linux Libertine Roman}
\enwffont{LinuxLibertineDisplayT-OsF}{Linux Libertine Display}
\enwffont{LinuxLibertineInitialsT-OsF}{LINUX LIBERTINE INITIALS}
\enwffont{LinuxBiolinumT-OsF}{Linux Biolinum}
\enwffont{LinuxLibertineMonoT-TLF}{Linux Libertine Mono}
\enwffont{LobsterTwo-LF}{Lobster Two}
\enwffont{LukasSvatba}{Upright \textsl{Oblique} \textbf{Bold \textsl{Oblique}}}
\enwffont{ul9}{Luxi Mono}
\enwffont{MerriweatherSans-TLF}{Merriweather Sans}
\morrisin{Morris Initials} \textbullet{}
\nouvd{Nouveaud} \textbullet{}
\enwffont{OverlockSC-LF}{Overlock SC}
\enwffont{PlayfairDisplay-OsF}{Playfair Display}
\enwffont{PlayfairDisplay-OsF}{Upright \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics} \textbf{Bold \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}} \fontseries{k}\selectfont Black \textit{Italics} \textsc{Small-Caps} {\fontshape{scit}\selectfont Italics}}
\enwffont{PTSerif-TLF}{PT Serif}
\enwffont{PTSerifCaption-TLF}{PT Serif Caption}
\enwffont{PTSans-TLF}{PT Sans}
\enwffont{PTSansNarrow-TLF}{PT Sans Narrow}
\enwffont{PTSansCaption-TLF}{PT Sans Caption}
\enwffont{PTMono-TLF}{PT Mono}
\enwffont{QuattrocentoSans-TLF}{Quattrocento Sans}
\enwffont{RobotoCondensed-LF}{Roboto Condensed}
\enwffont{RobotoSlab-LF}{Roboto Slab}
\romantik{Romantik} \textbullet{}
\roth{ROTH DN roth dn} \textbullet{}
\royal{ROYAL} \textbullet{}
\sanremo{San Remo} \textbullet{}
\starburst{Star Burst} \textbullet{}
\typocap{Typocaps} \textbullet{}
\enwffont{yfrak}{Yannis Fraktur}
\zall{Zallman} \textbullet{}


