


\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}

% for nice tables
% end for nice tables

% for using color names
% end for using color names

% for nicer figure captions
% end for nicer figure captions

% fancy headers and footers
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\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.1pt} % for lower line
\fancyhead[LE,RO]{\itshape \nouppercase \rightmark}
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% for multirow option in the tables





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% for height of the heading 


 {\fontsize{70}{70}\selectfont \textbf{
  Word Word\\
  Word Word Word}

 {\large text text text text
     text text text text text text text text
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问题是我的标题中的“Word 1”与第二行相距甚远。另一个问题是整个文本实际上并未居中。在我的预览中,它向左移动。我该如何调整标题页以使其具有正确的标题和居中文本?我的目的是让标题页接近此:http://algo2.iti.kit.edu/documents/DementievDiss.pdf 我将非常感激有关如何实现此类标题页的帮助。


使用标准 LaTeX 命令来做到这一点有点困难,因此一些低级 TeX 会派上用场。


\hrule height0pt % fix a starting point
\vskip 0pt minus 1000pt % back up how much it's needed

\raggedright % no indentation

\hspace*{\dimexpr(\paperwidth-\textwidth)/2 - \oddsidemargin - 1in - \hoffset\relax}% shift to center
\hbox to 0pt{% make a zero width box
\vbox to \textheight{\centering % this is the main part

\textsc{Brutus C. Dull}


{\Large\bfseries Applied Tetrapiloctomy\\
for GPS Systems\par}




\raggedright\large\sffamily Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades
des Doktors der Ingenieurwissenschaften (Dr.-Ing.)
der Naturwissenschaftlich-Technischen Fakult\"aten
der Universit\"at des Saarlandes\par
\hspace*{\fill}Saarbr\"ucken, 2006\par
}%end of \vbox
\hss}%end of \hbox

\vskip 0pt minus 1000pt % some space for accommodating the whole thing
\hrule height0pt % fix an end point

