

从摘要中删除“摘要”标题人们能够从摘要中删除摘要名称。我从 HowToTeX.com 下载了一个带有彩色字体的文章模板,对其进行了一些修改以接受 cyr 符号(俄语),现在摘要名称不会消失!

%%%%% Preamble


\usepackage[cp1251]{inputenc}                           % Input encoding
\usepackage{amsmath}                                    % Math




%%%%% Definitions
% Define a new command that prints the title only
\makeatletter                           % Begin definition
\def\printtitle{%                       % Define command: \printtitle
    {\color{bl} \centering \huge \sc \textbf{\@title}\par}}     % Typesetting
\makeatother                            % End definition

\title{Гибридные вложенные сети Петри \\ 
        \large \vspace*{-10pt} Описание нового формализма\vspace*{10pt}}

% Define a new command that prints the author(s) only
\makeatletter                           % Begin definition
\def\printauthor{%                  % Define command: \printauthor
    {\centering \small \@author}}               % Typesetting
\makeatother                            % End definition

    Калашников Антон Олегович \\
    [email protected] \\

% Custom headers and footers
    \pagestyle{fancy}                   % Enabling the custom headers/footers
    % Header (empty)
    % Footer (you may change this to your own needs)
    \lfoot{\footnotesize \texttt{HowToTeX.com} - Template}
    \rfoot{\footnotesize page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}  % "Page 1 of 2"

% Change the abstract environment
\usepackage[runin]{abstract}            % runin option for a run-in title
\setlength\absleftindent{30pt}      % left margin
\setlength\absrightindent{30pt}     % right margin
\abslabeldelim{\quad}                       % 
\renewcommand{\abstracttextfont}{\color{bl} \small \slshape}    % slanted text

%%% Start of the document
%%% Top of the page: Author, Title and Abstact


Здесь будет короткое описание проделанной работы и выводы.

%%% Start of the 'real' content of the article, using a two column layout
\section{Heading on level 1 (section)}
Some text.
    (x+y)^3     &= (x+y)^2(x+y)\\
                    &=(x^3+2x^2y+xy^2) + (x^2y+2xy^2+y^3)\\
Some text.

\subsection{Heading on level 2 (subsection)}
Some text. 
    A = 
    A_{11} & A_{21} \\
    A_{21} & A_{22}

\subsubsection{Heading on level 3 (subsubsection)}
Some text.

\paragraph{Heading on level 4 (paragraph)}
Some text.

\subsection{Example for list (itemize)}
    \item First item in a list 
    \item Second item in a list 
    \item Third item in a list

\subsubsection{Example for list (3*itemize)}
    \item First item in a list 
        \item First item in a list 
            \item First item in a list 
            \item Second item in a list 
        \item Second item in a list 
    \item Second item in a list 

\subsection{Example for list (enumerate)}
    \item First item in a list 
    \item Second item in a list 
    \item Third item in a list

\subsubsection{Example for list (3*enumerate)}
    \item First item in a list 
        \item First item in a list 
            \item First item in a list 
            \item Second item in a list 
        \item Second item in a list 
    \item Second item in a list 





这会将其重置为空。您可能还想使用\quad与抽象标签 skip 不同的内容(因为无论如何您都会将其删除)。
