

我需要一个列表,例如用于list of figures\ref文本中的条目添加到自定义Theorem环境的实例。这是一个带有手工构建示例的 MWE。解决方案应该为我使用以下答案构建的此代码添加功能将环境内容写入文档和目录




\vskip \z@ \@plus \p@ 
\leavevmode #1\nobreak\hfil\nobreak\null\par 


% arrange goal numbering by chapter

%{\em label:} #1 %comment in/out to restore/suppress printing label




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spend time on content, not \LaTeX



have fun in any case

Chapter contents here, referring to some goals:

Reference to a chapter 1 goal: \gref{firstsecond}

Reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst} 


Second reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst}

\chapter*{List of Goal References}

Built by hand, should be automated. Format not yet specified.

\item \gref{firstfirst} 
learn more \LaTeX

\item \gref{firstsecond} 
spend time on content, not \LaTeX
\item Section 2.1, page 5 [link to that page]

\item \gref{secondfirst} 
have fun in any case
\item Section 2.1, page 5 [link to that page]
\item Section 2.2, page 5 [link to that page]


这是 MWE 的列表。格式是,\itemize但这只是暂时的 - 解决方案应该允许我轻松更改它。







\makeindex[name=goals,title=Goal References,columns=1,intoc]

   \index[goals]{Goal~\getrefnumber{goal:#1}!Section \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{section}}

  \vskip \z@ \@plus \p@ 
  \leavevmode #1\nobreak\hfil\nobreak\null\par 


% arrange goal numbering by chapter

% define a shorthand to be able to get at \BODY with \expandafter    
% save a copy of \index
   % here we neutralize \index so that it won't do damages
   % but the main command uses \goalindex, so it's safe
   %{\em label:} #1 %comment in/out to restore/suppress printing label





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spend time on content, not \LaTeX



have fun in any case\index{fun}

Chapter contents here, referring to some goals:

Reference to a chapter 1 goal: \gref{firstsecond}

Reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst}


Second reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst}





这非常接近一个完整的解决方案,它是按照 Holle 的索引建议并使用 egreg 的imakidx包构建的,因此我决定将其作为答案发布,而不是作为对问题的编辑。仍然缺少:

  • 能够\BODYenviron包内部的调用扩展宏\index
  • 保证扩展\BODY始终在目标引用索引中首先出现在其目标下, 编辑:在索引开头添加空格可以\BODY 解决这个问题。将其纳入 egreg 的已接受答案中。
  • 该索引的单列输出。编辑:删除idxlayout包可以解决这个问题。

以下是 MWE 的输出,它不是很“最小”,因为我需要确保其他功能仍然有效。





%% columns=1 isn't working
\makeindex[name=goals,title=Goal References,columns=1]

   \index[goals]{Goal~\ref{goal:#1}!Section \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{section}}

  \vskip \z@ \@plus \p@ 
  \leavevmode #1\nobreak\hfil\nobreak\null\par 


% arrange goal numbering by chapter

   \index[goals]{Goal~\ref{goal:#1}!BODY here}
   %{\em label:} #1 %comment in/out to restore/suppress printing label




learn more \LaTeX

spend time on content, not \LaTeX



have fun in any case\index{fun}

Chapter contents here, referring to some goals:

Reference to a chapter 1 goal: \gref{firstsecond}

Reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst}


Second reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst}






% create a new list incl. counter
\newlistof{goalsCounter}{goals}{List of \textbackslash goals}

\listofgoalsCounter% print the list


\vskip \z@ \@plus \p@
\leavevmode #1\nobreak\hfil\nobreak\null\par


% arrange goal numbering by chapter

%this is new
\refstepcounter{goalsCounter}% step the counter
\addcontentsline{goals}{goalsCounter}{\thegoalsCounter:\quad#1}% add item to list

%{\em label:} #1 %comment in/out to restore/suppress printing label




learn more \LaTeX

spend time on content, not \LaTeX


have fun in any case

Chapter contents here, referring to some goals:
Reference to a chapter 1 goal: \gref{firstsecond}
Reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst}
Second reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst}    



% create a new list incl. counter
\newlistof{goalsCounter}{goals}{List of \textbackslash goals}

% a new goal reference command
\newcommand{\goalRef}[1]{ [Goal~\ref{goal:#1}]}

    \refstepcounter{goalsCounter}% step the counter
    \addcontentsline{goals}{goalsCounter}{\thegoalsCounter:\quad#1}% add item to list
    \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Goal \thegoalsCounter: #1}% add item to the toc
    \label{goal:#1}\textbf{Goal \thegoalsCounter\ #1:}\quad%

\AtEndDocument{\listofgoalsCounter}% print the list



learn more \LaTeX
spend time on content, not \LaTeX
have fun in any case

Chapter contents here, referring to some goals:
Reference to a chapter 1 goal: \goalRef{FirstSecond}\\
Reference to a chapter 2 goal: \goalRef{SecondFirst}
Second reference to a chapter 2 goal:\goalRef{SecondFirst}

使用 tocloft 包的解决方案示例
