TikZ 中的彭罗斯拼贴

TikZ 中的彭罗斯拼贴

如何自动生成彭罗斯拼贴TikZ 的?这是我的 Mathematica 代码:

GG = (Sqrt[5]+1)/2;
standardthin = {1/2+Sqrt[GG^2-(1/2)^2] I , 0, 1};
standardthick = {GG/2+Sqrt[1-(GG/2)^2] I, 0, GG};
sectthin[n_, t_] := 
         If[n > 0, 
             Join[sectthin[n-2, {t[[2]], t[[3]], (GG*t[[3]]+t[[1]])/(GG+1)}], 
                  sectthick[n-1, {(GG*t[[3]]+t[[1]])/(GG+1), t[[1]], t[[2]]}]],
                  {thin @@ N[t]}];
sectthick[n_, t_] := 
        If[n > 0, 
            Join[sectthick[n-2, {(GG*t[[2]]+t[[3]])/(GoldenRatio+1),t[[1]],t[[2]]}], 
                 sectthin[n-1, {t[[3]], (GG*t[[2]]+t[[3]])/(GG+1), t[[1]]}]],
                 {thick @@ N[t]}];
addtothick[n_, t_, d_] := 
        If[d == 0, {}, 
        Join[{frame @@ t}, 
              Join[addtothick[n+2, {t[[2]], t[[3]], ((GG+1)*t[[1]]-GG*t[[3]])},d/2], 
                   sectthin[n+1, {((GG+1)*t[[1]]-GG*t[[3]]), t[[1]], t[[2]]}]], 
              Join[addtothin[n+1, {t[[2]], t[[3]], ((GG+1)*t[[1]]-t[[2]])/GG}, (d-1)/2], 
                   sectthin[n-1, {t[[3]], ((GG+1)*t[[1]]-t[[2]])/GG, t[[1]]}]]]]];

addtothin[n_, t_, d_] := 
        If[d == 0, {}, 
        Join[{frame @@ t}, 
             Join[addtothin[n+2, {((GG+1)*t[[3]]-GG*t[[2]]), t[[1]], t[[2]]}, d/2], 
                  sectthick[n+1, {t[[3]], ((GG+1)*t[[3]]-GG*t[[2]]), t[[1]]}]], 
             Join[addtothick[n+1, {t[[3]], ((GG+1)*t[[2]]-t[[1]])/GG, t[[1]]}, (d -1)/2], 
                  sectthick[n-1, {t[[2]], t[[3]], ((GG+1)*t[[2]]-t[[1]])/GG}]]]]];

triangle[a_, b_, c_] := Graphics[Line[{Re[#], Im[#]} & /@ {a, b, c, a}]];
        thin := triangle;
        thick := triangle;

frame[a_, b_, c_] := Graphics[{Thickness[0.005], Line[{Re[#], Im[#]} & /@ {a, b, c, a}]}]

Show[addtothin[0, standardthin, 200], AspectRatio -> Automatic]






  • 构建彭罗斯平铺罗宾逊三角形(半风筝和半镖)或风筝和飞镖
  • 使用 TikZ 样式来指定填充和绘图。
  • 使用 TikZ 样式来设计每个部件的形状。
  • 提供 TikZ 样式以供使用彭罗斯以平铺作为图案。




% phi = golden ratio = (1+sqrt(5))/2
% invphi = 1/phi
% n: number of decompositions left to do
% ver: starting vertex
% angle: direction of first edge
% len: lenght of first edge
% rot: sense of rotation (0 => anticlockwise, 1 => clockwise)


% default styles
  % borders style
  penrose line/.style={draw=black,line join=round},
  % semikites and semidarts styles
  penrose clockwise semikite/.style={penrose line},
  penrose anticlockwise semikite/.style={penrose line},
  penrose clockwise semidart/.style={penrose line},
  penrose anticlockwise semidart/.style={penrose line},
  % kites and darts styles
  penrose kite/.style={penrose line},
  penrose dart/.style={penrose line},
  % the three paths (and the three corresponding reverse paths)
  penrose common/.style={},
  penrose path 1/.style={penrose common},
  penrose path 2/.style={penrose common},
  penrose path 3/.style={penrose common},
  penrose rev path 1/.style={penrose common},
  penrose rev path 2/.style={penrose common},
  penrose rev path 3/.style={penrose common},

\newcommand\penrosedrawclockwisesemikite[3]{% ver, angle, len
  % semikite (clockwise)
  \path (#1) +(#2:#3) coordinate (#1-b) +(#2-36:#3) coordinate (#1-c);
  \path[penrose anticlockwise semikite] (#1)
  to[penrose path 1] (#1-b)
  to[penrose path 2] (#1-c)
  to[penrose path 3] (#1);

\newcommand\penrosedrawanticlockwisesemikite[3]{% ver, angle, len
  % semikite (anticlockwise)
  \path (#1) +(#2:#3) coordinate (#1-b) +(#2+36:#3) coordinate (#1-c);
  \path[penrose clockwise semikite] (#1)
  to[penrose path 1] (#1-b)
  to[penrose path 2] (#1-c)
  to[penrose path 3] (#1);

\newcommand\penrosesemikite[5]{% n, ver, angle, len, rot
  \ifnum#1=0 % draw or recursive decomposition ?
  \ifnum#5=1 % anticlockwise or clockwise ?
    % decomposition (semikite => 2 semikites and 1 semidart)
    \ifnum#5=1 % anticlockwise or clockwise ?
    \path (\ver) ++(\angle-36:\len) coordinate (\namex);
    \path (\ver) ++(\angle+36:\len) coordinate (\namex);

\newcommand\penrosedrawkite[3]{% ver, angle, len
  % kite (current clockwise semikite + opposite anticlockwise semikite)
  \path (#1)
  +(#2+36:#3) coordinate (#1-b)
  +(#2:#3)    coordinate (#1-c)
  +(#2-36:#3) coordinate (#1-d);
  \path[penrose kite] (#1)
  to[penrose path 1] (#1-b)
  to[penrose rev path 2] (#1-c)
  to[penrose path 2] (#1-d)
  to[penrose rev path 1] (#1);

\newcommand\penrosekite[5]{% n, ver, angle, len, rot
  \ifnum#1=0 % draw or recursive decomposition ?
  \ifnum#5=1 % draw kite if current semikite is clockwise
    % decomposition (semikite => 2 semikites and 1 semidart)
    \ifnum#5=1 % anticlockwise or clockwise ?
    \path (\ver) ++(\angle-36:\len) coordinate (\namex);
    \path (\ver) ++(\angle+36:\len) coordinate (\namex);

  % semidart (clockwise)
  \path (#1)
  +(#2:#3)            coordinate (#1-b)
  +(#2-36:#3*\invphi) coordinate (#1-c);
  \path[penrose anticlockwise semidart] (#1)
  to[penrose path 3] (#1-b)
  to[penrose path 2] (#1-c)
  to[penrose path 1] (#1);

  % semidart (anticlockwise)
 \path (#1)
  +(#2:#3)            coordinate (#1-b)
  +(#2+36:#3*\invphi) coordinate (#1-c);
  \path[penrose clockwise semidart] (#1)
  to[penrose path 3] (#1-b)
  to[penrose path 2] (#1-c)
  to[penrose path 1] (#1);

\newcommand\penrosesemidart[5]{% n, ver, angle, len, rot
  \ifnum#1=0 % draw or recursive decomposition ?
  \ifnum#5=1 % anticlockwise or clockwise ?
    % decomposition (semidart => 1 semikite and 1 semidart)
    \path (\ver) ++(\angle:\len) coordinate (\namex);
    \ifnum#5=1 % anticlockwise or clockwise

  % dart (current clockwise semidart + opposite anticlockwise semidart)
  \path (#1)
  +(#2:#3)            coordinate (#1-b)
  +(#2-36:#3*\invphi) coordinate (#1-c)
  +(#2-72:#3)         coordinate (#1-d);
  \path[penrose dart] (#1)
  to[penrose path 3] (#1-b)
  to[penrose path 2] (#1-c)
  to[penrose rev path 2] (#1-d)
  to[penrose rev path 3] (#1);

\newcommand\penrosedart[5]{% n, ver, angle, len, rot
  \ifnum#1=0 % draw or recursive decomposition ?
  \ifnum#5=1 % draw dart if current semidart is clockwise
    % decomposition (semidart => 1 semikite and 1 semidart)
    \path (\ver) ++(\angle:\len) coordinate (\namex);
    \ifnum#5=1 % anticlockwise or clockwise



  semipenrose sym fill/.style={
    path picture={
      {path picture bounding box}{center}%
      {path picture bounding box}{north west}
      \begin{scope}[shift={(path picture bounding box.center)}]
        \foreach \level in {0,...,4}{
            \coordinate (a) at (0,0);
            \penrosesemikite{#1}{a}{0}{\len pt}{0}
            \penrosesemikite{#1}{a}{0}{\len pt}{1}
  semipenrose fill/.style={
    path picture={
      {path picture bounding box}{center}%
      {path picture bounding box}{west}
      \begin{scope}[shift={(path picture bounding box.center)},rotate=9]
        \coordinate (a) at (-\len pt,0);
        \path (a) +(36:2*\len pt) coordinate (b);
        \path (a) +(-36:2*\len pt) coordinate (c);
        \penrosesemidart{#1}{b}{36-180}{2*\len pt}{1}
        \penrosesemikite{#1}{a}{0}{2*\len pt}{0}
        \penrosesemikite{#1}{a}{0}{2*\len pt}{1}
        \penrosesemidart{#1}{c}{180-36}{2*\len pt}{0}
  penrose sym fill/.style={
    path picture={
      {path picture bounding box}{center}%
      {path picture bounding box}{north west}
      \begin{scope}[shift={(path picture bounding box.center)}]
        \foreach \level in {0,...,4}{
            \coordinate (a) at (0,0);
            \penrosekite{#1}{a}{18}{\len pt}{0}
            \penrosekite{#1}{a}{18}{\len pt}{1}
  penrose fill/.style={
    path picture={
      {path picture bounding box}{center}%
      {path picture bounding box}{west}
      \begin{scope}[shift={(path picture bounding box.center)},rotate=9]
        \coordinate (a) at (-\len pt,0);
        \path (a) +(36:2*\len pt) coordinate (b);
        \path (a) +(-36:2*\len pt) coordinate (c);
        \penrosedart{#1}{b}{36-180}{2*\len pt}{1}
        \penrosekite{#1}{a}{0}{2*\len pt}{0}
        \penrosekite{#1}{a}{0}{2*\len pt}{1}
        \penrosedart{#1}{c}{180-36}{2*\len pt}{0}



    gray arrow/.style={
      fill=gray,minimum height=.5cm,rotate=-90,
      single arrow,single arrow head extend=1mm,
  % explanations of building process
    \path (-4cm,0)   coordinate (a)
    +(.75cm,-1.25cm) coordinate (arr)
    ++(0,-2.5cm)     coordinate (b);
    \node[gray arrow] at (arr){};

    \path (-2cm,0)   coordinate (a)
    +(.75cm,-1.25cm) coordinate (arr)
    ++(0,-2.5cm)     coordinate (b);
    \node[gray arrow] at (arr){};

    \path (0cm,0)    coordinate (a)
    +(.75cm,-1.25cm) coordinate (arr)
    ++(0,-2.5cm)     coordinate (b);
    \node[gray arrow] at (arr){};

    \path (2cm,0)    coordinate (a)
    +(.75cm,-1.25cm) coordinate (arr)
    ++(0,-2.5cm)     coordinate (b);
    \node[gray arrow] at (arr){};
  % example of semidarts and semikites
    \foreach \level in {0,...,4}{
        \coordinate (a) at (0,0);
  % explanations of building process
    \path (-3cm,0)   coordinate (a)
    +(.75cm,-1.25cm) coordinate (arr)
    ++(0,-2.5cm)     coordinate (b);
    \node[gray arrow] at (arr){};

    \path (1cm,0)    coordinate (a)
    +(.75cm,-1.25cm) coordinate (arr)
    ++(0,-2.5cm)     coordinate (b);
    \node[gray arrow] at (arr){};
  % example of darts and kites
    \foreach \level in {0,...,4}{
        \coordinate (a) at (0,0);



    % style for borders
    line/.style={draw=white,rounded corners=0pt},
    % styles for semikites and semidarts
    penrose clockwise semikite/.style={fill=orange,line},
    penrose anticlockwise semikite/.style={fill=orange!50!black,line},
    penrose clockwise semidart/.style={fill=cyan!80,line},
    penrose anticlockwise semidart/.style={fill=cyan!50,line},
    % styles for kites and darts
    penrose kite/.style={fill=red!75!black,line},
    penrose dart/.style={fill=olive!75!white,line},



  % set the three paths (and the three reverse paths)
    penrose path 1/.style={out=\defang,in=180-\defang,common},
    penrose path 2/.style={out=\defang,in=180-\defang,common},
    penrose path 3/.style={out=-\defang,in=180+\defang,common},
    penrose rev path 1/.style={out=-\defang,in=180+\defang,common},
    penrose rev path 2/.style={out=-\defang,in=180+\defang,common},
    penrose rev path 3/.style={out=\defang,in=180-\defang,common},



  % some colors
    penrose line/.style={draw=white,line join=round,
      line width=.1pt,rounded corners=2pt},
    penrose kite/.style={left color=blue,right color=cyan,penrose line},
    penrose dart/.style={left color=yellow,right color=red,penrose line},
    % four styles exists: 'penrose fill', 'penrose sym fill',
    % 'semipenrose fill' and 'semipenrose sym fill'.
    % (argument is depth of recursion)
    \path[penrose fill=7,rounded corners=0mm]
    (0,.2) -- (4,0) -- (3,3) -- (2,2) -- (1,2) -- cycle;



使用xelatexpdflatex -shell-escape或运行pdflatex -enable-write18(适用于 Windows)






这是我第一次尝试使用 TikZ。我尝试这样做:彭罗斯拼贴(P1)。我同意 Herbert 的观点,认为更好的方法是使用递归,但目前,我不知道在这种情况下如何开始递归。所以在这里我仅尝试重现您可以在链接中看到的绘图。

版本 7

评论 :



3) 我更改了一些选项的名称,例如 而penta不是hexa。我添加了五个五边形包围的绿色星星。我在答案的末尾添加了小部分的代码。

一些解释。首先我画一个五边形(s),然后在里面画五个五边形(s)。我使用了 \l=0.382 cm,因为我没有勇气去计算五边形的长度比(但这不是一个真正的大问题)。




\begin{tikzpicture} [scale=2,
                     transform shape,
                     penta/.style= {shape                 =  regular polygon,
                                   regular polygon sides = 5,
                                   minimum size          = #1,
                                   inner sep             = 0,
                                   outer sep             = 0,
                                   anchor                = south,
                                   fill                  = lightgray}] 
\node[penta=1cm,fill=yellow] (s) {};
\foreach \i in {1,...,5} {\node[draw,penta=\l,anchor=corner \i]  at (s.corner \i) {};}
\node[penta=\l,anchor=center,fill=MidnightBlue,rotate=36]  at (s.center) {}; 

\begin{scope}[rotate=108,sub penta/.style= {draw,penta=\l,anchor=corner \j}]
         \foreach \i in {1,...,5}{%
      \node[penta=1cm,fill=yellow,anchor=corner \i] (s\i) at (s.corner \i){};
      \foreach \j in {1,...,5}{%
         \ifnum\j=\i \tikzset{sub penta/.append style={fill=red}}         \fi
         \ifnum\j=\k \tikzset{sub penta/.append style={fill=red}}         \fi
         \node[sub penta] (s\i\j) at (s\i.corner \j){};
   \node[penta=\l,anchor=center,fill=MidnightBlue,rotate=36]  at (s\i.center) {};
   \node[penta=\l,anchor=corner \ii,fill=red,rotate=36,draw] (ss\i)  at (s\i.corner \iii) {};
    \foreach \i in {1,...,5}{%
      \fill[MidnightBlue!40,draw=black] (s.corner \i) 
                                     -- (s\i\i.corner \l) 
                                     -- (s\i\i.corner \k) 
                                     -- (ss\i.corner \ii)  
                                     -- (ss\i.corner \i)
                                     -- (s\ii\j.corner \l) 
                                     -- (s\ii\j.corner \h) 
                                     -- cycle;
   \foreach \i in {1,...,5}{%
     \node[penta=1cm,fill=yellow,anchor=corner \i,rotate=-36] (t\i) at (s\i\j.corner \j) {t}; 
     \node[penta=1cm,fill=yellow,anchor=corner \i,rotate=108] (u\i) at (s\i\j.corner \j) {};
      \foreach \k in {1,...,5} {%
      \node[draw,penta=\l,anchor=corner \k,rotate=-36,fill=red] (t\i\k)  at (t\i.corner \k) {};}
      \foreach \k in {1,...,5} {%
      \node[draw,penta=\l,anchor=corner \k,rotate=108,fill=red]
            (u\i\k) at  (u\i.corner \k) {};}  
           \node[penta=\l,anchor=center,fill=MidnightBlue]  at (t\i.center) {}; 
           \node[penta=\l,anchor=center,fill=MidnightBlue]  at (u\i.center) {}; 
           \foreach \i in {1,...,5} {%
           \node[sub penta,fill=lightgray,anchor=center,rotate=36]  at (t\i\j){}; 
           \node[sub penta,fill=lightgray,anchor=center,rotate=36]  at (u\j\i){};     

   \foreach \i in {1,...,5} {%
      \fill[green] (ss\i.corner \h)  -- (t\l\h.corner \k) --
                   (u\i\j.corner \i) -- (ss\i.corner \k)  --
                   (u\i\j.corner \j) -- cycle;
 \foreach \j in {1,...,5}{%
    \node[penta=1cm,fill=yellow,anchor=corner \k] (xs\j) at (u\j.corner \k) {};
     \foreach \i in {1,...,5} {\node[draw,penta=\l,anchor=corner \i]  at 
                              (xs\j.corner \i) {};}
   \node[penta=\l,anchor=center,fill=MidnightBlue,rotate=36]  at (xs\j.center) {}; 
  \foreach \i in {1,...,5}{% 
   \pgfmathtruncatemacro\k{mod(\i+1,5)+1} \pgfmathtruncatemacro\h{mod(\i+2,5)+1}
  \begin{scope}[sub penta/.style= {draw,penta=\l},rotate=36+(\i-1)*72]
  \node[sub penta,red,anchor=corner 4,draw=black] (p1) at (t\j\i.corner \j) {};
  \node[sub penta,red,anchor=corner 3,draw=black] (p2) at (p1.corner 5) {};
  \node[sub penta,red,anchor=corner 4,draw=black] (p3) at (p2.corner 1) {};
  \node[sub penta,red,anchor=corner 5,draw=black] (p4) at (p3.corner 2) {};
  \node[sub penta,red,anchor=corner 1,draw=black] (p5) at (p4.corner 3) {}; 
  \fill[green] (p1.corner 5) -- (p3.corner 2) -- (p5.corner 4) -- (p2.corner 1) -- 
   (p4.corner 3) -- cycle;
  \fill[MidnightBlue!40,draw=black] (p1.corner 3) -- (p1.corner 4) -- 
                                    (t\j\i.corner \k)  --  
                                    (t\j\j.corner \i)  -- 
                                    (t\j\j.corner \j) -- 
                                    (u\j\j.corner \k)  -- (u\j\j.corner \h) -- cycle;        



   \begin{tikzpicture} [scale=2,
                         transform shape,
                         penta/.style= {shape                 =  regular polygon,
                                       regular polygon sides = 5,
                                       minimum size          = #1,
                                       inner sep             = 0,
                                       outer sep             = 0,
                                       anchor                = south,
                                       fill                  = lightgray}] 
      \begin{scope}[sub penta/.style= {draw,penta=\l}]
      \node[sub penta,red,anchor=corner 4,draw=black] (p1)  {};
      \node[sub penta,red,anchor=corner 3,draw=black] (p2) at (p1.corner 5) {};
      \node[sub penta,red,anchor=corner 4,draw=black] (p3) at (p2.corner 1) {};
      \node[sub penta,red,anchor=corner 5,draw=black] (p4) at (p3.corner 2) {};
      \node[sub penta,red,anchor=corner 1,draw=black] (p5) at (p4.corner 3) {}; 
      \fill[green] (p1.corner 5) -- (p3.corner 2) -- (p5.corner 4) -- 
                   (p2.corner 1) -- (p4.corner 3) -- cycle;      



  \draw[shift=(s.center),clip] (-54:\r) -- (18:\r) -- (90:\r) -- (162:\r) -- (234:\r) -- cycle;  




Altermundus 的可爱绿色星星,就像他的大部分代码一样,可以用一个简单的循环来实现。

    \noexpand\node[sub penta,red,anchor=corner #1,draw=black]%
      (p#2)\if0#3\else at(p#3.corner #4)\fi{};
  scale=2,transform shape,
    shape=regular polygon,regular polygon sides=5,minimum size=#1,
    inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,anchor=south,fill=lightgray
  \begin{scope}[sub penta/.style={draw,penta=\alterl}]
      \edef\x{\ydo 4,1,0,0;3,2,1,5;4,3,2,1;5,4,3,2;1,5,4,3;\ydo,,,;}\x
    \fill[green](p1.corner 5)--(p3.corner 2)--(p5.corner 4)
      --(p2.corner 1)--(p4.corner 3)--cycle;

