使用 AASTex 包制作科学表 - 有没有更好的选择?

使用 AASTex 包制作科学表 - 有没有更好的选择?



这是我正在制作的表格的一些代码。我不喜欢表格 1 中包含句点并且在第一页不居中的方式。不过,我确实喜欢它的整体外观。我尝试过其他格式并从头开始制作表格。我在 Google 上搜索,试图找出如何将第一个标题居中以及如何去掉句点 - 每个“解决方案”都会导致另一个问题。





%% LaTeX deluxetable generator for the AASTeX package.
%% Written by Greg Schwarz (5/1/2001).

%% Table generated: Sat Jun 23 16:44:36 2012

%% Remove the two lines and the last line if you want
%% want to incorporate this table into another LaTex document.

%% The values (usually only l,r and c) in the last part of
%% \begin{deluxetable}{} command tell LaTeX how many columns
%% there are and how to align them.


%% Keep a portrait orientation

%% Over-ride the default font size
%% Use 12pt
%% Use \tablewidth{?pt} to over-ride the default table width.
%% If you are unhappy with the default look at the end of the
%% *.log file to see what the default was set at before adjusting
%% this value.

%% This is the title of the table.
%%\tablecaption{Table 2}

%% This command over-rides LaTeX's natural table count
%% and replaces it with this number.  LaTeX will increment 
%% all other tables after this table based on this number

%% The \tablehead gives provides the column headers.  It
%% is currently set up so that the column labels are on the
%% top line and the units surrounded by ()s are in the 
%% bottom line.  You may add more header information by writing
%% another line between these lines. For each column that requries
%% extra information be sure to include a \colhead{text} command
%% and remember to end any extra lines with \\ and include the 
%% correct number of &s.
\tablehead{\colhead{Probe} & \colhead{Symbol} & \colhead{Probe} & \colhead{Symbol} & \colhead{Classification} \\ 
\colhead{} & \colhead{} & \colhead{} & \colhead{}  & \colhead{} } 

%% All data must appear between the \startdata and \enddata commands

225292_at & COL27A1 & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
226421_at & AMMECR1 & 230076_at & PITPNM3 & 99.0 \\
232149_s_at & NSMAF & 226576_at & ARHGAP26 & 99.0 \\
228904_at & HOXB3 & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
1568957_x_at & SRGAP2P1 & 206446_s_at & NA & 99.0 \\
203737_s_at & PPRC1 & 206446_s_at & NA & 99.0 \\
205731_s_at & NCOA2 & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
225263_at & HS6ST1 & 239132_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
239466_at & LOC344595 & 210247_at & SYN2 & 99.0 \\
205150_s_at & TRIL & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
227083_at & B3GALTL & 239132_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
1554500_a_at & RGS7 & 231916_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
1554500_a_at & RGS7 & 239132_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
225292_at & COL27A1 & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
226421_at & AMMECR1 & 230076_at & PITPNM3 & 99.0 \\
232149_s_at & NSMAF & 226576_at & ARHGAP26 & 99.0 \\
228904_at & HOXB3 & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
1568957_x_at & SRGAP2P1 & 206446_s_at & NA & 99.0 \\
203737_s_at & PPRC1 & 206446_s_at & NA & 99.0 \\
205731_s_at & NCOA2 & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
225263_at & HS6ST1 & 239132_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
239466_at & LOC344595 & 210247_at & SYN2 & 99.0 \\
205150_s_at & TRIL & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
227083_at & B3GALTL & 239132_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
1554500_a_at & RGS7 & 231916_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
1554500_a_at & RGS7 & 239132_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
225292_at & COL27A1 & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
226421_at & AMMECR1 & 230076_at & PITPNM3 & 99.0 \\
232149_s_at & NSMAF & 226576_at & ARHGAP26 & 99.0 \\
228904_at & HOXB3 & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
1568957_x_at & SRGAP2P1 & 206446_s_at & NA & 99.0 \\
203737_s_at & PPRC1 & 206446_s_at & NA & 99.0 \\
205731_s_at & NCOA2 & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
225263_at & HS6ST1 & 239132_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
239466_at & LOC344595 & 210247_at & SYN2 & 99.0 \\
205150_s_at & TRIL & 221605_s_at & PIPOX & 99.0 \\
227083_at & B3GALTL & 239132_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
1554500_a_at & RGS7 & 231916_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
1554500_a_at & RGS7 & 239132_at & NOS1 & 99.0 \\
%% Include any \tablenotetext{key}{text}, \tablerefs{ref list},
%% or \tablecomments{text} between the \enddata and 
%% \end{deluxetable} commands

%% No \tablecomments indicated

%% No \tablerefs indicated



正如我所写LaTeX 社区作为对你交叉帖子的回答带有 AASTex 的科学表 - 有没有更好的选择





