如果我创建一个包含多个(短)列表的表格,目前我使用带有 enumitem 的表格构造来(几乎)删除左边距。现在我在逐项列表的顶部和底部(上方和下方)仍然有一个相当大的边距。
Category 2 &
\item A
\item B
\end{itemize} &
\item C
\item F
\end{itemize} \\
除了使用 内部列表外,还有以下一些选项可供使用tabular
\usepackage{array}% http://ctan.org/pkg/array
\usepackage{enumitem}% http://ctan.org/pkg/enumitem
Original: \par
Category 2 &
\item A Here is some text that should wrap inside the list
\item B Here is some text that should wrap inside the list
\end{itemize} &
\item C Here is some text that should wrap inside the list
\item D Here is some text that should wrap inside the list
\end{itemize} \\
\verb|\textbullet| option: \par
Category 2 &
\textbullet~A Here is some text that should wrap inside the list \par
\textbullet~B Here is some text that should wrap inside the list &
\textbullet~C Here is some text that should wrap inside the list \par
\textbullet~F Here is some text that should wrap inside the list \\
Nested \verb|tabular| option: \par
Category 2 &
A Here is some text that should wrap inside the list \\
B Here is some text that should wrap inside the list
\end{tabular} &
C Here is some text that should wrap inside the list \\
F Here is some text that should wrap inside the list
\end{tabular} \\