




\newenvironment{entity}[1]{\refstepcounter{entity}\@startsection{entity}{4}{-1em}{\baselineskip}{.1\baselineskip}{\bfseries}{\theentity. Entity: #1}}{}


        \item Some text \label{label}!
        \item Some more text, oh and \autoref{label}.

Even more text and here: \autoref{label}.

    Referencing \ref{label} again.


现在引用是item 1item 11。但我希望将它们打印为item 1entity 1 item 11.1


\newlabel{label}{{1}{1}{\theentity . Entity: Test1\relax }{Item.1}{}}



这是我的建议。我只使用了非常强大的zref-package,它可以存储比标准 -command 多得多的(标签)信息label。此外,还有在环境中使用的新命令(\entityLabel和) 。我不想解释给定代码的所有行,因为我认为并行使用 -package 文档和注释行可以很容易地理解代码。\entityRefentityzref



% new properties in zref

% add the new properties to the main list

% define some hyper references




% counter for the entities

% prefix for all labels and references

% boolean to check if we work inside an entity environment

% the new entity environment
    \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\theEntityCounter. Entity: #1}
    \noindent\textbf{\label{\zprefix\entityTag}\theEntityCounter. Entity: #1}%

% a new label

% a new ref
% the output depends on the place where the reference is used
        % reference is inside an entity
        % compare the saved EntityCounter with the current EntityCounter
            % reference is inside the same entity
            see Item \entityRef@ItemCounter{#1}%
            % reference is in an other entity
            see \entityRef@EntityCounter{#1}.\entityRef@ItemCounter{#1}%
        % reference is outside of an entity
        see Entity "\entityRef@EntityName{#1}" (Nr. \entityRef@EntityCounter{#1}) Item \entityRef@ItemCounter{#1} on page \entityRef@EntityPage{#1}%


\begin{entity}{First Test}
    \item Some text with label \entityLabel{Entity1Item1}
    \item Some more text, oh and \entityLabel{Entity1Item2}
    \item More text \entityRef{Entity1Item1}
Refernce in text: \entityRef{Entity1Item1}\\
Refernce in text: \entityRef{Entity2Item2}\\
Refernce in text: \entityRef{Entity3Item2}\\

\begin{entity}{Second Test}
    \item Referencing \entityRef{Entity2Item2}
    \item Referencing \entityLabel{Entity2Item2}\entityRef{Entity1Item2}
    \item Referencing \entityRef{Entity1Item2}
\begin{entity}{Third Test}
    \item Referencing \entityRef{Entity1Item1}
    \item Referencing \entityLabel{Entity3Item2}\entityRef{Entity2Item2}
    \item Referencing \entityRef{Entity1Item2}


我认为,如果你有多个entity实例,每个实例都包含多个实例enumerate,你的读者很快就会感到困惑,因为有些项目仅通过其编号进行交叉引用(如果在当前环境中entity或在环境之外entity但在下一个entity实例启动之前),而其他项目则通过(罗马)实体编号进行交叉引用项目编号(如果在不同的环境中)。假设在同一个 中有两个交叉引用,第一个指向编号为 的项目,第二个指向编号为 的项目,entity您认为会发生什么情况?entity1II.1




(当然是在\makeatletter...\makeatother对内)。这将指示 LaTeX 在构建交叉引用的“编号”时,自动将实体的(罗马)数字加到编号前面enumi


根据 Holle 的回答,我构建了以下内容,它包含类似于\autoref和的功能\nameref(实际上是我所说的\doubleref;另见仅当有名称时才使用 \nameref)。此外,hyperref链接延伸到整个参考资料,仅直接指向该项目。以下是 MWE 版本:

\usepackage[colorlinks, linkcolor=darkred]{hyperref}

% new properties in zref

% add the new properties to the main list

% counter for the entities

% prefix for all labels and references

% boolean to check if we work inside an entity environment

% the new entity environment
    \@startsection{entity}{4}{-1em}{\baselineskip}{.1\baselineskip}{\bfseries}{\theentity. Entity: #1}

% a new label

% a new ref
% the output depends on the place where the reference is used
    %my zref version is too old for:
    %use instead:
            % reference is inside an entity
            % compare the saved EntityNr with the current EntityNr
                % reference is inside the same entity
                % reference is in an different entity
            % reference is outside of an entity
            % reference is inside an entity
            % compare the saved EntityNr with the current EntityNr
                % reference is inside the same entity
                % reference is in an different entity
                \csname\z@entitytype name\endcsname~\z@entitynr\-~\itemautorefname~\z@inr%
            % reference is outside of an entity
            \csname\z@entitytype name\endcsname~\z@entitynr\-~\itemautorefname~\z@inr%
            % reference is inside an entity
            % compare the saved EntityNr with the current EntityNr
                % reference is inside the same entity
                % reference is in an different entity
                \csname\z@entitytype name\endcsname~\z@entitynr\-~\itemautorefname~\z@inr%
            % reference is outside of an entity
            \csname\z@entitytype name\endcsname~\z@entitynr\-~\itemautorefname~\z@inr%

\renewcommand\theenumi{\roman{enumi}} \renewcommand\labelenumi{(\theenumi)}


\begin{entity}{First Test}
    \item Some text with label \ilabel{Entity1Item1}
        \item Some more text; oh and \ilabel{Entity1Item2}
    \item More text \iref{Entity1Item1}
Reference in text: \iref{Entity1Item1}\\
Reference in text: \iautoref{Entity2Item2}\\
Reference in text: \idoubleref{Entity3Item2}

\begin{entity}{Second Test}
    \item Referencing \iref{Entity2Item2}
    \item Referencing \ilabel{Entity2Item2}\iautoref{Entity1Item2}
    \item Referencing \iautoref{Entity1Item2}
\begin{entity}{Third Test}
    \item Referencing \iref{Entity1Item1}
    \item Referencing \ilabel{Entity3Item2}\iautoref{Entity2Item2}
    \item Referencing \iautoref{Entity1Item2}
